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Everything posted by AlbertJ

  1. It is unfortunate that after quite a few terrier, whippet and lurcher events we get allegations of cheating, unfair judging, poor line judging decision, breeding of dogs etc. To make sure the terrier, lurcher and whippet events at the Game Fair at Shanes Castle are run as fairly as possible- as I indicated in an earlier post - anyone can make an objection on the basis of making it a formal written objection and lodging £40 with me or at HQ. The objection will be investigated by a committee that I will put together with a member of the organising club, myself and an independent person
  2. IRISH GAME FAIR SHANES CASTLE and you can come across for just £185 for two and vehicle! www.irishgamefair.com
  3. Free DOWNLOADABLE programme for the Irish Game Fair at Shanes Castle, Antrim on the 29th & 30th June at www.irishgamefair.com/pdf/GF_Programme.pdf use it to plan a great day's outing or even two days because there is so much to see and do! ADD in FERRET SHOW ON SUNDAY 11.00am in the COUNTRYSPORTS IN ACTION ARENA
  4. Leanne, I can confirm that Irene sent you a croosed cheque for sponsorship - she's the banker in our house and business! I offered the sponsorship to try to help defuse the potential ill feeling over a clash of shows but was delighted it was going to a good cause. Well done on raising money for a charity that does good work and is close to Irene's heart. If we are all still here again next year we will support you again. Albert
  5. We are delighted to have Countryside Alliance Ireland heavily involved at the Irish Game Fair at Shanes Castle on the 29th & 30th June both as a main exhibitor and a sponsor of two public competitions - the Keith Mathews Dog Training sessions and two new championships for Scouts in Archery and Air Rifle Shooting. CAI and we both see the importance of such outreach and the provision of participative facets to the fair. "Countryside Alliance Ireland is delighted to be exhibiting at The Irish Game Fair & Flavour Food Festival at Shanes Castle. As the leading all round country spor
  6. Anglers are well catered for at Shanes Castle this year not only in terms of tackle stands but also in terms of the representative organisations whiich will exhibit. Casting demos and competitions are in the capable hands of Stevie Munn and Glenda Powell and the organisations present include : "FISSTA SAYS ALL ROADS LEAD TO IRELAND 'S PREMIER GAME FAIR AT SHANE’S CASTLE ON SAT 29th JUNE 2013 The Chairman of Ireland's Premier Angling body - FISSTA (Federation of Irish Salmon and Sea Trout Anglers) Mr. Paul Lawton, is delighted to announce once again their participation in the Irish Game F
  7. This is a final call for Master McGrath Finalists to stake their claim to take part in the final - except for the two qualifiers taking place this weekend. However everyone must stake their claim by Monday night. After Monday night claims to take part will not be taken. Anyone who has called their claim in, emailed me or sent a claim by facebook must get a forms from me ( email me at irishgamefair@btinternet.com ) and bring it with them to register with David Titterington at HQ by 11.00 am on Saturday 29th June. At that stage they can collect their limited edition qualifiers cap. These caps a
  8. What catering has to do with the NARGC and IWTF coming to Shanes mystifies me but we have not just one with several caterers at the fair ranging from sit down meals to sausage and chips and a lot in between - these vary on a year to year basis. All are assessed under the NI Food & Hygeine system and all in the last two years got good ratings! Thats the health and hygeine out of the way - then it comes down to choice - as I say you have a fairly extensive choice of what you buy/eat or you can choose to bring your own 'piece' or browse the free samples in the Flavour Fine Food Pavilion.
  9. Thanks to Steven McGonigal Deben have out up some prizes for the event which will now be known as the Game Fair Ferret Championship - so bring your ferret to be crowned Game Fair Champion. Ideas have also flooded in as to how this could be grown in future years.
  10. I am genuinely delighted to see one of the most representative selection of Irish country sports,angling and real conservation organisations brought together at one public venue to demonstrate the strength of support for country sports, the professionalism of the representative organisations and the important envronmental conservation role they play. This truly looks like fulfilling my personal ambition of providing a real national All Ireland Forum and meeting place for country sports people and an unrivalled PR opportunity for country sports and conservation. I am truly humbled by the s
  11. Well done Dazzam - with being a line judge and now an event organiser you are in danger of becoming part of the establishment - instead of how we first met - by you slagging me off in a post that got some 2,000 views! Seriously thanks for coming forward to bring back a fun event for the fair. Albertj
  12. Sam, Thanks for your good wishes. We are delighted to have such a representation of key organisations from throughout Ireland present including the NARGC, IWTF, Countryside Alliance Ireland, National Woodcock Association of Ireland, Federation of Irish Salmon & Sea Trout Anglers; Countrysports Ireland; NI Lurcher Racing Club ;Ulster Angling Federation; No to salmon Nets in Irish Waters; APGAI etc etc I think we have fulfilled our objective this year of making this fair a showpiece for Irish Country Sports and our representative organisations and a national forum for all Irish sport
  13. We are delighted to report that amongst the many organisations exhibiting at Shanes Castle Fair on the 29th & 30th June will be two exhibiting for the first time :- The IRISH WORKING TERRIER FEDERATION and The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REGIONAL GAME COUNCILS ( NARGC). Both will be exhibiting with other country sports and angling organisations in the 'Woodcock & Salmon ' Pavilion please do drop in to speak to them. Irish Working Terrier Federation at the Fair This is the first year that the Irish Working Terrier Federation (I.W.T.F.) will be fully involved at Shanes Castle and B
  14. Please note that the terrier, whippet and lurcher events at the IRISH GAME FAIR Shanes Castle are now being organised and run by the Bannside Sporting Dog & Gun Club assisted by the NILRC plus independent line judges. We thank the Glenbank Working Dog Club for their assistance over the past couple of years but felt that we wanted to involve a club that would put more of the proceeds back into the terrier, whippet and lurcher community and the sport. The prize structure and timings of the events will remain the same. I trust the new organisers will have your full support in taking o
  15. If there are enough dogs we will run a race as a special.
  16. Thanks Martin hope you enjoy the final. New arrangements in place this year see post later.
  17. Good to hear it - if it works well its back to stay - a big thanks to Dazzam for volunteering to do it. This is the sort of activity we want in our Country Sports in Action Arena to show the public that country sports are a fun, healthy activity!
  18. AND CRAZY FERRETER as you can see FERRET RACING on Sunday!
  19. We are delighted to report that Ferret Racing will return to the Fair at Shanes Castle on Sunday 30th June at 11.00am in the Countrysports in Action Arena. This time it will be organised by DAZZAM & VERMINCATCHER. The Countrysports in Action arena is designed to allow members of the public to 'get up close and personal' with our sports people and performers so they can ask questions and have a bit of craic which is not always possible in the main arena. So let's have a good turnout for what is always a fun event. AND following this is at 11.30 is the LURCHER OBEDIEN
  20. According to our advanced ticket sales and public and press enquiries several thousand people! See www.irishgamefair.com for further details or FREE to READ Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com
  21. The Game Fair edition of the Irish Countrysports and Country life magazine is in the shops with a £10 or €15 voucher off the price of admission for a couple or a family to the Shanes Castle Fair on the 29th & 30th June OR the Birr Castle Fair on the 31st August and 1st September. The FREE to READ online version is now available at www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com
  22. Philip was Midlander in CW and also Plus Twos in the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine
  23. A sad note to everyone to advise them that our dear friend, Philip Lawton, Co Director of the Birr Fair and Arena Director of both Northern & Southern Fairs passed away on Friday. Philip extended his wide sporting interests to terriers, lurchers and especially whippets over the last couple of years but unfortunately he won't now have the whippet he often talked about acquiring. Philip supported me in extending the prize fund for the terrier, whippet and lurcher events and last year I rather 'conned' him into getting involved in the Director's Challenge for Novice Lurchers. He initiall
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