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18 Good

About burto

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 16/09/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    at work
  • Interests
    terrier work & all fieldsports
  1. There used to be a few in Hereford not seen many since and the odd one in and about the raglan area the last time I seen one raglan way was in 2010 when we was bushing a small wood with the terriers
  2. between me and my other half there is 8 grandchildren between 2years & 10 years if any of my dogs present or future bite or try to attack any of them a one way trip is on the cards for the dog that does so don't care if i missed something somewhere once a dog has turned on someone i can't trust that dog it has to go. I try to socialise all my dogs from a young age but there is always a chance of a bad dog turning up or the switch is flicked and the light cannot be turned off till the vet is there and its pts that my opinion on the matter. My sincere thoughts to the little girls family.
  3. yes yes i had one in 2003 she was in old age then and i had a three year old nipper at the time and he could do anything and i mean real libertys with her and all he would do is lick him the dog would follow him everywhere a great dog to own
  4. as with every dog thats banned or shunned upon as dangerous in the uk the dog is always to blame as most if not all responsible dog owners will tell you its not the dog to blame its the owners we bring the dog up as obedient and to do what we command when they are left to do as they wish (the dogs) then things go tits up so to speak its a shame that this country has gone this way a hand full spoills it for many.
  5. great pics them. the one in eight looks like a buck, hole done in the rut perhaps just a thought (one and eight the same deer ??)
  6. grace, gypsy up to you. i did have a terrier called oi a right bathplug he was
  7. i've owend a landy for years yes i've had to fix this and that always carry spare belts and bits spanners always in the back if this one i own gives up the ghost i'll re build it. sad i know but i like them
  8. don't use fairy liqud to fluff up the mix it makes a poor mix which breaks down quicker get hold of some feb mix a better all round plasticiser
  9. i use hot'n'spicy sausage from asda tied on with fishing elastic works every time
  10. i like to use the spicy sausages from asda in a fenn never failed yet
  11. i feed a mix of flesh, tinned (butchers) and dry with fish and eggs to give them that extra shine on their coats.
  12. i'll be there to watch gaffa getting drunk as a monkey like he does every year
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