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Everything posted by AlbertJ

  1. The 24th ANNUAL ALL IRELAND TERRIER, LURCHER & WHIPPET CHAMPIONSHIPS At THE IRISH GAME FAIR www.irishgamefair.com SHOWING CLASSES on SUNDAY 26th June SUPREME CHAMPION Barbour Coat value £400 CHAMPION TERRIER £50 sponsored by Premier Event Catering + Tankard + Dog Food CHAMPION LURCHER £50 sponsored by Premier Event Catering by Tankard + Dog Food The Champion Lurcher qualifies for the Redmills Five Nations International Lurcher Final at Birr Castle on the 29th August (and some travel expenses payable at Birr) and also receives four tickets to the Birr
  2. No - we work with all the major organisations in Ireland including NARGC, FISSTA, CAI - all of who have many more members than BASCNI, so to be fair to all organisations ( and these organisations all make a more major contribution to our fairs than BASCNI) we took the decision to help all the organisations( including BASC) by subsidising their stands and let them subsidise their members. We did offer a FREE ticket to Shanes Castle to everyone who purchased a ticket at the Ballywalter Fair - again we thought that this was a fairer way to make a gesture to the whole field sports community
  3. you could have got someone that works there lurchers. why would the man do that.sure less than half that show their lurchers work them and less than a quarter that race their lurchers hunt. But i have yet to see one of the show race people with a mangy half starved lurcher but i see plenty out hunting and in working yards hardly what you would want on the pictures of a press release prmoting lurchers and terriers. The days of a lurcher and terrier show with all workers is a thing of the past. I hope to be workin my dogs long into the future glad your not speaking to the MPs next week or
  4. Fairplay, You certainly can stir up a 'hornet's nest' I am sorry I didn't get to see the Terriers & Lurchers at Moira but I went in the front entrance and after I had a walk round the fair and looked at the gundogs I was disinclined to go out to the clays or terrier & lurchers. However I cannot believe it was as bad as you say. I am not the biggest fan in the world of the guys who run the Moira Fair BUT I have always said they do a fair job of organisation on a site that I looked at several years ago and ruled out as unsuitable. They have made it work - yes it lacks the a
  5. No - we work with all the major organisations in Ireland including NARGC, FISSTA, CAI - all of who have many more members than BASCNI, so to be fair to all organisations ( and these organisations all make a more major contribution to our fairs than BASCNI) we took the decision to help all the organisations( including BASC) by subsidising their stands and let them subsidise their members. We did offer a FREE ticket to Shanes Castle to everyone who purchased a ticket at the Ballywalter Fair - again we thought that this was a fairer way to make a gesture to the whole field sports community
  6. Congratulations on getting this event off the ground. Can I remind lurcher owners that this is the last Irish qualifying heat for the Redmills Master McGrath Challenge The REDMILLS MASTER McGRATH CHALLENGE TO FIND THE FASTEST LURCHER IN THE UK and IRELAND This is a competition that has excited great interest all over Ireland and the UK. A number of qualifying heats have taken place and others are planned for the GRAND FINAL over 150 yards to take place at Shanes Castle on the 25th June 2011. Please note there will NOT be a heat at Shanes Castle but after the final, the normal ALL I
  7. No - we work with all the major organisations in Ireland including NARGC, FISSTA, CAI - all of who have many more members than BASCNI, so to be fair to all organisations ( and these organisations all make a more major contribution to our fairs than BASCNI) we took the decision to help all the organisations( including BASC) by subsidising their stands and let them subsidise their members. We did offer a FREE ticket to Shanes Castle to everyone who purchased a ticket at the Ballywalter Fair - again we thought that this was a fairer way to make a gesture to the whole field sports community
  8. No - we work with all the major organisations in Ireland including NARGC, FISSTA, CAI - all of who have many more members than BASCNI, so to be fair to all organisations ( and these organisations all make a more major contribution to our fairs than BASCNI) we took the decision to help all the organisations( including BASC) by subsidising their stands and let them subsidise their members. We did offer a FREE ticket to Shanes Castle to everyone who purchased a ticket at the Ballywalter Fair - again we thought that this was a fairer way to make a gesture to the whole field sports community
  9. Jackpot, Will ask our organisers to make sure owners race in the corect class. Albertj
  10. Fairplay, I did not pick the judge last year I suggested we get a judge who did not know anyone here to judge and Joe was suggested. After discussion with the club we was appointed. I had first met him many years ago when I took a dog over to Brian Plummer in Scotland. He was a friend of Brian Plummer's for many years and I am sure picked up a little first hand and second hand knowledge along the way! I know he does keep and work terriers. I was satisfied that he judged fairly - he certainly did not know the owner so he could not be accused of bias. Many people were pleased that he
  11. Congratulations to Denned for qualifying at the Duke of Buccleuch Hunt Show in Scotland for the Master Mc Grath final at Shanes Castle. This is shaping up to be the racing event of the year. AlbertJ
  12. Fairplay, Matt Lee is 'not in charge' of the Irish Game Fair at Shanes Castle our team are, with me at the head. As anyone knows from this forum I have taken a personal interest in the Terrier & Lurchers at our shows and that includes an involvement in getting good prizes and trophies and in helping select good fair judges. Ballywalter was the first of the shows run under a new regime and I selected and purchased the trophies myself and I was more than happy with Matt's selection of judges. I have heard no complaints about either trophies or judges at Ballywalter. I had no i
  13. Denned, Congratulations - hope you can get across. See my latest post on the fair to see an extra prize for runner up in the Master Mc Grath. AlbertJ
  14. Tango, Thanks for your comment - I didn't mind the stick because out of it came several positive ideas and even more positive ideas for the future. Although Ballywalter ran on a bit ( as did Mourne) due to the number of dogs - both shows enabled me to spend time, meet and talk to a lot of enthusiasts (and I mean enthusiasts) about what they want from their sport, shows etc. I am always willing to listen to positive ideas and even address negative ones! We have come a long way with our terrier and lurchers over the last couple of years but anyone who knows me realise that I seek co
  15. Tango, Thanks for your comment - I didn't mind the stick because out of it came several positive ideas and even more positive ideas for the future. Although Ballywalter ran on a bit ( as did Mourne) due to the number of dogs - both shows enabled me to spend time, meet and talk to a lot of enthusiasts (and I mean enthusiasts) about what they want from their sport, shows etc. I am always willing to listen to positive ideas and even address negative ones! We have come a long way with our terrier and lurchers over the last couple of years but anyone who knows me realise that I seek co
  16. Our brand names and trade marks of the Irish Game Fair and Irish Game and Country Fair are important to us not only because we have spent a great deal of money in promoting them but also because they are very personal statements of what we believe is the best way to organise an Irish game or country fair and its associated events and competitions. They are also a personal statement of the commitment and high standards that we bring to these events. The brand name of an event that has similar attractions and is staged at Moira is the National Countrysports Fair. We don't mind competition if
  17. CG The terriers events are on the Saturday 28th at Moira and no one is quarantined in a bog at the front of the show. All those entering the lurcher, terrier and whippet events, like everyone else, are entitled to pay the adult entry fee if they want to see round the rest of the show but if they do not wish to they can still enter the showing and racing activities separately. We the event organisers meet with the organising club well in advance of the shows each year and agree where the showing and racing will take place and in what format. The ground conditions are not moss and peat so th
  18. CG The terriers events are on the Saturday 28th at Moira and no one is quarantined in a bog at the front of the show. All those entering the lurcher, terrier and whippet events, like everyone else, are entitled to pay the adult entry fee if they want to see round the rest of the show but if they do not wish to they can still enter the showing and racing activities separately. We the event organisers meet with the organising club well in advance of the shows each year and agree where the showing and racing will take place and in what format. The ground conditions are not moss and peat so th
  19. CG The terriers events are on the Saturday 28th at Moira and no one is quarantined in a bog at the front of the show. All those entering the lurcher, terrier and whippet events, like everyone else, are entitled to pay the adult entry fee if they want to see round the rest of the show but if they do not wish to they can still enter the showing and racing activities separately. We the event organisers meet with the organising club well in advance of the shows each year and agree where the showing and racing will take place and in what format. The ground conditions are not moss and peat so th
  20. Tango, Thanks for your comment - I didn't mind the stick because out of it came several positive ideas and even more positive ideas for the future. Although Ballywalter ran on a bit ( as did Mourne) due to the number of dogs - both shows enabled me to spend time, meet and talk to a lot of enthusiasts (and I mean enthusiasts) about what they want from their sport, shows etc. I am always willing to listen to positive ideas and even address negative ones! We have come a long way with our terrier and lurchers over the last couple of years but anyone who knows me realise that I seek co
  21. CG The terriers events are on the Saturday 28th at Moira and no one is quarantined in a bog at the front of the show. All those entering the lurcher, terrier and whippet events, like everyone else, are entitled to pay the adult entry fee if they want to see round the rest of the show but if they do not wish to they can still enter the showing and racing activities separately. We the event organisers meet with the organising club well in advance of the shows each year and agree where the showing and racing will take place and in what format. The ground conditions are not moss and peat so th
  22. TERRIER and LURCHER OWNERS WELCOME TO COMPETE WITHIN OUR FAIRS NOT OUTSIDE OUR FAIRS We at the Great Game Fairs of Ireland would like to make it clear that we provide first class showing and racing facilities for Terrier, Whippet & Lurcher enthusiasts inside our fairs. I have to admit that prior to me coming on this forum and receiving, the sometimes robust comments about prizes and entry fees, I had rather left both up to our organising club and prizes had certainly fallen behind my own interests of shooting and gundogs. Now my colleagues think I am in danger of giving terrier and
  23. We have been asked about Lurcher puppy racing. I know there are some people both for and against this. Can we have your views on puppy racing and if we go with it what age bracket would you put in. Albertj
  24. Des, Good to hear Seamus is on the mend. It was unfortunate that on top of everything else he hurt his leg badly which affected his mobility badly. Glad to hear that he is getting well enough to consider being involved in Florence Court. Let me have your results of the qualifiers as soon as possible. Albertj will there be lurcher puppy racing? I am not involved in Florencecourt so can't advise. With regard to Shanes I will discuss this with Matt Lee. Alberj
  25. The Irish Game Fair Shanes Castle, Antrim on the 25th & 26th June looks certain to set new records for overall attendance and for shooting, fishing and working dog attractions and competitions. Shooting – the fair with the largest range of guns and best clay prizesIf you are a shooter you will not want to miss the greatest shooting show ever mounted in Ireland with the largest display of gun dealers and guns ever seen at any Irish fair and some particularly unique attractions plus one of the best clay layouts with the best game fair prizes. For the first time ever at any Irish
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