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Everything posted by Tug

  1. If he's a farmer, tell him how much they cost...
  2. More importantly, how the hell are you going to feed them until they go
  3. Tell him they are a waste of time, if he wants to collapse the warrens use a digger.
  4. I personally prefer the vas hob option unless breeding. Speying seems to create health problems later in life, certainly a higher occurrence of adrenal gland problems. I don't think a shot full of chemicals does much good either - especially if it can be up to 3 times and the vets want the cost of a full vial because the manufacturer insists it can't be kept open for more than 24 hrs and won't do smaller bottles. There's also the gamble of leaving them in season, but the camp is split on that one.
  5. What are the options Joe? As I've read enough posts on here saying you can't do this and you've got to do that, then someone will follow with, no you don't need to do that etc etc. Spey them, jab them, put a vas hob on them - an entire hob is only if you want to breed...
  6. Easiest way is to get the neighbours details off your landowner and knock on the door, introduce yourself and explain you shoot next door and ask if you can cross the boundaries because you've seen a lot of rabbits/foxes/whatever. If your landowner will give you a reference all the better...
  7. I have been wondering that recently, although it's an annual thing.
  8. Make that a lot of modification, the mesh needs to be a lot stronger to prevent determined ferrets from getting - plus they are a pig to get in and clean properly.
  9. Stop her dragging food back to the box, tie the rabbits leg to the side of the hutch. She can still tear flesh to take to the kits, but still leaves carcasse for you to take out when it's a bit old!
  10. Six-legged ferrets are better workers than micros and polecat hybrids, you'll shift them £100 each no bother!
  11. Make it easy to clean, everything else is secondary!
  12. That's why I've rigged up a camera in the nest box! Means I can keep a comfortable distance until she's ready to let me handle them. Last thing I want is the jill getting distressed from trying to look in or poke a camera in. If she's really that aggressive then maybe you are getting too close too soon.
  13. What they bring to the forum? You've obviously never been a forum moderator lol.
  14. I like Snatch, I could sit and look at it all day everyday...
  15. http://www.highland-news.co.uk/News/Smithton-ferret-thief-caught-on-CCTV-camera-19042012.htm 175 hours of community service. I'm sure he'd get worse if anyone who had lost their ferrets because of him got a grip...
  16. Better to separate them, usually no later than two weeks prior to birth so they can build their own nests and get comfortable.
  17. This is why you should always be suspicious of anyone rehoming "good workers" at the end of the season. I wouldn't let a proven good worker go, not for what it costs to keep them through the summer.
  18. Every now and then I leave mine switched on in the boot on the way home to completely drain the battery, then I leave it plugged in for a full charge rather than the usual top up it usually gets.
  19. What does it taste like? If it tastes a little bit like onion then there's a problem...
  20. So you got a decent bit for a fiver then?
  21. In case you have problems with one and have to intervene, won't cause the other one to turn on her litter. Also means you know which ones come from which.
  22. Seperate them no later than 2 weeks to delivery.
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