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Everything posted by kev2560

  1. engine size and pictures please kev.
  2. was his name kevin by any chance ?
  3. Hi Kev. A chap called Jim Entwistle makes them. They are a real godsend. PM me if you need more details. thanks for that, it wouldn't be jim aka (outflying)would it? if it is my dads in the process of getting one off him but cheers anyway kev.
  4. kev2560

    new bird

    he was told 1lb 4oz of a frend of the fella he got it off but the fella him self said 1lb 5oz to 1lb 6oz so i think he will have to just find his weight for his self.hopefully no matter what its weight is it will be good for magpies/partrige/duck/pheasant/ and so on cheers kev.
  5. nice pics mate,if you dont mind me asking where did you get your tail gaurd from?cheers kev.
  6. if you have your hart set on a g/s have a word with (bryn at armthorp falcons) he's got some of the best breeding stock iv seen hope this helps kev.
  7. as well as flying a harris i also go flying falcons on crow / rook with my dad and his mate we use a (f) peregrine a (f) pere/saker and a (f) pere/prairie all three birds are more than capable on the black stuff.my dad as allso tried 50/50 gyr /sakers and found them a little slower to come forword should we say.what i would surgest is have a good look at your land you have to hunt on and pick the best bird sooted to your land and that way you would be more likely to get better success i.e if your land is a bit enclosed go for somthing like a pere/prairie or a pere/saker but if your land is a b
  8. kev2560

    new bird

    my dad just bought a male gos for magpies he flys at 1.4 he has taken rabbit but hasnt been flown much ill try an get a pic up.
  9. kev2560

    new to forum

    thanks for the welcomes looking forward to a good season
  10. kev2560

    new to forum

    thanks very much
  11. kev2560

    new to forum

    hi new to all this so thought id just say hi , been around birds all my life but decided to get my own last year mhh (perry) . we had a good season he entered at 1.8 1/2 on rabbit an at the end of his first season was 1.9 1/4 and really keen i thought this was a really good weight for his first year . he is game aswell even chasing robins to hares even though he did turn off which i was glad of didnt want him to get a kick in .i had a mentor which was my dad who has had birds along time . cant wait for nxt season looking forward to gettin out as much as possible as im my own boss an cant ge
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