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Everything posted by AlbertJ

  1. Same entry prices as 2012- contact Shane Lee with any queries. Red Mills have added to the prize fund with a bag of dog food for each class winner. I would like to thank RED MiLLS and other sponsors plus the members of my team for helping me put together another great prize fund to maintain the GREAT GAME FAIRS of IRELAND's reputation as the events with the bEST TERRIER ,WHIPPET & LURCHER prizes in Ireland. We are delighted to have the Irish Working Terrier Federation exhibit with us amongst sveral other representative bodies in the 'Salmon & Woodcock Pavilion' please do make a
  2. There are some activities on in the own and surrounding areas on Friday but fair on for two days only Satrday & Sunday see www.irishgameandcountryfair.com for details and FREE downloadable programme. There are some limited camping facilies outside Gate C but camping at own risk and only portaloo provided. This facility is provided by the local publican and There MUST BE no disturbance to neighbours this year otherwise facilities could be withdrawn by our landlord in this field.
  3. As usual a pleasure to see you and #Big John' there - one of my favourite couples!
  4. The 28th ANNUAL ALL IRELAND TERRIER , WHIPPET & LURCHER SHOWING & RACING CHAMPIONSHIPS will as normal take place at the IRISH GAME FAIR, SHANES CASTLE on the 28th & 29th JUNE 2014. As part of this Ireland's top international racing challenge the Master McGrath will take centre stage but all facets of the main championships will also be enhanced. Thank you to all who participated in any way in the 27th Annual Championships staged at Shanes Castle in June 2013. There will be a full list of winners and photographs in the autumn issue of the Irish Countrysports and Country Life
  5. MASTER McGRATH in REVERSE? "Eighteen sixty eight being the date and the year, Those Waterloo sportsmen and more did appear; For to gain the great prizes and bear them awa', Never counting on Ireland and Master McGrath." As you know Master McGrath went on to bear the Waterloo Cup away from England three times! Well this year at Birr in the RED MILLS /Irish Countrysports and Country Life Five Nations Terrier Championships the final English qualifier Martyn Hulme's Dodge could well do the 'Master McGrath' in reverse and just as Lord Lurgan had some difficulty in getting the 'Master ' acro
  6. Tango, While there appears to be no immediate threat to hunting with dogs in NI ( but there are always ones bubbling away below the radar) I feel there are arguments for and against this petition now. AGAINST - mainly it raises the issue for debate : FOR - it gives us the opportunity for a show of strength before any current threat emerges. So we have been put into the position that we must support this petition. We will be promoting where and whenever we can including in our Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine and asking the main organisations to get involved. Albertj.
  7. Didn't really get out of hand - just a little friendly sparring. You will find that while we might argue a little amongst ourselves visitors always find us extremely welcoming. I think you would enjoy any of the shows or any of the fairs!
  8. Didn't get 2nd email but found the first - what threw me was that it was under another name so didn't show up in my search. Answered.
  9. I'm sorry you guys couldn't make it to Birr as your event at Shanes Castle will be a very hard act to follow BUT I am booking VC and you for Birr 2014 now.
  10. For this year's fairs we have looked at the humble rabbit as a Pet ( one of the largest rabbits in Ireland was present at Shanes Castle); Agricultural Pest ( it is reckoned a rabbit can eat as much grass as a lamb/sheep); as a sporting quarry including the use of ferrets, long netting and whippets & lurchers and as fine food. Now the theme runs forward to Birr with Steven McGonigal extending his main arena demonstration on how to catch rabbits by longnetting to include Ferret Racing and a Ferret Show on Sunday 1st September at 11.00am. Steven will also perform his long netting routine at
  11. Well done Barrie, on what sounds areal PR success for terriers and terrier work. I hope we can replicate it at Birr and I hope your champion is prepared to come across to Birr and take his chances in the Five Nations Final. Contact me asap to advise.
  12. John, You did not give an opinion you stated an absolute - you stated ''It is without question the best racing and showing event in Ireland'. By doing so you invited someone to question your statement - I did so with facts. . I am not trying to force my opinion on you I was merely giving some factual information to rebut what you declared as a fact not an opinion. You did make a kind gesture to this chap and I genuinely applaud you for it - I took it as a kind gesture not a 'stab at me'. As I said I have been at several terrier and lurcher shows over the years and I have admire
  13. KL, I wasn't running down any show just pointing out that John 's assertion about Moira 'Its without any question the best racing and showing event in Ireland' was an opinion without a lot of factual foundation. I am as entitled to my opinion that it isn't and I gave reasons why I consider Shanes & Birr provide better shows and racing. I have to say any of the shows that I have attended have been well run, including Moira, and are a credit to their organisers and we have been delighted to support a number of these shows with prizes and qualifiers to help them maximise the money they
  14. Come on John - I know we have had a bit of a spat because I didn't immediately take you up on your offer to tell me how to run game fairs! While I am always willing to listen to advice and new ideas - I thought with 35 years experience and 52 fairs under my belt I might have little bit more experience than you - who as far as I am aware has only taken a recent interest in shows and I cannot recall seeing you show or race a dog recently. . Since then you have become something of a 'cheer leader' for the guys who run Moira and Borris including I believe being involved in Borris in various capac
  15. where do i go to look at the ferry deals? Rob, Mail me at irishgamefair@btinternet.com and I will mail details. To be objective while Birr and Shanes are the largest fairs in their respective parts of Ireland all Irish fairs are substantially smaller than the major UK fairs. They would be somewhere between Galloway and Scone. But our prizes are equivalent to the best in the UK and we offer a very warm welcome to visitors.
  16. RAYNARDMAN, You can see before you buy! Three videos on the Great Game Fairs of Ireland: Birr Castle 2012 Shanes Castle 2013 Shanes Castle Gundogs 2013 Apart from the range and quality of the stands at our shows we have the best competitions and prizes for terriers and lurchers: The Five Nations Championshps - the 27th Annual All Ireland Terrier & Lurcher Championships, the Mourne Digging Championship Final, and the Master McGrath lurcher Final. And we consider the terriers & lurchers to be an integral part of the events and have them inside the fairs. The Irish W
  17. I don't see a problem with this at all. If a non kc beats a 'well regarded' kc on the day in the ring, so be it. It's the judges decision.It's a shame that the kc aspect has crept in and is overtaking. It's becoming apparent that the kennel name is more important than the dog itself. I hope that the push from some to make this gamefair more of a kc event to suit themselves, is not going to have a knock on effect for the terrier aspect of the gamefair either. Ultimately I would hate to see the local country people, who live in the vicinity of Birr and surrounding counties, and have this
  18. Love the 'warts and all' bit! You have 'hit the nail on the head' with one of my concerns about having a whippet championships NOT under KC rules but using KC registration as a qualification. If we don't go down the KC route - I can see real problems and the whole what is a whippet debate especially if a non KC reg whippet beats a well regarded KC reg whippet. Our judging system for the Five Nations is based on three judges scoring each dog on the following criteria: Conformation Movement Condition Fit For Purpose Total For Dog
  19. Email me to irishgamefair@btinternet.com and I will email them to you
  20. Well firstly let me dispel any concerns ( or perhaps disappoint some people) about rumours that have been circulating about me not running the 2014 Fairs as I was intending to drift off into retirement. We have set dates for Shanes for 2014 - of 28 & 29 June 2014 and are currently working on dates for 2014 for Birr subject to plans afoot for a third event! Having brought back the Terrier Event this year we had a lot of suggestions about a whippet championship but there are a number of considerations including the thorny question of what 'whippets' are eligible and of course there are ma
  21. John , We have you down - tickets on their way - all the best for the competition.
  22. At most qualifying shows, advertised in advance that they were qualifiers, The Champion Lurcher qualified for the FN Lurcher Championship Final and The Champion Terrier qualified for the Five Nations Terrier Championship Final. For a couple of shows it was just the terrier. Which show do you think you may have qualified at and for what?
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