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Everything posted by DottyDoo

  1. nice that mate, i got my 2 kids pestering me for 1.... iv told them to plant an acorn in garden an when its big enuf we will make a tree house think i may just be buildin 1 like yours now i bet yer wee lassie loves, hope she gets loads a use out of it
  2. made space just for you mate try again
  3. have a day off fella,you N.E lads dont have a dog that can last a night down south lol
  4. how do ye hide yer content????
  5. well I didn't know that! I've never had a ferret with worms either but I always assumed it was because I didn't feed them raw in the past. it may not be 100% true mate just summat i was told a good few years ago now, an as i aint ever had worms in me ferrets, i took it as gospel... it does sound viable feel a bit of a fool now im sure somebody will be along to correct me soon enuff, if im wrong
  6. ferrets digestive tract is not long enuff to hold worms............... so i was always told i freeze rabbits for a minimum of 28 days before i feed to dogs to kill worms, but i never freeze for ferrets, unless i aint got any fresh in..... never noticed any worms in my ferrets poo poo, my hobs always lose some condition over the summer, due to being on the ran dan constantly
  7. this thread aint about mooching for bunnys mate, its about mooching for fitness.... me thinks you should get yer dogs stock broke to rabbits, god forbid yer dogs ever catch 1
  8. just for the record, i know this thread has been sidetracked a bit but i beleive if ye mooch a dog when ye can be arsed, an lamp the same dog, every now an again, then the dog will probs hunt up while lamping..... tho take the same dog, an gee it a load a mooching during the day, an a load a lamping at nite, an it will be able to tell the diffrence an act accordingly, what is it they say....???? practise makes perfect.... back to the fitness thread
  9. no it doesnt jink like a bunny butstays in an exact spot and if they wanna pick it up before the other dog then they have to get it on the outrun my dogs return after each and every slip straight away but i was always taught that daytime teaches lamp dogs bad habbits and my mate is seeing that problem atm with his dog. do yer dogs knopw the diffrence between walking an running after a lead, an working on lamp????? yh id imigane they do dotty, but as i said i choose not to mooch my dogs often and so i dont. id possibly do it more if i had a terrier but only have the 2 bullx
  10. no it doesnt jink like a bunny butstays in an exact spot and if they wanna pick it up before the other dog then they have to get it on the outrun my dogs return after each and every slip straight away but i was always taught that daytime teaches lamp dogs bad habbits and my mate is seeing that problem atm with his dog. do yer dogs knopw the diffrence between walking an running after a lead, an working on lamp?????
  11. dogs aint daft, i cannae speak for others, but i can speak for mine, an the dogs my mates own, that i see often..... an if a dog cannae tell the diffrence between mooching during day, an lamping at night, then imo, ye aint showing the dog enuff graft.......... or its a shite dog........ i have never had a dog hunt up on the lamp, an i mooch everydog i have ever owned
  12. my dogs get 2 hours a mooching most days, if i cant make it, 2, its deffo an hour of free running an hunting up the hedges... in winter if i dont mooch the dogs i ferret them...... i roadwalk my dogs for 3/5 miles, but must admit i have just started doing this.... i swim my dogs daily for between 15/30 mins in the swim tank an will up that time just before i start lamping seriously.. i then trott my dogs behind the quad bike at nite, across the local fields, unless im out lamping..... an my lamping trips usually get harder an longer as the winter progresses.. not a lot
  13. im fae the west coast a scotland, an i pwomise to leave me dottwater dog at home, can i be in it............. please
  14. send a pm to a member named ..baw think he is running one or try the iceman he was taking entrants at shanes castle Was not taking entrys but running shotgunwilly come winter and lazycunt your name should have benn thickcunt why heard your running about trying too get a full saulki to hunt hares up in slemish mountain l say it again thickcunt will have to change your name to thickcunt thats twice iv droped a sprick to catch a whale yous 2 wanna meet up or pm each other yer fantasy's ffs
  15. but seriously............ anybody fancys running 1, count me in
  16. i owned a very good allrounder who was saluki/collie/grey bred, she was a very handy bitch, lots a speed an hardy enuff to be out everynite..... if i was on lookout for a pup, id deffo be asking some questions about this litter.......... all the very best wae the pups mate, hope they get the homes they deserve
  17. i had a terrier attacked by hundreds, (an i mean litterally hundreds) a wasps, must a been tied up next to a nest or summat they wernae flying about an seemed to be half alive, when they were on the dog, but they were all over him i foned all the poeple i know, all 4 a them an stabba was the man to answer 1st, he recomended piriton, oot the chemist an a trip to vets..... took us 15 mins in a stream to get all wasps off him, then we got home, wife had piriton in cupboard for kids, geed him 2 syringes full orally, an took him straight to vet, wee dogs eye's were rolling in his head
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