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Everything posted by DottyDoo

  1. DottyDoo

    For Sale

    its mare than yer lifes worth to touch that van that belongs to a proper p***y
  2. i have a 3/4 bred grey/deer an he is almost 6 month old now an i wish i could get him to walk to heal tho i would class him as a very calm dog, he aint submissive in the slightest, aint highly strung like most other lurchers iv had, but he dont walk to heal, instead he is always running in circles an grabbing all the other dogs wae the neck lol he is ace around people, dogs, an all livestock an has nerves of steel so far, hope in the future he stays this way as he is almost bombproof
  3. so youd rather a dog that lost foxes while waiting for perfect grab point cos that sure as shite, aint my idea of a good dog
  4. what a lot a pish mate, a good fox dog will grab anywhere, a face full a teeth is nowt as long as he got his fox ffs
  5. replied dog has been rehomed to a local family, so we will all get to see how it turns out big thanks to stroller, for being a gent an trying to help a young dog in need
  6. cheapest 1 in for sale section, simples
  7. there will always be exceptions to the rule, but id say a fox is harder to catch
  8. is so bored, how long till sept????

    1. DottyDoo


      ill start counting the days down on me wall then.......

    2. long dogs
    3. xJONESYx


      i cant wait ever just wanna see wat this pup made off mate

    4. Show next comments  96 more
  9. wee ferrets are treated like jockeys local here, loads a times i have seen them come out on the back of a bolting bunny gee me a decent sized determined jill anyday
  10. or sitting in his hoose counting his hard earned readies
  11. I don't think a career is sales beckons dotty thats why ill leave the peddlers to the selling of dogs mate
  12. no being bad mate, if its been going on for a couple a weeks an ye worried ye shoulda been to vet..... after all bitch is doing her part, carrying the pups for ye, could atleast do yours an make sure she is in a1 nick ffs.....
  13. woman up street from me has took a dog off a young lad who wa sbeing bad to it, an after arguing with the young lads mother, the woman has agreed to take the pup an rehome it, she has asked me to see if anybody on here would like a pet..... its a shaggy coated, wheaten in colour, 4 an 1/2 months old, dog pup it is house trained an is in good nick, apparently the couple who origonally had dog paid 450 for it, before they decided they didnae want it anymore...... pm me if ye are intrested in this pup, no idiots or wankers need pm, as i aint shy an will just tell you to f**k
  14. Dotty i don't doubt he still has some good dogs about him but it boils my piss when people kiss the arse of a pedlar. still think ill gee it a miss, if only everybody would, then he would have no reason to keep breeding, does sound as tho the man is breeding solely for money these days, that pic of a pup suckling off its dam, while its for sale is disgusting imo
  15. shame that i always fancied going to brians an trying a dog off him.............. too many times in the past year or 2 now i have heard bad things about the man an his breeding plans, doubt ill ver try 1 now
  16. sell them at a price you thinnk is fair i payed a lot more than 10 per bird for my pair a glosters, an now my hen has died im just gonna keep the cock himself now, people dont relise how much time an effort goes into breeding these wee birds, its a hard job to do it properly like most things i guess.... so after all yer hard work, an money spent a 10er is nowt is it
  17. you obviously dont know yer arse fae yer elbow cheif dog in the pic wae the cub aint teds, never has been teds an never will be teds, an is no way whatsoever related to any of teds dogs thats what happens when ye jump to assumptions, ye make a complete wanker of yeaself dae yaself a favour an do the manly thing an pm a mod an ask them to remove the link to his kids pics ffs.....
  18. magine putting a link up to somecunts photobucket account wae kids pics fooking messer...................
  19. what is a manx ferret??? please dont say its got a bob tail
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