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Everything posted by FUJI

  1. Brilliant photographs!! Tidy animals too,cracking stuff.
  2. Hope your all up bright & early & readying for church this Sunday morning to go & repent your sins ..I'm away there shortly then off out for the day so I'll wish you all a great Sunday,have a tiptop day folk's.. adiós for now. Straight lined...ahhhh those were the day's
  3. Yeah it does a bit BN doesn't it..just a lot more open ground up there in Scotland where that is & the high point is only about half of what the Bowl is but I certainly can see why you said that ..hope your having a great weekend,cold but dry here this morning,just making a start with my pack of mongrels then off out hiking in the Lake District with the Mrs & a couple of mutts in tow..have a good un
  4. Rose on a mission up north of border
  5. Funny you should mention Whippet,I got my old Minshaw dog DNA tested & there was Whippet in it
  6. The two dog's I have out of Boots have both suffered major setbacks in their life mate,this dog here Bear broke his neck as a young dog,at the time he looked like he was going to make a serious dog,day or night came alike to him,very fast dog, brilliant retriever & regardless of how big or how hard it was he dealt with them,as a young dog he showed more wind than his sister Rose,obviously him breaking his neck stopped his progression in its tracks. I like the dog regardless of his disability,what he can still do he does it very well. Rose snapped both bones in her front leg back in Februar
  7. Lovely day for a wander..Boots overlooking Cogra Moss just a stone's throw away from our home
  8. Day over & week over for us lot, enjoy your weekend folks whatever you're doing take care everyone..over & out
  9. It'll of been one of the original ones from centuries ago that you seen at graft no doubt was it?
  10. I agree with you in regards to what was the main reason that brought our downfall,that being the Labour Party & their promise of banning hunting with dog's which had long been a controversial topic just to gain votes that would tip thing's in their favour at the election,if you can recall we got word that the Tories would reverse what Labour brought in if they regained power at the next general election,again to secure our votes,many voted for them only because of what was said in regards to the reversal of the hunting with dog's act,the politicians lied to us as they very often do. Being
  11. I just want to set the record straight here,I did mention about Boots having mated a bitch earlier this week & truthfully I didn't have a motive to promote that as a sales pitch nor as a motive to promote Boots up for stud. I'm sorry if it came across as that,it never crossed my mind at all, I was only putting it out there as hopefully being a turning point regarding the awful run of bad luck I've recently endured. I only started this topic as a bit of craic regarding my own dog's & our recent adventures, nothing more & nothing less than that,just a bit of banter & to share a f
  12. Good to hear your back at it so to speak,I'll not be doing any maths regarding what you've caught Joe but hope your keeping the dog's busy & enjoying running them again good luck for the remainder of this season & let's hope the dog's stay free of injury
  13. I started the topic back on the 15th December there wasn't any bitch in season to be mated that I knew about ,the lad only rang me this past Sunday to ask me about a mating,the bitch was mated on Monday & Tuesday of this week so my 'reappearance' as you call it was nothing to do or couldn't of been anything to do with what you mention.I didn't ask for a penny regarding a stud fee nor a penny for fuel to trail up into Scotland with my dog,the lad offered but I refused. I mentioned it because this past month or so has been nothing short of suicidal with all the bad luck I've had,I've had gra
  14. Those that read Darcy's last book may recall seeing a chapter titled the 'Beast of the Bowl'..well that is part of the bowl in this pic behind Boots just the other day,it's been a fantastic 'watering hole' forfor many year's..we have some great memories & some that I'd rather forget hunting up,on & around the bowl..have a tiptop day everyone,just away out with the mongrels now,watch how you all go
  15. What I've found is that there isn't much difference at all by changing the bulb,far more improvement by changing the head if you have them available or obviously get the next size lamp up.
  16. Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to this topic,I really appreciate all your comments.. keep at it folks,catch you all again soon. Rose..
  17. Like I said I do like my Cocker but she won't ever be a patch on my old Pomeranian Ruby ..
  18. Mine was bred by a fella who lives in the Eden Valley near Penrith Dodge
  19. This was last week when we lost the dog..
  20. My little Cocker is grand Dodge,yeah I like her mate,she's bred out of some good stuff,her parents worked on the moors & it's very easy to see that in her,she won't entertain thick cover but that's not a problem to me as there's nothing in the cover around these parts haha..she is the best natured dog I've ever seen in my life! She will get stuck into whatever the lurchers catch,teeth the lot,she's caught loads of rabbits when out on the moorland & or sieve type ground,like them all she's a brilliant retriever,loves water & is so easy to have around,she's a lovely little dog,her gr
  21. I hear you loud & clear matey,I know you've been on here a long while & have kept working dog's even longer & like you say if you do a bit quite regularly over a period of time it's unfortunate but it's quite likely at some point something untoward is going to happen to one of the team. It certainly does knock the wind out of one's sail so to speak but as you rightly say you've got two options they being quit or get straight back on your horse & you go again. In our case my lads already been back out with the little dog's & had a great day & I've been back out with the
  22. Thanks for the likes & such,I really appreciate it. When the s**t hit's the fan in life,you've gotta say f**k it & just go again..never surrender & never give in!! Catch ya's the next day.. thankyou
  23. 2024,I wonder what it has in store for each & everyone of us? Hopefully more good than bad although to be honest on a personal level I've had a horrendous start to the new year,on new year's day morning whilst out with the dog's my legs gave way & I ended up falling & a week & a half later I'm still black & blue,still the following day I was out with the terriers & put the first one in a place what has seen a 5ft shovel job & two which have been less than 2ft! Within 30 seconds of the dog going in the Bellman & Flint was showing 17ft 8! The dog held steady at th
  24. Bear with his sire Boots this morning..
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