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Everything posted by AlbertJ

  1. No we want be at man a war show this year ...i never got the dogs to the beach last year, hope to get them to the beach this year, better than any racing or showing... Bluebell, Now at Ballywalter Fair you can have racing, showing and one of the best beaches in NI! Lord D had offered to sell me a cottage on the beach and big regret I didn't buy it as this uncrowded beach is great for dogs! Albertj
  2. Johnny, Will talk soon about qualifiers - but as Shanes Castle is my 50th Game Fair I intend to make every facet of it as attractive as possible to make it a real celebration of ALL of the country sports. This year the show at Ballywalter does not clash as we are running 5th & 6th May so I expect to see you at Ballywalter! Best wishes for 2012. Albert
  3. And a happy New Year to you Pigsy. When Tango came up with what I thought was a great idea last year we were more than happy to support it AT HIS SHOW. We are always happy to offer support to good ideas that help promote our sports and give pleasure to both competitors and audience both at our own events and at other events. Over 30 years few if anyone who has approached us for sponsorship has been turned away without getting at least some prizes. This year Tango felt that he wanted to widen the event beyond his own show and give MORE PEOPLE throughout Ireland the chance to compete a
  4. Blueone, I understand there were some problems in 2010 at Birr with some persons, who it was claimed were travellers, hassling a few people about selling their dogs. This hassle was verbal only and not at all physical. Unfortunately it was not reported to our stewards, our security or the garda present or indeed us as organisers, until after the event. So obviously we could do nothing about it. It was not widespread at the fair and appeared to be limited to a small number of incidents around the terrier & lurcher ring. In fact the Garda report on the 2011 fair claimed no trouble wha
  5. Kegs, It was a great idea by Tango last year and I was delighted to help sponsor it. It was a fun event and really did grab the interest. We had several approaches to put a similar competition on at our fairs I tend not to copy other events and generally we like to come up with our own novel competitions. I felt that since Tango had come up with the idea we would support him with it at his own event. Tango is very outward looking and felt the competition could forward on a truly all Ireland basis. He suggested to me that the final could be staged at Birr and I was very happy to agree.
  6. Blueone, I understand there were some problems in 2010 at Birr with some persons, who it was claimed were travellers, hassling a few people about selling their dogs. This hassle was verbal only and not at all physical. Unfortunately it was not reported to our stewards, our security or the garda present or indeed us as organisers, until after the event. So obviously we could do nothing about it. It was not widespread at the fair and appeared to be limited to a small number of incidents around the terrier & lurcher ring. In fact the Garda report on the 2011 fair claimed no trouble wha
  7. Thanks for your offer of assistance. This would be similar to the gundog scurry and we would be happy to lay a fenced area aside for it. Would be good to extend it to also testing for heelwork and sit/stay etc. Also if we can get half a dozen or more dogs would make a decent arena display. Now any other offers of help and further ideas on this? AlbertJ
  8. Always happy to take reports/news from new writers/readers. Everyone has at least one or two memorable experiences to share. Albert
  9. John was delighted to pick up the portrait of China by internationally acclaimed artist David L Prescott. The portrait was part of the prize for winning the inaugural 2011 Redmills Master Mc Grath Final at Shanes Castle. David Prescott has a unique talent for painting and is available to take commissions for all types of animals.
  10. Well we are trying out best on admission prices with everyone purchasing a ticket for Ballywalter getting a half price admission voucher for Shanes AND a half price admission voucher for Birr. All our events have an entry fee with the organising club taking the entry fees and rather than subsidise entry fees I would like to have even better prizes at Shanes this year. However if you were to volunteer to organise an event - you would of course get free admission and the entry fees! Albertj
  11. Dessie, Good suggestion and for Ballywalter we will split the puppy classes for Terriers & Lurchers AND to celebrate our 'Golden Year' celebrating our 50th fair at Shanes Castle we will split most of the classes for terriers and lurchers. Best wishes to you for Christmas and a successful year in 2012. Albert
  12. Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine - available both in hard copy glossy and FREE to READ online at www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com has started a junior section where young enthusiasts can record a particularly memorable experience in their pursuit of country sports. For each article published there is a £20 'fee' plus the best story each year wins £50 donated by Smyth's Countrysports from Coleraineplus two tickets to one of the Great Game Fairs of Ireland www.greatgamefairsofireland.com
  13. Thanks for the suggestions to date. I know I and other event organisers have been addressing how to give something analagous to the gundog working test for terrier & lurcher owners to simulate and test working ability. I would be delighted to stage something on the obedience front at Ballywalter on the Saturday and possibly also at Shanes and Birr on the Saturdays BUT have we any volunteers to organise it? It can be a main arena display and/or a competition. Regarding a terriers maze I know a number of people have also been working on this idea and like the excellent digging compet
  14. The Winter edition of Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine - Ireland's premier hunting, shooting,fishing and gundog magazine is now available FREE to READ online at www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com. Also available in hard copy in newsagents and a subscription offer with FREE Game Fair ticket is available from me at irishgamefair@btinternet May I wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and hopefully a better new year. Albertj
  15. The Winter edition of Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine - Ireland's premier hunting, shooting and fishing magazine is now available FREE to READ online at www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com. Also available in hard copy in newsagents and a subscription offer with FREE Game Fair ticket is available from me at irishgamefair@btinternet May I wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and hopefully a better new year. Albertj
  16. The Winter edition of Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine is now available FREE to READ online at www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com Also available in hard copy in newsagents and a subscription offer with FREE game Fair ticket is available from me at irishgamefair@btinternet Magazine features a good interview on working terriers with Neil Cooney for new series 'Terrier & Lurcher Talk'. Suggestions for other interviews welcome. May I wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and hopefully a better new year. Albertj
  17. For what type of dogs? Last year at Shanes the two finalists in the gundog scurry run over Ballywalter & Shanes were an 11 yo girl and a 13 yo boy. Happy to look at Junior competitions for most of the competitions. Thanks for your suggestion. Albert
  18. In 2012 we celebrate a real milestone in irish Countrysports history in that our Shanes Castle event will be the 50th game and country fair organised entirely by our team. Actually if we count in other fairs where members of our team have had a significant input it is more like 60th! But we want to use the opportunity to celebrate what has been an interesting journey for our team by making all three fairs special and of course the Shanes Castle a realy special celebration of country sports in Ireland. I personally would like all events to have rather special 'golden 'prizes and woul
  19. In 2011 we tried to give everyone a 'good deal' in terms of real value for money. We not only either maintained or increased the prize funds for our sporting competitions but we also sponsored a fantastic array of prizes at other events. I think it is fair to say that no one who approached us for sponsorship was refused. In terms of admission price to the fairs we gave a 'two for one' offer with everyone who purchased a ticket for the Ballywalter Game Fair got a Free ticket for the Irish Game Fair at Shanes Castle and we came up with some last minute discounts for Birr. We also made the I
  20. Dino, Obviously there is a constraint on space for racing which dictates where the terriers, lurchers and whippets can be located but as you will have seen at Ballywalter, Shanes and Birr they were prominently sited and we would intend to carry on with this and our investment in a similar prize structure to the other sports. Albertj
  21. The dates of the Irish Game Fairs are : Ballywalter Game & Country Living Fair, Ballywalter Estate, Co Down 5th & 6th May 2012 Irish Game Fair, Shanes Castle, Co Antrim 7th & 8th July 2012 Irish Game & Country Fair , Birr Castle, Co Offaly 25th & 26th August 2012
  22. Neil, At the time Emma wrote this Seamus was arguably one of the best known terrier men in Ireland and was widely respected in the UK. But as with everything things move on and as I said why not put something together on your own updated views on the working terrier or alternatively why not do an interview with our editor Paul Pringle on your views on the working terrier. Albert
  23. Neil, .You refer of course to an article on the terrier & lurcher section of the web portal. I didn't write this - Emma Cowan did ( some 11 years ago) and of course she is entitled to her opinion. This like many of the other sections of the portal need updated - we had concentrated on putting the magazine up online in its FREE to READ version. If you want to put pen to paper with an updated version of your opinion on the working terrier in Ireland I will certainly look at putting it up as an alternative point of view when we are doing an update. But of course our magazine is
  24. Autumn edition of the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine is in the shops in hard copy or FREE to READ online at www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com. Includes photograhic roundup of the Irish Game Fairs.
  25. LV, Eng FT Ch Haulstone Larry won the IGL ( UK ) Retriever Championship in 1937 running as a golden retriever. His Grandmother Lizzie was registered with the KC as ( retriever interbred) ; His great grandmother was Haulstone Jenny ( Retriever Interbred) and his gggrandfather was Eng FT Ch Laylers Defender ( Labrador). And his owner was not viewed as a cheat by either the Kennel Club or his fellow competitors AND people did purchase pups from him as his lines are still carried through to today. And if you looked at photographs of him - you would say he was a golden retriever. Now if the K
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