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Everything posted by DottyDoo

  1. did they mention cash on delivery???????? i was considering foning tolvi an asking them if i could get cod, as i have had excellent service from them in past, but i have seen mr smithe's previous probs, an will be mentioning them if i end up foning tolvi....... decisions, decisions i think ill be foning both companys tomorrow, telling them both im on fone to both, an seeing who will gee me cod agreement, but imo its a sad state of affairs when ye have to research an bully companys before you will part with your hard earned ill let yees know how i get on
  2. anybody used this company??? i know there was a company that sold galv panes an went bust, an noo tolvi are at it wae folk..... so is it worth buying off this firm???? come n dont be shy, what ye think a them???
  3. all the best in getting the bitch ye after kx
  4. google mink, an polecat, if its a mink kill the murdering c**t, if its a polecat, kill the murdering c**t im actually sure proper wild polecats are protected, but watch somebody come an prove me wrong, it could happen, i have been wrong once before ffs whatever ye do, dont start advertising the kitts of that to a ferret on here next summer, rake will have a fit
  5. well mate if you an her seem to think she is capable of more, then why not??? there is a fine line between over dooing it, an keeping a keen pup happy, but like i have said mate, nobody is in a better position than yourself to judge how much to gee the youngster
  6. id say that the length of time spent lampin an number of runs would be more important than the ammount of times ye have took the pup oot, if that makes sense lol, id rather gee it 3 runs, 3 nites a week, than 1 nite wae 10 runs... an that wid only happen if the dog was ready for it, an you the owner should know better than anybody
  7. iv owned an worked both kinds of dog.... an heres what i have found, dont start huffing an puffing an blowin yer chests up, its only my opinion haha i have had dogs an seen other dogs which wernae owned by me, which could be stopped mid course with either a whistle or a shout.. same dogs would leave on command an generally do what ye told them, nice biddable dogs, the kind ye can trust to go anywhere with you lol what i also found tho, is these very same dogs, were the dogs which were liable to drop summat, cos it got sharp, or would pull up when approaching a hedge or ditch on the l
  8. i have seen a few folk try an reward the retreive wiith a tit bit mate, an the 1 thing i have noticed with all the dogs is they spat bunny out on approach in anticipation for the reward..... must admit tho, neither i or the folks i seen try this technique are experts
  9. dont worry aboot the making noise an ruining yer nites out mate, seems as tho the dog is ruining them anyways lol back to basics, i know its a quote used all too often, but it realy is necessary imo, get the dogs recall spot on, try taking him somewhere there is deffo no game, throw a ball an let him retreive it, as soon as it seems he is mastering the retreive/recall, then id lamp him again, if he started fooking about an hunting up id switch lamp off sit on my arse an wait for him to come, when he come id take him home, i know its hardly a good nite out, but he will soon relise hunting up n
  10. DottyDoo


    f**k off Seriously so i take it he was serious aboot the radio in the kennel geeing dogs rythm when runnin the lamp
  11. the price of ferrets differs from place to place, some months in thirsk they practically give them away.... other places in britain they fetch daft amounts a money..
  12. DottyDoo

    Darcy Books

    why what was eddited oot of it????
  13. DottyDoo


    looks as tho the edl are now recruiting ootside the jeremy kyle show
  14. DottyDoo

    Darcy Books

    i started off buying all the darcy books, an they were a good read.......... seems tho the ammount a books coming out is just getting more an more, an the prices are getting higher an higher..... 1 or 2 books a year was a good wee earner, geed us dog lads summat to look forward to, seems noo they just getting churned oot for shits an giggles, must spend some time infront a the comp or ole typewriter.... thats 2 books noo i have bought full a pics.......... i am sorry to say i wont be buying anymore, no offence ment, i doubt he cares, somebody else will just buy them.....
  15. lets be brutally honest here..... ye post a nites results out lamping the humble bunnys, an low an behold, some big hairy arsed fox killing man comes an looks doon his nose at ye lol then ye get the idios who put up posts of a fox just been lamped, preban it says, even tho the guys were showing there year old pup off on other threads, last week ffs stick a thread up aboot some gay jew p***y tho, an i bet it hits 20 pages
  16. so its the pups 1st 2 digs, an he showed briefly after contact, but went back in an seen job throo????? if thats the case mate, id gee the youngster time, its still only start of season, to pts or pass him on next time, is a bit harsh imo........ but it is your dog
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