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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Keep them clean, only feed meat at night does the job too.
  2. I meant legal advice, and they will meet legal costs in the event of a challenge or case in court that will set a precedent.
  3. do many ferret get victimized Ginger ones...
  4. I've got two dark, relatively small and solid hobs that are free to a good home - but not to someone who obviously knows f**k all about ferrets. LOL
  5. I'm with BASC because it's not just about insurance for me. Their firearms department helped me with a variation that I wouldn't have to without them, plus their legal advice & cover is second to none. Their cover is also on of "first resort" which means they pay out direct. Many ofthe cheaper ones will try and claim against other policy you have (house insurance etc). Because of the political campaigning and lobbying to protect the future of Fieldsports, I would only ever go with BASC, CA or NGO (for a brief while I was a supporter of all three, but it costs too much in the current c
  6. My two sandy hobs take on a ginger tint in winter, but in summer they are just cream coloured. Most ginger ferrets never survive, because they get bullied by all the other ferrets.
  7. We try and brash out the weekend or at very least the day before, but some of our permissions have to be done in a day because of the distance to them so we clear them first light and then do some easy ones until after lunch.
  8. Bingo Cookie. Every ferret is individual and there are plenty that buck the "rules". We've got jills that kill under more than hobs, hobs that are fast and keen, jills that are slow and methodical. Big jills, small hobs, lazy ones and mental ones. Anybody who says "jills do this, hobs do this" haven't owned or worked enough ferrets. What they mean to say is "I've only ever worked jills/hobs, but will give you my opinion anyway despite the fact I don't know any different".
  9. Yeah, we're not all gimmicky fashion breeders like Diggermad...
  10. You will keep posting this stuff though fella, despite knowing what happens every time someone mentions micro or EU...
  11. Leave the poor guy alone. He likes micro and Euro ferrets. If he wants to be a fashion ferreter then it's up to him, it gives his missus something else to breed next year and it makes them both happy.
  12. Carcinogenic = known to cause cancer.
  13. Jeyes is supposed to be carcinogenic, I use "formula H" (not to be confused with preparation H)
  14. If he told you his cock was a bloater would you believe him? It's a small ferret...
  15. Name, have a peek in the rehoming sticky at top of this section. Bound to be some in your area.
  16. It's ok guys, I've got this one... Micro Ferrets
  17. Give them the chicken but not the bones, they are brittle and will splinter.
  18. They also love banks, and will favour the side that is sunniest and best sheltered from the wind/rain.
  19. Plus he's being a dick about replies so doesn't deserve to be cut any slack.
  20. Hi fella, there's a stickied post at the top of this section for rehoming kits free. Anyone looking for ferrets is likely to go to it so you might get better luck there.
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