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Everything posted by DottyDoo

  1. mummy, please stop the bigger boys laffing at me.........

    1. tag


      stop fu*king aboot with whippets then

    2. blan89


      i didnt catch that tag,could you post it again?

    3. tag


      3's enough lad ....

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  2. that reminds me, widnae own a lab, fat useless cuni's, spaniels are the future thats a correct choice for you mate.......when you haven't got the technical ability to train a proper gundog you should just leave well alone eh?........ dont be daft ffs, if shroom can train a staffy to do what yer fat golly bred excuse of a lab does, then im sure i could train a gun dog
  3. that reminds me, widnae own a lab, fat useless cuni's, spaniels are the future
  4. collie x, never got a good un, well not unless there was sumatt other than grey in mix, collie x's just dont suit me or my style a lamping
  5. have you always entered ye dogs young???? how many have ye enetered young??? an was it your own idea to enter dogs young or was it something ye were shown off somebody?? if it was your own idea, could ye explain why ye feel the need to enter young
  6. bones are okay for dogs unless they are cooked....... raw bones are fine tho.... its only load bearing bones ye have to be carefull with when feeding to dogs
  7. wheaten x's an bull x's are diffrent dogs imo, bred for diffrent jobs so to speak how come the dog lads i go out with use them on the same and rate them as good as each other, depends if you add anything else into the mix i suppose dont be mad, im not talking about anything else in mix, wheatenx's an wheatens for that matter, they aint bulls, dont compare them an ye wont be disapointed
  8. wheaten x's an bull x's are diffrent dogs imo, bred for diffrent jobs so to speak
  9. Was thinking that myself what happens if a dog thief turns up or a complete looney tune? No offence there are some great people on here went along with a few to nights with the dogs but your taking one hell of a risk here i was trying to point that out but no one got it Seen that myself mate inviting anyone and everyone is asking for bother you may well end up dead in a ditch for all you know or your dogs taken off you never to be seen again.Bearing in mind you cant see whos on the other side of the comments and you cant see their body langauge or their 6 by 4 cell walls either pe
  10. if ye mean them leather slips wae a quick release buckle mate, then they are as bas as rope maybe awrite for the odd couple a hoors here an there but if ye out in windy cold nites, them buckles are a f****r wae cold hands..... try strong stuff like i have said, cheap an simple, an mine have lasted for seasons, dont really need more, but i like the idea of the wider uns
  11. rope is shite tb, seriously, ye will regret using it very quickly when dog starts switching on lol i have always used the strong stuff slips, but i now know he also does wider ones now, width of a seat belt (ish) just slides throo the buckle on collar like old my old uns, so i think ill be ordering a few a them....... but back to slips an rope, i hate rope, never use it here if possible, its uncomfy as fook an is trampy as fook lol magine what ye must look like to keeper/farmers/plod if/when they stop ye lollol
  12. was out lamping an a mate jumped a drystone wall, didnae relise it was 15 plus feet high on other side, boy did we laff, he had knees like melons lol then i done exact same thing following week, same wall an an everything.... was knocked clean out by a bullx chasing a bunny on lamp, done my knee an was concussed for a few day lol... lay in a puddle for 35 mins, watching the keeper/farmer check the fields for me, for it to turn out to be a mate out looking for me.... couple a times have went lamping to get injury on 1st run, thats worst thing for me..... watched a guy jack on g
  13. roll up roll up 1st x petbull grey pups for sale, pm bogger for details...................

    1. tb25


      how much these going for lol

  14. ye sure matey cos where i come fae, we call the guys who breed off untested dogs, idiots
  15. theres loads a anti's on this site, but even more idiots
  16. what do you feed yours on pal meat mate ye know, the stuff they were designed to eat look at theyr teeth ffs....... my dogs teeth are fine pal thats fine if you want to feed yours meat but ill be feeding mine complete meal are you for real......... i said look at its teeth..... what size an shape a teeth are they??? what are they called??? what were they designed to eat????? it certainly wasnt fookin kibble was it i dont disagree wae feeding kibble, what i disagree with is feeding cheap 2nd rate kibble, if ye wanna be lazy an do it the easy way an feed bis
  17. what do you feed yours on pal meat mate ye know, the stuff they were designed to eat look at theyr teeth ffs....... my dogs teeth are fine pal thats fine if you want to feed yours meat but ill be feeding mine complete meal are you for real......... i said look at its teeth..... what size an shape a teeth are they??? what are they called??? what were they designed to eat????? it certainly wasnt fookin kibble was it i dont disagree wae feeding kibble, what i disagree with is feeding cheap 2nd rate kibble, if ye wanna be lazy an do it the easy way an feed bis
  18. what do you feed yours on pal meat mate ye know, the stuff they were designed to eat look at theyr teeth ffs.......
  19. i aint slagged ye off, but ill have a nite out wae ye, once season in full flow
  20. ye get what ye pay for, an some a you guys aint half feeding yer dogs shite..... makes ye wonder what else in life ye settle for 2nd best with.........
  21. DottyDoo


    dont put stuff in net an then moan about critisism mate, you put them there, deal wae it......... i never read them all, but had a quick read a 1st un, wasnae bad, but should stick to writing for a book or summat as too many idiots on here
  22. i started me ferreting career in creiff..... those were the days
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