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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Tug


    Yup, and even worse that people buy them...
  2. My old spayed Jill used to go like that every summer, it's a combination of hormone imbalance and summer moult.
  3. I do spend a lot of time arguing with the anti crowd. You seem fixated with my user name, have you considered it might be associated with work activity rather than something sexual?
  4. I haven't failed to grasp the point at all. But you've completely failed to grasp mine. I see the point you are trying to make, but it's fairly minor compared to other issues. If you think a little bit of banter would give the public a poor view of the country sports fraternity then I suggest you read some of the other posts on this fine message board to get a grasp of the bigger problem that faces us.
  5. A second litter might be too much for her to cope with, it takes a lot out of them being pregnant so twice in a year could finish her.
  6. Silly question, but has he still got his nuts? Give his pouch a GENTLE squeeze (like pissing a rabbit) and make sure there's still a couple of marbles in his pouch.
  7. Sarcastic jokers aside, it's the incoherent rants that give us a bad image. Well done. I would class my comment as far from incoherent, im just trying to decide whether your comment was directed at me or those other 'sarcastic jokers' ............ please enlighten me? Ok, less "incoherent" and more "poorly structured". I still fail to grasp how sarcasm and a sense of humour gives us a bad name when this site is full of people who openly post about poaching and running dogs.
  8. Some would say that EU hybrids are just a myth, started by those who wanted to make more money selling dark ferrets, perpetuated by the gullible souls who believed them. Similar to the selective breeding of runt to runt to make the super micro ferrets we all hear about.
  9. Sarcastic jokers aside, it's the incoherent rants that give us a bad image. Well done.
  10. Nice looking litter of dark ferret kits there mate.
  11. Albino's don't have red eyes, but the lack of pigment (main definition of albinism is a lack of pigmentation, hence the white coat) means you can see the colour of the blood vessels behind the eye. Most ferrets have eyes that appear a deep ruby red in certain light, it's the same blood vessels that seem darker because they are viewed through pigmented eyes.
  12. No, just put the address/location of your main permission in the relevant box as they will class the ground on your form as "good reason". Give the FEO details of the other land when he comes out, or send copies in with your application. As long as the keeper has known you long enough, it shouldn't be an issue. It's bound to be a good endorsement that somebody with experience of firearms is prepared to let you shoot on his land.
  13. You'll find the ferrets will do well to get under the tanks, the foundations are usually bloody deep. Most rabbit activity is usually around the edges and rarely goes underneath.
  14. You don't have to start a new thread every 12 hours
  15. You only need to actually have one piece of land on your application, and even that won't actually end up on your ticket unless they are being overly restrictive. Most closed certificates have the wording "where the holder has lawful authority to shoot, that has been deemed suitable by the Chief of Police for that area". Stick your main one down on the application, then include the other locations as separate attachments so they can be checked/cleared as necessary.
  16. The embankments are usually quite sandy too, make easy digging. Just watch out for telemetry cables and power lines if you are doing any serious spade work.
  17. They can come back in after a jab too, especially if given early in the season. Your hob will lose weight through summer anyway, you can help him out by giving some cat milk (gives more fat in his diet).
  18. Wait longer than that, at least 8 weeks minimum.
  19. Anybody else notice that the OP says the Jill was in kit when he got her? You've got an unknown/unproven Jill, in lotto an unknown hob and you are SELLING the kits? Peddler.
  20. Mine get a good coat of looking at 3 times a day. Like The One says, I take any leftovers out and skip them out in the morning and give them a check over when they climb over me which usually leaves my work clothes smelling of ferret. I give them a good bit of fuss when I get in from work and give them some paste or a little bit of offal that they chomp down. I have a bit of a play with them again last thing at night when I throw in a rabbit or pigeon once the flies are away. Most days they get about 30 minutes of handling, occasionally if I'm rushed then they get a scratch on the belly and
  21. Just out of interest, what were the circumstances that led to your van being seized and you held for 14 hours?
  22. I use a Mk3, and whilst one of my buddies uses a Mk1 the newer model beats it hands down. Those that tell you that a Mk1 is better either can't use the Mk3 properly or are just too used to the older kit. As for feeding, mine have free access to dry food 24/7 and get fur or feather every night except when I'm working them, I take their food out last thing at night before a trip.
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