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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Releasing any animal without proper provision for it's welfare and safety is abandonment under the Animal Welfare Act. You would have to be certain that the area you release them in could support them, had adequate food and shelter. It's one of the reasons that the RSPCA always deny "releasing" foxes, because it's abandonment pure and simple.
  2. But it's better to have a spare spade in the car than in the shed two hours away, I've always got an extra one in the boot of the car and I carry a spare battery for the locator in my bag, cold weather can have strange effects on battery life and a locator is pointless without power.
  3. Just out of interest, if most of them have been found wandering locally - is there not just a chance they escaped?
  4. That's mighty nice of him, selling them at the end of the season. Of course if they were that good he'd keep them through the summer and work them next year too.
  5. Hard work on anything other than a little dig.
  6. Search back 12 months, you will find similar posts. Go back another year and it's the same.
  7. http://www.toolstation.com/m/part.html?p=71899 You can thank me later.
  8. I have a bulldog rabbiting spade but have found it wanting in anything other than the shallowest digs. The angle of the neck is too small so it's no good for lifting earth. Now got one of these http://www.toolstation.com/m/part.html?p=71899 and it's brilliant. Still keep the rabbiter in the boot in case we have any root work to do.
  9. Spare bottles swapped in morning and at night will do. No need to add any stuff to the water, wrapping doesn't stop the spout freezing. Spare bottle is a couple of quid and I usually have a couple on in summer anyway to keep down competition for the spout.
  10. Rotating is best, we usually work four ferrets in alternate pairs. Have enough collars to drop them all in but it rarely happens and we have a "clash of personalities" with my hobs and any other ferret so tend not to.
  11. If you are here as a student, will you be staying in the UK or returning home? Ferrets are a long term commitment so I don't think you should get any unless you are staying in the UK
  12. Poorly researched and poorly written. The 'natural habitat' of the ferret is a hutch or court, being a domesticated animal.
  13. Not sure about the baterys mate but I believe the 3m has the pinpointer knob on the back and the 3 doesn't atb Both got pinpointer. The "M" stands for magnet, if it's got a dot and an arrow at the bottom (where the magnet is) then it's a 3M
  14. With the exception of a magnet in the bottom of the casing for switching off the collars, the locators are exactly the same. As for collars, I've only used the magnetic ones. Mate has the original mk3 collar and taking out batteries to switch off seems a bit of a faff to me.
  15. I've put a pallet in their run, to give them a chance to get off the wet floor when outside.
  16. Have you read the posts above?
  17. I bet you have trouble putting on trousers too don't you?
  18. Deben guarantee all new finders (mk3m then) for 12 months against defect in material or workmanship. A lot of people have different opinions as to whether they prefer the older boxes, but a lot of it's down to being comfortable with what they have.
  19. Tug

    deben mk3m

    Try it with 4 under General rule of thumb is that we note where the signals hover so we've got "areas of interest". Once we're sure there's a bunny stopped up we'll lift the other ferrets as they show and box them up, it's far easier and safer digging to just one ferret (don't get any diving under the spade for a start!)
  20. Tug

    deben mk3m

    When they are close you will get a double bleep.
  21. Right, lets get this straight once and for all: A rabbit in a stop end will sit tight regardless of whether it can get past the ferret or not so size and gender have NOTHING to so with it. Jills tend to be much faster than hobs and are also quicker, so are actually more likely to get over the back of a rabbit to kill. Some ferrets are better at killing than others. My hobs never kill, the jill we work has a real knack for it. I'd suggest people comment using knowledge and experience, rather than recycled opinions they've read on the Internet.
  22. Slimming World, although they have to do the "extra easy" becasue the green days are just vegetables...
  23. This type of thread comes up all the time, rabbit populations vary constantly.
  24. How the hell will a ferret fit down a mouse hole? Ferreting works on the premise that quarry flees the pursuing predator. All a mouse has to do is rocket into a small gap or hole. Stick to traps or poison.
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