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About neil79

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 03/04/1979

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    country sports long live them

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  1. welcome to the site mate
  2. hi all any one running one and pics be nice boys and girls
  3. hi mate nice do that but id of bet a 100 pound that was a three qurter collie grey if u never said it was a sal grey gud 0luck with him
  4. i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly. for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected. usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep. for a dog then 2 treatments is enough. the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite. iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to b
  5. can sum one tell me other than a vet is there any other way of getin ride of this as i think one of me dogs is got in
  6. iv had a few of this cross as sum one said first lurchers i think the longer you leave this cross the better the more you show them at a young age can start them slowing up a bit just op
  7. realy like the look of her mate looks a handy sort
  8. hello mate what to the shoulder is she
  9. very very nice first x [bANNED TEXT] credit two you
  10. yep i got it and its a non stop action dvd just hope he got something else in the pipe line
  11. hello there has any one had a go at it and were thay succesful
  12. hi there have you any left and do thay do any good in the day mate
  13. hi mate have you a number four this person
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