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Everything posted by DottyDoo

  1. do look like cats prints to be fair to ye
  2. get the pic of the 1 in sand trap up did you use anything for scale in the pics????
  3. my jill just had a phantom, and the hob was entire
  4. keep me eyes open doon this area
  5. Voles don't eat meat, and certainly wouldn't kill chicks If chicks are being killed, it is far more likely to be rats. Bank Voles are harmless. did i say th voles are murdering her chicks???? lol no i didnae, whether its deliberate or accidental, throo infection or just throo looking for food it seems moll is losing chicks, an the voles/mice seem to be to blame, so like i said, good on the cat........
  6. the voles/mice whatever they maybe are killing her chicks in the aviary if im right.......... good on the cat, hope it catches a lot more an ye suffer no more bad luck way the birds
  7. 3 to 4 hours mate if ye aint got it on constantly, if ye scared of the dark tho take a smaller torch
  8. Yes mate I have been dog is expecting you to gee him a reward mate, sounds as tho ye have caught it in time back to basics with the dog mate, an instead a giving him a treat gee him a rub under the chin, but only if he brings it right in like has been said by somebody else, keep varying the item ye are using, keep the dog intrested, an if at all possible try an teach the dog to hold on command.... i wouldnt worry tho even if its just the way the dog is now, retreiving to within feet of ye aint that bad, its a lot better than most do
  9. i ferret all summer if i need to, need to keep freezers full an landowners happy
  10. im sure his name is glyn jones, he has books on ebay mate
  11. lithium batterys are the future
  12. nice pup mate, did ye breed it yaself???
  13. have you been given the dog treats as a reward for retreiving??????
  14. that cat looks evil in the 1st pic
  15. more intrested in looking for a jill than bunnys mate, he will be okay, leave him be this summer he should forget aboot his kicking
  16. any deeper than 5 feet an i wait it oot
  17. gutted i missed it this year deffo be there next year
  18. after eight foxs glacier polo?
  19. top of page it says store inbetween gallery an articles mate
  20. ill gee ye 300 to shoot the c**t an keep yer stupid fooking threads tae yeselfs
  21. an whats mb got to do wae this dog????????????????????????
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