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Everything posted by Tug

  1. I replaced all of the leather collars with nylon, because it also meant it was easier to pin a few extra holes in.
  2. Get the ferrets first and handle, handle, handle. Not working them doesn't ruin them, they stay home all summer. The best working ferrets have a long list of desirable traits, but the ferreter being able to go shoulder deep in a bury without getting nailed is high up on my list.
  3. ...and how much were you thinking of getting rid of these dark coloured ferrets for?
  4. Hunting with ferrets is illegal in USA anyway.
  5. A ferret from working lines can also make a good pet. A ferret from a pet shop might not have been imprinted with fur and feather as a food source and might be slower to take to hunting.
  6. I've done a lot of reservoir embankments.
  7. anybody . Well there's a boy ferret and a girl ferret...
  8. Never had any trouble with mine (touch wood).
  9. Cheeky b*stard, there was a scammer selling "customised rifles" that pinched a load of pictures off the BBS.
  10. You follow the string, so it means a lot of digging.
  11. How clean is your hutch? Are they on concrete? Is it too wet? These could be caused by being too wet,either through not having any dry areas to play in or through having to stand all over soiled bedding to go to the toilet.
  12. We did a hedged bank once, the bank had been created artificially by dumping a ton of spoil and clay on top of an existing sheep fence. There was then another fence on top as well as a couple of felled trees on top. If you can get behind the fence and squeeze along then it's hard work but worth it, you can lean through the fencing to set the ones within reach but the hard part is making sure the nets can still purse with a rabbit in. One thing I was always taught is that you should always set nets where you can get to them, there's no point in having to crawl on your belly to get to a rabbi
  13. We made that hole to get in to the hedge and work from the inside. The one we did the week before was holly and hawthorn, 60 yards long and with only 8" clearance between the top of the bank and the base of the hedge.
  14. I like to keep my hands free for opening gates, passing a hip flask around or unwrapping toffees. Good luck to you with your boxes, but I'll stick to my triple box of stinkers and bag full of nets, kit and flask cheers!
  15. Broke their teeth so they couldn't kill, muzzled them, used a line that could get wrapped around roots and strangle them, lost ferrets (like a lot still do today), kept quiet so the rabbits bolted easier.
  16. Sometimes you've just got to get in and under those hedges.
  17. Just an observation. You state that a normal box pulls you to one side, not if you balance it out with a bag of nets! Looks good but how do you carry the rest of your stuff?
  18. Mine knock the lid off anyway, just a box full of straw will do.
  19. I got mine from Solway feeders, mine aren't collapsible.
  20. Just use a "squirrel/mink" trap. Best results can be had by pre-baiting at the base of a tree in an area where they are known to be present/causing problems. Best I've had is 8 in 24hrs in 2 traps on the rear lawn of a country house.
  21. First lesson in the world of ferreting, a load of holes doesn't automatically mean it's riddled. I've got a few like that where previous populations have been wiped out by disease or predation (or last year's trip out ferreting)!
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