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Everything posted by AlbertJ

  1. I hope everything goes well for Paul. And we hope to see him at Birr. Albert
  2. Thanks to all of you who called on our stand at the Lough's Agency Fair and spoke to Edwin yesterday or the ladies today. Sorry I didn't make it but was desk bound today on the final admin tasks for the Birr Fair. Thanks to to everyone who took up our fantastic subscription offer of a year's subscription to the magazine plus a ticket to Birr or Shanes for just £15 or €20.
  3. We are now moving forward to the final Irish game or country fair of the season at Birr Castle, Co Offaly on the 25th & 26th August. . I should like to thank everyone for their support this year for the Great Game Fairs of Ireland at Ballywalter ( good weather on site in spite of poor weather in surrounding areas) and Shanes Castle ( superb crowd in spite of dire weather). AND would ask for it again at Birr where we will be announcing a very special event at which we feel ALL IRISH COUNTRY SPORTS ENTHUSIASTS should be present. Full details next week. However for terrier & lurcher e
  4. Best wishes Barrie for a speedy recovery
  5. Tony, if you want to drop me a mail on irishgamefair@btinternet.com be happy to work out a package deal for 2 days or a group rate. Albertj
  6. We will have a stand at the Lough's Agency Angling Fair this weekend ( 4th & 5th August) at Fintona Co Tyrone to promote the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine and our Irish Game & Country Fair planned for Birr Castle on the 25th & 26th August 2012. Do call in to see us for FREE back issues of the magazine and a special subscription/ticket offer for Birr. ADMISSION TO THE ANGLING FAIR is FREE.
  7. Sorry I missed a question on this on another thread because I was on holiday for 5 days in Knoydart after Shanes - pure bliss no car, no 'phone, no internet and no TV. One pub 1.5 miles away from where we were staying and sunshine virually every day. With walking, eating and drinking I came back ready to finish off our planning for Birr and I am afarid I didn't feel like trawling through a lot of posts on Shanes. So my apologies if you or someone else felt they didn't get an answer - as you know I normally try to answer every post - good or bad!. We had intended to split the classes at Shanes
  8. Not all terrier & lurcher shows do have split classes - some do and if class numbers justify it so will we at our 2013 shows. gee albert j i bet if you were a dog you'd be a jack russell you never give in or give the last word to anybody Jimjim, Only to my wife!
  9. Not all terrier & lurcher shows do have split classes - some do and if class numbers justify it so will we at our 2013 shows.
  10. Sorry I missed a question on this on another thread because I was on holiday for 5 days in Knoydart after Shanes - pure bliss no car, no 'phone, no internet and no TV. One pub 1.5 miles away from where we were staying and sunshine virually every day. With walking, eating and drinking I came back ready to finish off our planning for Birr and I am afarid I didn't feel like trawling through a lot of posts on Shanes. So my apologies if you or someone else felt they didn't get an answer - as you know I normally try to answer every post - good or bad!. We had intended to split the classes at Shanes
  11. Tom, Congratulations on what appears to have been an enjpyable event. Pleasure to help out a little with prizes. Can you get your Champion Lurcher to complete his registration for the Five Nations Championships at Birr? Albert
  12. Just back from a trip round most of the South, South West and Midlands with fellow directors Philip Lawton and David Wilkinson putting final touches to the fair and organising even more attractions for the Birr fair. Met up with our clay pigeon and terrier & lurcher teams and delighted to announce that both have plans well developed to make their areas the best seen at any Irish Game Fair. The prize fund for the clay shooting surpasses anything seen at any event this year and a new five man team competition for NARGC Clubs is sure to attract some serious game shooting competition when th
  13. Sorry I missed a question on this on another thread because I was on holiday for 5 days in Knoydart after Shanes - pure bliss no car, no 'phone, no internet and no TV. One pub 1.5 miles away from where we were staying and sunshine virually every day. With walking, eating and drinking I came back ready to finish off our planning for Birr and I am afarid I didn't feel like trawling through a lot of posts on Shanes. So my apologies if you or someone else felt they didn't get an answer - as you know I normally try to answer every post - good or bad!. We had intended to split the classes at Shanes
  14. Sorry I missed a question on this on another thread because I was on holiday for 5 days in Knoydart after Shanes - pure bliss no car, no 'phone, no internet and no TV. One pub 1.5 miles away from where we were staying and sunshine virually every day. With walking, eating and drinking I came back ready to finish off our planning for Birr and I am afarid I didn't feel like trawling through a lot of posts on Shanes. So my apologies if you or someone else felt they didn't get an answer - as you know I normally try to answer every post - good or bad!. We had intended to split the classes at Shanes
  15. Sorry I missed a question on this on another thread because I was on holiday for 5 days in Knoydart after Shanes - pure bliss no car, no 'phone, no internet and no TV. One pub 1.5 miles away from where we were staying and sunshine virually every day. With walking, eating and drinking I came back ready to finish off our planning for Birr and I am afarid I didn't feel like trawling through a lot of posts on Shanes. So my apologies if you or someone else felt they didn't get an answer - as you know I normally try to answer every post - good or bad!. We had intended to split the classes at Shanes
  16. i was wondering the same thing, cheaper when it came to giving out the prizes ??? maybe. looks like you're not getting any answers to your question, do not understand why they made a distinction between the jack russell and the other breeds? They must have something to hide when they are not giving a reason. If it was something silly they would be all answering it. I think its time for Albert J to throw some light on the subject. it will most likely be the same in birr then when there is no valid explanation .......... Classes will NOT be split at Birr but will be monitored to see if
  17. i was wondering the same thing, cheaper when it came to giving out the prizes ??? maybe. looks like you're not getting any answers to your question, do not understand why they made a distinction between the jack russell and the other breeds? They must have something to hide when they are not giving a reason. If it was something silly they would be all answering it. I think its time for Albert J to throw some light on the subject. NOTHING to HIDE - except I don't advertise when I am going on holiday - although my son, wife and grand daughter come to look after my dogs - I don't want
  18. i was wondering the same thing, cheaper when it came to giving out the prizes ??? maybe. See my answer above nothing sinister - just I took a holiday. When you think how much we put into terrier & lurchers compared to other shows both here and in the UK - you will see that your comment about it being cheaper for prizes is laughable. If the numbers justify splitting we will do so if not we won't unless it is to 'reward' a specialist judge making the effort to come here.
  19. Sorry I missed a question on this on another thread because I was on holiday for 5 days in Knoydart after Shanes - pure bliss no car, no 'phone, no internet and no TV. One pub 1.5 miles away from where we were staying and sunshine virually every day. With walking, eating and drinking I came back ready to finish off our planning for Birr and I am afarid I didn't feel like trawling through a lot of posts on Shanes. So my apologies if you or someone else felt they didn't get an answer - as you know I normally try to answer every post - good or bad!. We had intended to split the classes at Shanes
  20. Full details on Birr will be published on the fair web site later in the week and on this site after that.
  21. Irish Game & Country Fair has a superb line up of trade stands booked in ALL with at least one MAJOR BARGAIN With still nearly a month to go we have hit our target stand figure for the Irish Game & Country Fair at Birr planned for the 25th & 26th August of just over 200 stands. The majority of these stands are country sports orientated and in fact this event will have one of the best focus on country sports of any Irish Game Fair ever. The major organisations such as the NARGC, Countryside Alliance Ireland and FISSTA have all increased their presences at what is undoubtedly Ire
  22. Sorry for asking how the woman was that was shot with the ram rod that was fired out of a musket gunat Shanes Castle Albert Wasnt expecting that rather ANGRY private message you sent me Are you supplying suites of armour for all attending Again ,any word on the woman that was shot with the ram rod fired from the gun Just Hunt, I noted you have shown a great interest in this incident and have made several posts about it and now continue to make flippant remarks so I can assume that you are not genuinely interested in the lady's welfare but simply wish to associate our fairs
  23. Jigsaw - poor attempt to critcise the fair. All the fairs in UK or Ireland are similar or larger prices. As I indicated above there were and are ways to have had or have a substantial dscount. There is nothing I can do about deisel prices! The terrier & lurchers are WITHIN the show area similar to the clay competition - this in fact is probably the biggest clay competition in Ireland this year - do the clay shooters whinge about their area - no they think it the best location of any clay competition of any fair with excellent drive in and park facilities beside their competition,
  24. i agree, well about birr anyway as i havn't been to moira, albert i was at birr 2 years ago and swore i would never go back again but after you said that there would be big changes, i decided to give it a go, the lurcher and terrier area couldn't be any more hidden out the way and there were more food stalls than any other, i'm finding with every year there are less and less country sport stalls, i certainly won't be buying into any of the over inflated prices and 15euro entry fee ( which must be one of the most expensive fairs ) this year, which is a shame as my young lad is getting t
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