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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Could do with something like that, whack a link to bada-uk on there too.
  2. O'Tom tick removers are a piece of cake to use, available from most decent pet shops for a couple of quid. Don't bother with any of the old myths like Vaseline or alcohol, they can lead to some pretty nasty diseases being passed from the tick into the ferret.
  3. Sounds like it could be ticks before they are full of blood. Any chance of a picture? Have they been out recently?
  4. It is an offence to carry out any activity within 10 metres of an active set, and certain activities (including excavation) within 20 metres. From your original post I got the impression that you were bang on top of one. I'm not saying you are an anti, trolling is posting something controversial in order to provoke a strong response (like saying you are breaking the law by contravening the conditions of the Badger Act) Thanks for swearing in your post and then calling me simple, we all know that profanity is the first resort of somebody with nothing intelligent to say. I'm not simple, I'm a
  5. Not sure if you are trolling, but we all know you shouldn't be working a badger sett...
  6. Mine love a bit of liver or kidney at the end of a days work. My mates don't have good manners like mine and usually end up getting a bit of hand too :@
  7. Mine have food in 24/7 with the exception of when they are working I take their bowl out just before I lock up and go to bed. This was advice given to me by a very well known professional ferreter.
  8. It was very inconsiderate of the farmer to kill your sport in order to protect his livelihood. Only ever lost one permission to gassing because I didn't put the time in, lesson learnt. I've got ground I know I can ferret for sport, I've got land I have to be seen putting hours in and reduce numbers or get replaced.
  9. Love that first picture of the frost on barbed wire, that would make a great desktop...
  10. We've had wild poleys scuttling round in a warren we were working, definitely wild because it was off like a rocket when it saw us. Never seen a kill though, although I've seen some cracking footage of a weasel doing it's hypnotic "war dance" to catch a rabbit. Think it was one of Attenborough's things for BBC.
  11. Don't bother insulating the bottles, the stainless spout will freeze anyway which will stop your ferrets drinking anyway. Just keep a spare bottle in the house and swap it out a few times a day.
  12. I have a MK3m which I use with no problem. It's whatever you are used to that sets the bias.
  13. I've watched that video many a time, my favourite bit is at 2:20 when he says "that's a fryer" - WHACK - "what you say?"
  14. Wirral here too. Do you have any of your own gear and ferrets as I know a couple of experienced guys who don't have ferrets any more but have plenty of knowledge they could pass on. If you haven't got any gear then I can come out with you but it might be a while due to other commitments and days out.
  15. Throwbacks to keepers and warreners who uses to release them. It's easier to count 3 black rabbits in a field of normal colours as they are obviously different. If you noticed the black ones were missing then you knew you had poachers or predators.
  16. That looks like some stunning scenery but hard walking. It's a compromise I don't normally mind though.
  17. Lay up on a stop end 4' down and as I broke through the bugger ran up my back and got free.
  18. I start on 8 then go up two meshes every second row to either 14 wide (20 mesh for 3'6") or 16 wide (24 mesh just over 4'). I'm using a 2 1/8" mesh board so it's not exact measurements for the length/mesh combo.
  19. You don't have to breed them, but you either have to mate them with a vasectomised hob, get them spayed or have the vet give them a hormone injection. Ferrets are what is referred to as a "stimulated ovulator". When they come into season they will stay in season without releasing an egg until they mate, this can lead to severe anaemia and all sorts of infections as their back end is hanging out like a geordie lasses on a hen do.
  20. It's always worth sticking to it mate, even if you have to concentrate on the bitey one rather than your others whilst it's sorted.
  21. Wasn't aimed at you Adam. Gaz is trying to get rid of a jill in the rehoming section, then he's trying to get another in here
  22. Gareth, best of respect mate but wouldn't you be better just handling the poley Jill you are trying to rehome?
  23. Some drives call for different tactics. Some of our drives are useless if not done quietly, others take a bit of noise to move the birds on to the flushing point.
  24. I did, but perhaps I could have been a little clearer. Cheers
  25. Did I answer the question? Yes. There is no difference other than the colour of the plastic for the case. So how is that not helpful?
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