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Everything posted by DottyDoo

  1. some folk are just fooking simple..... everybody knows 2 leverets is only 7/8ths of an adult hare
  2. i was out lamping other nite, spotted a bunny, just about to slip the dog when a fox come out of a hedge about 15 yds away an picked the bunny up beleive it or not, it happend.... i had an amber filter on for anybody that cares ]
  3. i think it would be silly to only allow border owners in a club, terriermen that keep other breeds/types will have so much to offer
  4. the guy that bred this litter bred it off a bitch of 13 months.... she hasnt even finished growing.... now imagine all the goodness in her food she has missed noo cos she has raised a litter of unwanted accidentally bred pups.... noo if you agree way that, or the fact he is selling the pups out of his pup, then your as big a prick as him thairs only one prick on here and thats you as far as im conserned i beg to differ mate, a good few pricks on this site, an way a name like foxin machine, you just jumped aboard the prick wagon heed 1st
  5. i cannae see why the idea of using an already established site to let border owners come together an promote the working border aint an option to you folk.... only problem i see there is if owners of sites like this an moochers wont let ye do it.... id like to see the borders make a comeback as diggin dogs, tho i seriously think the money aspect of things is fooking them up
  6. how long wid i cook that joe??? what gas mark??
  7. well i must be missing something as well as mine work during the day mooching about and will retrieve shot game so i suppose the question really is what constitutes a "point and slip merchant" For me it would be someone with a dog with no basic training other than chasing, catching and killing something on the lamp. what about the recall??? or the lead training that was taught so the dog could be on a slip in 1st place, so noo we have lead trained/point/slip an recal dogs lol
  8. i agree, point an slip means fook all, if it ment what it said we would all have disposable dogs, cos surely after they missed game, they would be long gone, after all no c**t calls them point, slip an recall dogs i dnt care what anybody says, my dogs which are happy to be pointed an slipped at nite are also happy using there noses during the daytime whilst bushing/mooching/or ferretin.... an all those folk that say dogs cannae do both, aint put there dog in them situations enuff time to let dog relise it dont need its nose for the lamp...
  9. Milk mixed with water. http://www.bodyrecom...rch-review.html Not to be used all the time but good as a one off when correct recharge is not available
  10. did they have a warrant or anything??? or did yer mate just let them take her oot the kennels???
  11. fone a lawyer... was it a boarding kennel that they took the bitch oot of, or yer mates??? that is theft, id fone a lwayer an get them on the case
  12. And put that fecking cat on it And dont think should of worn me new coat i got last week as its all fecking scraped as was trying to grab the dog out the gap didnae take ye as the shy type mate, go tell em ye want a new coat
  13. i think ye should go back, an build them a bbq
  14. the guy that bred this litter bred it off a bitch of 13 months.... she hasnt even finished growing.... now imagine all the goodness in her food she has missed noo cos she has raised a litter of unwanted accidentally bred pups.... noo if you agree way that, or the fact he is selling the pups out of his pup, then your as big a prick as him
  15. do whatever ye must to make sure they dont come back mate.............
  16. a modest 9 na seriously, id say aboot 5 or 6, i have seen some seriously shit trained dogs, an some real robots... could probs train mine to a higher standar, but i get what i want off them an in return let them be as independant as possible
  17. U wernt mmm have u even seen these dogs run? have you seen them run to say its full a shit so ye wanna be put in touch way the guy????
  18. awrite mate ye got me there..... i wasnae there, i dont do night time, im strictly a ferriting kinda guy... however the man in question did let me stroke his puppys the very next day.... thats why im sticking up for him, i really like the 1 way the real soft coat, was well nice
  19. but is is nice to get a bit of back ground information if you are looking to buy a dog Course it is mate..but if your that thick as to buy a dog/pup without prior homework as to the seller of said animal then i think you deserve to get your pants pulled down and spanked...none of this means jack shit to me anyway cept everytime i have a wee browse the thread seems to have been hi jacked when really there,s no need..like i said...buyers do your homework..unless your too thick to do it for yourself and need to rely on other folk to do it for you...atb stabba i dont agree way that
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