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Everything posted by AlbertJ

  1. The judges for the ROI Terrier, Whippet & Lurcher Championships to be staged at Birr Castle on the 24th August are : Terriers : Paddy Curtayne Lurchers : Breandan Coleman Whippets : Tom Barry Five Nations Terriers Championships: Robert Black Tom Barry Breandan Coleman Five Nations Lurcher Championships: Judge selected by the Roscrea Club Patsy McCoy Gary Smith Classes and prize structure on www.irishgameandcountryfair.com or in the FREE to READ GAME FAIRS MAGAZINE www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com This also gives details of the new c
  2. Review of the Shanes Castle Fair including terrier, whippet and lurcher results; preview of the Birr Castle Fair 23/24 August and also new show competition for Terriers, Whippets and Lurchers at our new event at Montalto Estate Ballynahinch on the 27th & 28th September in the special GAME FAIR EDITION of Irish Countrysports and Country Life www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com The new competition is pre qualified see rules/qualification/prizes on page 49
  3. Details of the new competitions for terriers, whippets and lurchers at our new Country Living Festival at Montalto Estate, Ballynahinch on the 27th & 28th September 2014 AND details of the events at BIrr plus a review of the Shanes Castle Fair can be had from the SPECIAL FAIRS edition of the Irish Countrysports and Country life magazine www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com Please NOTE there will be no racing this year details of the Ballynahinch event page 49.
  4. Davy, If only everyone took the same attitude! John, I am sorry I didn't get to the show as I had planned - we were producing a special Game Fairs edition of the magazine which I had hoped would be nearly ready when I came back rom Birr on Tuesday but a lot of material was delayed and Paul Pringle's internet connection went down so I had to spend all weekend editing and laying it out so it could go out today. I was impressed by your show last year - it was well organised and the trophies and prizes were excellent and in spite of the weather it looks as if it was a huge success t
  5. Thanks to all those people who have contacted me regarding not having submitted forms. If you have qualified and haven't submitted a form you can still register at Birr on Sunday 24th before 12.00 noon BUT unless we get a claim in before the 13th August you won't get your tickets.
  6. As we approach the Birr Fair on the 23rd & 24th August and the Five Nations Championships for Terriers and Lurchers I would ask all who have qualified to ensure that their qualification claim form has been submitted. If you personally did not submit your form to us then can you contact us immediately ( and certainly before 13th August) to ensure you get your tickets for the event and activate your magazine subscription email irishgamefair@btinternet.com. You then need to register at the Pavilion Headquarters on Sunday 24th before 12.00 noon. Unfortunately a combination of AN Post
  7. I want to wish Charlene well for her show this Saturday and I hope and trust the lurcher, terrier and whippet enthusiasts will do what they do best ( other than argue!) and come together to support a good cause in this case Suicide Awareness. Charlene I know that you will have a great turnout for a cause very close to your heart. Albertj
  8. £10 adult £25 for family Two adults and up to 4 children under 15, Parking & Programme Free. 27th All Ireland Terrier, Whippet and Lurcher Championships Racing Saturday 12.00 noon with Master McGrath Race Show Sunday 12.noon Full details www.irishgamefair.com
  9. Yes we hear a lot about working dogs and Bri has had the balls to show what his dogs can do and that includes a bedlington cross terrier! Lets have a few guys join him in a 'no pressure' demo and next year we can have a real lurcher obedience competition.
  10. Graham, We had one running through the magazine and had a two x one day tickets for the price of one for terrier & lurcher enthusiasts but it closed Friday as Irene gets busy and we can't be sure of getting tickets out. However if anyone wants to avail of this offer until TUESDAY email me their details to irishgamefair@btinternet by tomorrow night.
  11. FROM HALDANE FISHER Come TWO great new prizes. FOR THE RUNNER UP in the FIVE NATIONS WHIPPET CHAMPIONSHIPS a No ! WEBBER BBQ and for the TOP GUN on the SATURDAY in the CLAY SHOOTING a fabulous WEBBER BBQ Pack. To see the full list of prizes on offer at Ireland's premier GAME FAIR and country sports event see www.irishgamefair.com
  12. Race Track cut and looking in great condition - its now over to you Tango to run the best ever All Ireland Championships.
  13. Visit http://irishgamefair.com/pdf/GF_Programme.pdf for free downloadable programme on all the events at Ireland largest Game Fair Sorry slight technical problem full 6 pages will be online from 12.00 noon today 21 June
  14. This year at the Irish Game Fair at Shanes Castle on Sunday 29th June 'Bri' will do a short obedience demonstration with a lurcher and terrier in the COUNTRY SPORTS IN ACTION ARENA at 11.40. . He thinks there must be other owners out there who have done similar basic obedience training and would invite them to join him the ring for simple demonstrations to the public of 'walk at heel'; sit' stay and possibly a retrieve to hand. Volunteers to me at irishgamefair@btinternet.com or join 'Bri' in the ring! Albertj
  15. Thank you Sam. I have to say Tango has been a pleasure to work with as his enthusiasm knows no bounds. In discussions with him we have taken on board lots of suggestions from competitors including splitting classes into dogs and bitches; quality judges; extra prizes etc.
  16. If you have qualified for the FIVE NATIONS WHIPPET CHAMPIONSHIPS at the IRISH GAME FAIR at SHANES CASTLE on the 29th JUNE OR THE MASTER MCGRATH RACING FINAL at SHANES CASTLE on the 28th JUNE and have not completed a qualifying form can you email me at irishgamefair@btinternet.com to get one to complete. Please also note that ONLY GB qualifiers receive £50 towards their travelling expenses. We met recently with Kieran Young, our new Working Dog Director, to confirm judges, classifications and prizes for the ALL IRELAND RACING CHAMPIONSHIPS on Saturday 28th June 12.00 noon s
  17. Thanks. Yes I too an looking forward to editions 55, 56 and 57 of the Great Game Fairs of Ireland . we have a fantastic range of real Game Fair stands; great family attractions; top qualify country sports competition with great prize funds.
  18. Summer edition of Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine is in the shops and FREE to READ online at www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com
  19. PL, I wish you and your team well at the Maze - although we are going to have to agree to differ on which is the best Irish game or country fair or countryside or country living festival as I think we have two major contenders for this title in our stable! However it is good to see the festival team are now branding the event as the NI Countryside Festival instead of using variants of our brand names and trade marks. This and locating the event in a countryside show setting could create the right conditions for little or no confusion between that event and ours and the bit of dif
  20. We consolidated it into one larger fair at Shanes Castle planned for the 28th & 29th June.
  21. THE SPRING EDITION OF IRISH COUNTRYSPORTS AND COUNTRY LIFE MAGAZINE is available FREE to READ online at www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com. Content includes Terrier & Lurcher Show Calendar; Gundog Test Calendar and lots of hunting, shooting and fishing news , views and stories.
  22. Bluebell, I always say to Irene and Margaret and you are amongst my favourite FIVE blondes. She knows that the FIVE includes Sharon Stone and herself but I leave her puzzling as to the FIFTH! Seriously Margaret and you have done so much to help drive positive PR for terriers, lurchers and whippets. It has been a pleasure to work with you and all the other great people I have met - including 'Big John' and Patsy of course, since I made the commitment to give terrier, lurchers and whippets their proper status in our events.
  23. BEST of LUCK with the show Tommy and I am sure the adrenaline is starting to pump now as you hope for good weather, a good crowd and good competition. Sorry I can't make it but my very best wishes to you and your team, the judges and the competitors. I am sure Bluebell and Appleblossom - two ladies as lovely as their adopted names will get us a report and photos for the magazine. AlbertJ
  24. Unfortunately I won't be able to make the show but wish the organisera, judges and competitors all the very best for a great day out. The qualifiers for the Master McGrath and the Five Nations Whippet Championships at Shanes - each receive two ticket to the IRISH GAME FAIR at Shanes CASTLEand a year's subscription to the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine. The qualifiers for the Five Nations Terrier & Lurcher Championships - each receive two ticket to the IRISH GAME & COUNTRY FAIR at BIRR CASTLE and a year's subscription to the Irish Countrysports and Country Life ma
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