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Everything posted by AlbertJ

  1. Interesting point Sammy. First of all I genuinely hope this will not be necessary. As I say this system has been used at the fair in a different competition and worked very successfully to resolve a dispute. I think proof would have to be produced on both sides. The complainant will be asked to susbstantiate why they are complaining and on what grounds. If the complaint appears to be soundly based the deposit will be taken and the complaint will proceed. If the complaint appears to have little or no chance of success the matter ends there. If it appears the complaint may be soundly based
  2. As usual the magazine includes a good piece by Margaret who has done a lot to generate good press for terrier, lurcher and whippet shows. AND don't forget the hard copy version has a voucher which you can use to have £10 OFF the admission for a couple or family to Shanes or €15 OFF the admission price for a couple or family to Birr.
  3. Best of luck with the show Leanne. Sorry we can't get there but with a bit of illness in the team I have the 'nose to the grindstone'. If you have photos - especially of the Charity donation we will run them in the magazine - make sure Margaret gets them
  4. The Summer edition of Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine is in the shops tomorrow with full details of the Irish Game Fair and Flavour Fine Food Festival planned for Shanes Castle, Antrim on the 29th & 30th June AND as a huge bonus for readers it includes a £10 voucher off the price of admission for a couple or family at the fair at Shanes Castle or if you can't make Shanes Castle, the voucher can be used for a €15 off a couple of family admission to the fair at Birr Castle, Co Offaly on the 31st August/1st September. Please note the voucher is ONLY in the hard copy edition of t
  5. The classifications we will be using are as above. As stated elsewhere on the forum anyone can make a formal complaint on depositing £40 which will be returned if the complaint is upheld or forfeited to a chairty of my choice. We will not consider any complaints which are not made on the day of the event. Anyone found cheating or judged to be cheating will be disqualified and banned from our events for a period of up to three years.
  6. Kegs, The problem you refer to occurred because of definitions of classes/races. And I am sure you appreciate that no matter what definition you make there will always be people who seek to bend the rules or cheat. At one stage the definition of the races run by the organising club was 'whippet' not defined. Guy claimed it was a 'non ped whippet' and that was accepted rightly or wrongly because the definition of the class did NOT state otherwise. Now if one thinks back to when we ran the first terrier and lurcher show at the fair in 1980. It was run by our operations manager Edie Da
  7. The organisers of our event at Shanes Castle do not run their dogs nor at Birr does any member of the club who is officiating. If' one was to exclude 'mates' of club members running their dogs then where would one draw the line. I would be greatly against club members showing their dogs because showing is a matter of subjective judging whereas racing is a measure of performance. I had a wry smile when I saw criticism of our events and a little anger at someone criticising the potential farness of potential judges at our events without any real personal knowledge of our events or even who
  8. Matt, I am trying to encourage people to make positive suggestion about how our fair and other events can encompass differing opinions. I agree that this should not involve personalised abuse. My wife had a rule in our house that my boys could debate or argue about anything so long as it was not personal!
  9. Janet, And anyone else who wants to contact me privately you can do so on irishgamefair@btinternet.com or on Facebook or give me a call. I find the PM on this forum a little restrictive in terms of space. Also I get a lot of people agreeing with me privately ( and of course disagreeing with me too!). But I do wish they would put their heads above the parapet and post publicly if they have something positive to say or even if they disagree but have constructive criticism as to how things can be done better. I think this could lead to positive debate that will actually get things done rathe
  10. Unfortunately I didn't get to see the racing at Mourne as I had to get home to feed my pup. However I understand Tango was involved in drawing up the NILRC classifications - including the published ones which included the KC registered whippet race. We do want to be as inclusive as possible so there are now two races at Shanes in which you can run your whippet.
  11. Change made to classifications to include KC registered Whippet race as part of the Director's Challenge.
  12. Kegs, I know we have had a few robust discussions on the forum and I smiled a bit when I read that you had sort of come round to my side. I genuinely don't mind criticism good or bad and I do try to react positively to it. I do respect that the members of the NILRC are well intentioned and have spent a great deal of their time trying to put an agreed system in place - as I said there are inevitably teething prblems with any system being implemented and I really do suggest everyone gives the system and club time to evolve. I have taken Sammy and your point about the NILRC rules published
  13. It has saddened me greatly to see the angry disputes start up again over terrier, whippet and lurcher racing and showing again in Ireland. If its not the workers v the 'show ponies' , it is allegations of unregistered greyhounds racing as lurchers. We have worked hard within the Great Game Fairs of Ireland team to give terrier, lurcher and whippet owners parity with all the other country sports which are represented at our fairs i.e the best prizes in Ireland; innovative events to give them the chance of international competition within Ireland ; the best judges we can bring in from the Uk an
  14. Fiona, The Master Mc Grath will be judged by a three judge system supported by a photo finish and I also am usually present. BUT as I always say before the race each heat is judged by the majority of the judges - a 2:1 decision wins it - although we have only had to go this route once. The judges this year are Dazzam - who volunteered his services early on in the competition and who has judged every year ; Tom Fulton Chairman of the Hunting Association of NI - who knows non of the competitors and a judge to be nominated by the NILRC club. I have confidence in the integrity of the judges
  15. Malt, Love your quotation - wouldn't life be great if everyone took it to heart! AlbertJ
  16. Bapp, The NILRC are not running the Shanes Castle event - the All ireland terrier, whippet and lurcher show and racing is being run by the Glenbank working club within the framework that I and my fellow directors have set up. The judges for this year have been selected and we have confidence that they will do a good job. If they don't I will be the first to offer constructive criticism- I don't think this will be necessary. I am and neverhave been Kennel blind and I have been on the wrong end of what I considered to be some poor decisions but when I entered a show , test or trial I realis
  17. Made what I hope will be the FINAL changes to the classifications with ALL veteran classes now for dogs over 7 years of age and Whippet , Terrier and Lurcher Pairs to be from the same ownership. When I have judged Pairs ( or brace classes ) in the past I looked for how alike or matched the pairs, their conformation and how well they moved together - hopefully as one . Can I suggest you come early to Shanes Castle or leave one day free for going round the fair. We have an exceptionally good quality trade stand base this year and three arenas. The focus is very definitely a 'Game Fair' one
  18. I think that we will restrict pairs to dogs in the same ownership
  19. Yes I would have thought the pairs should be in the same ownership
  20. Chid, thanks for putting forward a point of view on lurchers which is where we came in as only the lrchers had a veteran class because someone asked for it. This year there was a request for Whippet & Terrier Veteran classes and I feel it is good to see some of the older dogs including some of the more famous ones as well as the 'lasters'. I am happy to take views on this for lurchers, terriers and whippets but I feel it should certainly be 7 plus.
  21. LJ, I personally think a dog at 6 should be in its prime but I have no strong feelings about whether the class be over 7 or over 8. Give me your views!
  22. In breed shows veteran and puppy both go into Best of Breed but for puppies we have decided to give them their own championship. I think veteran should go into Best Of Breed or Champion Whippet challenge.
  23. Tracy/Margaret, Last year we set the age of veteran for lurchers at 8. We didn't have veteran whippets or terriers because no one asked for a class for them! I know the convention in KC shows is 7 but I know from my own experience that dogs which are kept fit can go on to look well and keep their conformation and muscle tone until much older. IMost of my dogs have worked until they are 12/13. I have a golden dog who is 13 and still well muscled and fit - I would be very happy to take him out in a veteran class. However I can see that we could have much greater competition is it was se
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