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Everything posted by Tug

  1. But moving fresh air through the hutch stops it becoming a sauna inside.
  2. I was about to post something along the same lines. If I had an animal in the back of my car I'd have been on the phone every hour until I'd either got it back or had information that it was in safe hands. Something doesn't sound quite right here...
  3. Mk1's still fetch a fair amount of money, so you might as well save up for a Mk3m anyway.
  4. Tug


    Wait at least a week, it will save any heartbreak. You aren't missing anything, they just look like little fingers with tails and tiny legs.
  5. Smoker and terriers, traps or use bait in proper bait stations.
  6. Free feed, same as you would an adult. Kit will eat more as they are growing still...
  7. You won't find kits that have been 'fixed', usually this operation is done at the start of their first season or when the testicles descend. I'm willing to bet you could get a couple of last years offspring from a rescue that will probably be cheaper than getting kits and having them done yourself. Or you can get kits this year and have them done next spring.
  8. Well I've got 20 in the freezer so far, I'll start with the half-growns and work up to big ones when they are ready. Might even throw in a hare if needed. Still got room for a lot more so I'll carry on with the rifle until the lid won't shut
  9. How much food are they going through? I'm planning for a rabbit a day plus dry but worried I might be underestimating their appetites.
  10. Doing well, still haven't managed a proper count but think there's 10 of them. I'm spending a lot of time filling the freezer now, chances are they are going to get through a lot of rabbits before I wave them goodbye.
  11. Six-legged ferret kits fetch big money at auction...
  12. How's the kits doing Tess? Mine dropped last night, we think 9/10 but can't make out exactly because the camera in her nest box doesn't quite catch the corner she's in.
  13. I use 1"x1" weldmesh, rock solid.
  14. Saves pratting around with batteries when your hands are cold...
  15. What are the laws relating to hunting using ferrets in South Dakota?
  16. Sounds like she's ready, just leave them to it but keep an eye on her neck. Have you put her in his hutch or him in hers?
  17. It is not unheard of. Is the jill ready, how swollen is her vulva?
  18. Given up on the old ones pretty quick... Best of luck, hope they get found ok.
  19. I'll be getting a shed towards the end of summer when I've got some spare cash. My intention is to create a mesh door to enable me to leave the main door propped open in the day.
  20. Magnetic collars are far easier to manage than the original Mk3, as far as I'm aware they come supplied with a keyring to switch the collars too so it doesn't matter if your box doesn't have the magnet in the case.
  21. Yours look pretty healthy, hope mine turn out nice and strong. The mother is a bloody meat seeking rocket and the dad's a good worker too so I'm hopeful of some good stock off them. I'll be keeping three and swapping one with the hob's owner for one of his other line. She's nice and dark, and quite small, so I'll be putting ads up for EU micro's pretty soon
  22. I've been filling the freezer for a couple of months. Got a ton of minced goose and rabbit to keep her topped up and help weaning, got a load of chopped liver frozen into cubes to keep her iron levels up and I've been cramming as many rabbits into my freezer as I can. Buying a chest freezer next week to get even more, otherwise it's going to be a tough 8-10 weeks of feeding a ferret army. I'm just hoping that all goes well and the kits are healthy.
  23. Due this weekend. Hob was put to her on Friday and left in for the week, day 42 will be Friday 12th. It's Beaphar malt.vitamin paste all over her face and claws, I'd just weighed her and the paste is all I've got to keep her still on the scales.
  24. Just saying, all of mine are handled every day. It's not like a pregnant jill doesn't show lol...
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