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Everything posted by FUJI

  1. Thanks for the comments folk's,I'll get around to answering the questions asked when I'm back from doing the dog's this morning.. meanwhile here's a few pics from our recent adventures
  2. Both these we have go back to Remus & through him a dog called Shane which was a genuine first cross out of an undefeated dog called Nailer & a Greyhound
  3. If your lamping them then the law of averages says the majority will be fence bouncer's or caught in a ditch etc especially up north where the fields etc are much smaller than further down the road..perhaps down South it would be highly likely to be the total opposite to that. Running them daytime was a different thing as you were often pushing them from cover & into the open to run them,in the dark they almost always try to run to cover & therefore fences,hedges & suchlike.
  4. It sure does get your heart racing when you set eyes upon a few big lumps of venison..great thread folks,brave dog's & keen owner's I tip my hat to you all
  5. I owned such a dog myself Joe,best dog I've ever seen on Roe yet on the bigger species she would run onto them like an exocet missile then just slow down awaiting help,once knocked over by another dog she would do what needed doing but she just didn't have the want/heart to get up close & personal on her own with one of the larger species,fantastic on Roe as I said but most certainly wasn't one for the big lumps of venison. I've seen others do the same which weren't owned by me & just because they can knock a Roe or CWD over doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that they will
  6. She's just lurcher x lurcher bred matey,bit of everything in her bar bull I'd imagine,she's my Mrs dog,she does all the hard work with her,walking,feeding, obedience training,breaking to livestock, learning her to jump etc,I just take the pup now & again with my own idiot's to let her gain a bit of fieldcraft whilst out & about & hopefully to see a few odds & sods laid to rest by my useless gits.
  7. 5/8 Grey 3/8 Bull the dam to above mutt
  8. They certainly ain't all shite matey,I know of numerous tested to the hilt animals,not a backward step in them.. admittedly there is certainly more shite with idiot's that own them but the same can be said for all lurchers in general
  9. Young pup at 5 1/2 month's old learning a 'little bit' off old Boots this past week,she could do a lot worse than follow his every move.
  10. That's the very reason they should NEVER come home in the same motor as a decent dog or two Joe,they just ain't worth it.
  11. Smart animal,as an adult & a pup too,in fantastic shape & could obviously walk the walk..what's in the dog Blacky? Looks like a Saluki/Bull/Grey type?
  12. Fair play to you,I'd rather release what the dog's catch if possible & travel home with nothing but memories & my dog's sleeping here at home in their beds of a night..the end result doesn't need to be a dead body in my opinion
  13. If you had been before the court's before & lost dog's etc & or are out very regularly & having to drive long distances to work your dog's then I think what you've wrote would be very different in my opinion
  14. Just my tuppence worth regarding the big beasts & how my dog's dealt with them,It wasn't always possible for a dog to get one over & just hold it steady in a throat hold,some of them big boys have necks much wider than what you could wrap your arm around & a dog would be pretty ineffective attached to it in most cases or at least that's how I found things with my curs,I found that my dog's were extremely hard on them wherever they grabbed them,once they had 'disabled' them & prevented them from going anywhere then they proceeded to move to the head end,this was daytime & th
  15. Good reading,some cracking animals & beasts too..top stuff
  16. Had ourselves a wander out yesterday morning,was extremely tough going to be honest,we still managed to put some miles in out on the mountains. Where we parked must of been like the inside of a freezer,just look at the pic showing the temperature in the motor,my Garmin Fenix watch indicated that we walked almost 17 miles,a lot of that was due to having a long walk to get to the base of the ascent up the mountains as the road to my usual park was blocked due to snow/ice. You may see my minimum & maximum heart rate on that graph too,your max heart rate should be 220 minus your age,mine shoul
  17. I was planning on heading out this morning,I've been up since 1.30am,it was snowing really good at that hour but has since turned to rain here & you wouldn't know it had snowed at all,the reason i didn't venture out was the mountain weather forecast gave details of snow/sleet with winds of upto 50mph with a wind chill temp of -18C..I couldn't see it being too much fun on the high tops at daybreak so I'll head on up there tomorrow when at least its forecast less windy & temps only to get to about -10C & its to be dry & brighter too. This animal here hasn't the best of jackets &a
  18. Biggest fooking idiot ever to take a breath of air, hopefully the cnuts dead & buried!!
  19. Thank you Penda,I always try to do my best by them. They are all honest dog's without being world-beaters but I'm good with that matey .. Bear..
  20. Cheers Dodge,aye he's been a grand old servant to us for sure.
  21. Just old Canon dslrs mate,nothing fancy at all..I have a few Canon 7d,Canon 5d,Canon 650d,Canon 50d & a Canon 350d..don't get too mindset in high megapixels it means absolutely nothing unless your blowing pics up to poster size etc,a decent lens on any of the aforementioned cameras will get you decent pics,the 7d does take more pics per second than the others so for fast action pics it's a good choice. We're I to only own one I'd probably say the 7d of the one's I own but I do like the old 5d Classic. All just bought off eBay and none more expensive than £200
  22. I'm not going to lie BN my day's of fooking about up there are numbered,I'm getting too long in the tooth & my body is in bits mate,I'm here just readying to take these cnuts out now & I've got my knees & ankles strapped up plus my back too..ready for the scrapyard I am,this getting old is gold apparently
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