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Everything posted by DoaS

  1. Hi all, I'm getting rid of my old .303 British, and .22/250 rifles. Their sale is being dealt with by my firearms dealer, but he wasn't interested in any of the reloading dies. So, here is what I have - I'm open to any reasonable offers. I'm happy to post out 2nd class parcels to keep costs down, and if you can get to me I'm just outside Falkirk in Central Scotland. Everything is in absolutely excellent condition. I have : Lee Precision Deluxe Die Set for .303 British Lee Precision Deluxe Die Set for .22/250 http://leeprecision....ifle-3-die-set/ Lee P
  2. I dont know why I only spotted this post now! Firstly "HI!" from another Falkirk member Now, my mate who has a HUGE property in Yorkshire would be the one to talk to about this - basically he runs it as a farm, and a grouse and pheasant shoot. Despite an excellent reputation for fabulous and challenging shoots it is still run by the family as 'an indulgence' - last I spoke money with him he reckoned they lost about £50,000 a year running the estate, but considering the amount of shooting they got from it, inculding days on other estates on the grouse in return for days given on theirs,
  3. I went out today on my new permission early doors this morning - a local golf course - 7 bunnies here from my 22 rimmy, and another one on the way back to the clubhouse
  4. same here lets hope that the young lads on here learn by his mistake , and how manny people drive around in four by fours with their rimmys loaded after rabbits me included at our age that should know better but we still do it . lets hope that the lad get well soon . W.D I've 'almost' done that - 22 rimmy, loaded magazine in, but NO ROUND IN THE CHAMBER - only load a round in when you have a target to shoot at!! It takes a second to chamber a round - no need at all to keep one up the spout unless you have a target in your sights!! As for the shotgun acci
  5. Charles declares war on the Grey Squirrel Go Charlie!!! Not often I agree with him, but behind him 100% on this one!
  6. Should also mention that I found the Lee book :Modern Reloading incredibly informative and useful when I was new to reloading - can't recommend it highly enough!!! It's THE reloading bible!
  7. I use a Lee Reloading Press Kit - it's set up doesn't look as grand as any of those pictures above though! Currently reload .303 and 22/250 Have a dedicated drill set up in a clamp to help with the trimming etc of the cases, and once you have the powder thrower set up it's very fast to do a load of reloads in one session. If I'm pressed for time I might sort the cases one night then load them up the next night.
  8. I'm betting that besides what's already been said about lead being critical, if you are a rifle shooter you may well also do one other thing that is a no-no with shotguns - you will 'stop' the gun when you pull the trigger - you've got to keep swinging the gun ahead of the target and keep the gun moving as you pull the trigger - don't stop the gun swing until well AFTER you have shot
  9. brno or cz 22lr - or consider a ruger 10/22 (that was my first rifle) - get permission on your license to get hollowpoint ammo - much safer as ricochet speed is vastly reduced, and killing power is massively increased.
  10. my brother in law lives over in the US - he has a semi auto handgun - looks very much lick a glock but is an Eastern European make that I forget at the moment. It's a 9mm. Ive been able to get groupings of under 15cm at maximum range in the indoor shooting range - I think about 25 metres - that's standing and taking my time over each shot
  11. Excellent! Looking forward to it!!!! Waiting for my Countryside Alliance membership pack to arrive so I have proof of insurance before I go and sort out details with the golf club. With the late light evenings I'm hoping for some good dusk action, and I'm happy to go out stupidly early every so often to bag a few at dawn....
  12. A mate of mine does it this way when he's shooting miles away from the car and doesn't want to have to carry a lofting pole as well as everything else : First, you ideally need full body decoys. Next, a stout short wooden pole with a fishing reel attached, and a catapult. Attach a weight to the end of the fishing line, ram the pole and reel into the ground aiming roughly at the tree the decoy is going into, open the bail arm on the reel and fire the weight over a high branch with the catapult. Takes a bit of practise! Retrieve the weight, untie it, attach the decoy to the line, now
  13. I'm new to this forum, but not new to shooting, and I have to ask this - why go for a FAC rated air rifle ???? They cost a load more than a .22 rimfire rifle, they need the same level of security etc as a normal section 1 firearm, and they lack the range of a .22 rimfire. the ammunition for .22 rimfire is still relatively cheap compared to the larger calibres, you can get subsonic hollowpoint ammunition for .22 rimfire which is lethal to rabbits, pigeons etc, and with subsonic ammo and a silencer on the rifle they are every quiet.. The ONLY thing I wouldn't do with a .22 rimi that you cou
  14. .22 rimfire for rabbits .22/250 for foxes .303 for deer 12 guage for pigeon Mind you, the .22/250 and the .303 weren't my choice - they were gifted to me by my shooting buddy
  15. Cheers, I'll go and meet them either this weekend or sometime next week and discuss all that - did kind of assume I wouldn't be allowed to risk slotting a few golfers Looking forward to seeing how it works out
  16. Just saying hello as newly registered I'm located up in central Scotland, firearms and shotgun cert holder, also do very occasional shooting down Yorkshire way. I've just been given permission to shoot rabbits and squirrels on a local golf course - anyone got any experience of this kind of shooting, and what kind of restrictions I can expect from the golf club? I guess it's not going to do to shoot rabbits etc in front of golfers :headshot:
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