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Everything posted by shadrack

  1. someone knows their stuff!best reply on here!! i've had 3 a couple of times, but these guys talking 6,7,8. etc. are running poor hares, FACT. a GOOD hare takes some catching, and if you come accross 6 good ones, you might catch 3, certainly not all six! wel sed
  2. this is Hazel out of Casper and Hippy Ians bitch Ruth, Great Grandaughter to Seagull. Age 9 And her two sons from repeat matings with Issac, Great Great Grandsons of Seagull. Ripper Aged 3. Finn Aged 12 Month.
  3. IS THAT MARK NICHOLSON FROM DARLINGTON WHO HAD COURSING DOG CALLED WOLFIE AS IV GOT A BITCH FROM DARLINGTON THAT LOOKS LIKE THE DOG WOLFIE WHAT BREED IS WOLFIE COULD YOU LET ME NO THANKS yes its mark nicholson from darlington wolfie is bread out of nutalls casper and hippy ians ruth i own the sisster to wolfie / hazel
  4. sorrt to hear abought ur lose mate alb jamie
  5. when i hear the word lurcher, this image will come to mind. what a specimin WAT A SPECIMIN ) SHOW STOPER
  6. people ask questions on here man answered pepsi was a jacker answered by a previous owner dont know why they ask questions then dont like the answers they get.i would rather know before i reared the pups.if people answer after seeing the dog run thats dead on .happy hunting. so was pepsi a cocker or not as my mate ment to be getting a line from it and owner said thats shite so could someone shed bit more light on thie as i told my mate lastnite that there was talk of it being a cocker stevie ,some of the best dogs to course the fens had a wee touch of the handbrake syndrome,and these
  7. chris moyes splodge won the last ever forley legends cup and made it to final of forley cup same year kelp was kippers bitch he give 350 for her she was very good bitch won lot of matchs kipper sold it to a lad at forley legends 1 year dont know how much but martin quinn bought it same day off lad give it to kipper to look after and keep fit they matched it between them took 10grand off jimmy critmore 3/1 kipper sold kelp to martin quinn and not to a lad at forly legends . kipper run kelp on for martin for 2 seasons matching her
  8. Posting for a friend. P Reg Sazuki Vitara, LWB, 2 litre 6v. Has 10 months test and 4 months tax on it. This car has a Service history, is a good all rounder and an excellent runner. £850.00 o.n.o For more details please contact Richie Pie on telephone No: 07879286903
  9. I take your point and must proffess the only man that I ever knew that could answer all the questions there is on steroids was the owner of Luckys mother. The story is very true and thats a lot of years back now and theres a lot more than me knows about it. You maybe correct that the dog had a period of time on whatever M was using! I cant answer that one but what was written above is the story. Richypie faced M in the Forley Cup with spinner and she killed 7 hares when she beat Tommy the next week none!! Only Richypie can explain that one! (there was a reason).Personally other than a few sel
  10. The day JJ matched Spinner Ritchie Pie wasn't even there I took his dog and slipped it. Spinner had the first run, ran very well for 2 - 2.5 mins, ran second another good run the hare pulled on her a bit on a track and made it into a farmyard and lost it, Spinners third run was another good run 3 minutes and tortured it for 3 minutes did everything but kill it but should have done. I slipped Jj on its first killed it 2 minutes, his second killed it then slipped him on his third, 3 minute run kept going on a nd off the track and in the end he pushed it off the track into the field and killed it
  11. john valler len moss bill yeldon is that 1 name What were his parents thinking??? He must have got bullied at school!! you got any match dogs you getting as mad as ian
  12. Is it a Rampu Greyhound originating from india if not then tell us lol!
  13. Is it a cross bred or a pedigree - give us a clue!
  14. No mate he hasn't got a patch on the back of his neck. lol Cant wait to start training him and getting him fit now he has matured. atb with yours caspa
  15. Thanks for that mate, he ran well last year as a pup so hoping for a good season this year.
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