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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Conversations like this belong on the open forum, not PM, that way any newcomers to the sport can take note so they don't turn out to be dicks too... I won't comment further as it takes away from the OP, I just wanted to make him aware of the fact that Liam probably isn't the best one to take his jills.
  2. Because there's far too many dicks on here that don't care about the little heroes that they should look after. There will be people on here that are desperate for ferrets for the season, who are the same ones that gave them away in spring or sent to auction. You can't give up on a ferret because it bites, simple as.
  3. I certainly wouldn't put ferrets your way if you ditch them just because they are difficult. Handle it properly and give it time, you've been using gloves so it won't even know your scent. What willdo if you get latched onto by an excited ferret down a stop end, leave it there? If you can't invest the time in handling a ferret properly then get a different hobby like badminton, that way you only have to worry about the rackets when you get them out of the cupboard. If its only a pet and it was bought for his daughter whats the problem. He isnt talking about abandoning it. Hamster
  4. I certainly wouldn't put ferrets your way if you ditch them just because they are difficult. Handle it properly and give it time, you've been using gloves so it won't even know your scent. What willdo if you get latched onto by an excited ferret down a stop end, leave it there? If you can't invest the time in handling a ferret properly then get a different hobby like badminton, that way you only have to worry about the rackets when you get them out of the cupboard.
  5. BASC and CA both cover you , as long as it's for sport and not reward.
  6. It's just kit fat, no different to pups.
  7. I know someone that ferrets on NT land, but he is an employee so it's one of his jobs.
  8. If you are going to spend time knitting, it's best to use kosher stuff. Spun poly for me, I'm all for tradition but there's also a place for progress.
  9. They are only getting used to a glove, not your hand. Just man up and handle them with firm tenderness and respect.
  10. Got a few massive warrens that we have to steer clear of because of brock, we have to just stick to picking the bunnies off with the rifle when we get the chance.
  11. A good market is the BARF dog food market. Place by me has to import farmed rabbit from Shetlands to meet demand, hence the £1.50 price.
  12. I get £1.50 each and the place I sell them to sells them on, after dressing and packing, at £5 for two.
  13. So you are slapping £3.50 per rabbit, not sure how many overheads you have but that's taking the piss. Just seen you are knocking 20p pigeons out for £2 each. Jog on you robbing b*****d.
  14. For a quid? I get £1.50 for mine and I don't even have to gut them. Season hasn't even started properly yet anyway.
  15. All the best, the first permission's always a great feeling.
  16. Might just be they are clearing the dirty bedding out too.
  17. I have some smaller nets for tight spots where a big net might snag up, but the normal nets I make are 3'6"
  18. Well get off your arse and find some then.
  19. Tug


    Mine are sleeping in the hammock in their run, although that's more to do with the fact they kicked their bed box in front of the car flap so couldn't get back in the shed!
  20. Did you not read the sticky? What part of the sticky mentioned alcohol? What part of "don't put anything on it" wasn't clear? Glad it all worked out ok, but NO ALCOHOL!
  21. I'd start off mixing the biscuits in, it's always best to switch slowly anyway.
  22. Biggest thing to remember with your locator is make sure it's in your pocket before you backfill the hole...
  23. It won't hurt to leave it until tomorrow, it's more important to do it right than quickly...
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