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c side

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Everything posted by c side

  1. Alll F2F Birmingham ........... Profile , location ..............suffolk
  2. No wonder you have been banned from 2 sites , with the attitude you have , and LIMITED knowledge that anyone can find on Google .
  3. Again all you seem to do is dodge the issue and try to imply others are to blame . You have done much damage too an already "flagging " section. You've been a member for 12 months and have , as far as i see , done your best to cause ructions , ridicule people , and try to belittle them . Your hell bent on lighting the fuse , but when the spotlight rounds on you , its someone elses fault , or you want to go to PM ( as you wont say things in the open ) I have asked countleas times what the problem is and STILL you decline to answer . I thought from the start that your a c**t , and it seems that
  4. I have the memebers full consent , now stop trying to divert attention , why the witch hunt ?
  5. Re the Pm Sign up to your own account Buster.You may find I will answer genuine pertinent questions if asked in a civil manner. This is a friend of mines account , and i chose to leave this site as people seema to have more enjoyment arguing and generally causing trouble than keeping the place going . As for asking in a civil manner , how many times and how many people have to ask the reasons before you actually give them ? If i were you ide tread carefully as there's ALOTmore people know about the hatsan sfs trick you tried to pull than you think !!! And as for posting under someone
  6. Maybe you should pm me as your very reluctant to relpy to any of my many requests for your reasoning ......
  7. Whats the gripe ? Why the constant need to stir it up ?
  8. Would expect nothing less from Tony . Fantastic news Simon , ATVB Buster. No i just wonder if as many will jump onto this to highlight the posatives , as they did the negatives on the other .
  9. If you can find brattonsound for £40 , i`ll have 2 . You can make them as long as their up to `scratch`
  10. As above , must be nice condition and in 100% working condition . 177 please ,
  11. Your better of on www.iaintgotafeckinclue/forum
  12. EZthumbs http://www.fookes.com/ezthumbs/
  13. anyone have some ferrets about there that would pop in and clear an small area for me ?
  14. why dont you talk to him , how easy is that ?
  15. Silica gel packs have been known to dry ALL the moisture from a stock and crack it if left in the case . You can get a similar thing specifically for gun stock use . Be very careful what you use ....
  16. With box , instructions , flip ups VGC in box , £120 delivered
  17. Yes a competent smith can do it , but you get some ( air rifle ) barrels that can be very fussy . Ive known some smiths do agreat job , with an 11 degree match crown , but others not so good and just face it off . This is where 'if it aint broke' comes into play . Its the obvious thing to do , cut the breech end , and i think any smith worth his salt would recomend this unless its shooting like a shot gun .
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