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DottyDoo last won the day on July 12 2011

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500 Excellent

About DottyDoo

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. aye mate bigger the amps, longer the lamping time, but bigger the amps bigger the battery... lithium batterys are smaller an lighter than normal batterys, but cost a lot more
  2. if i see ye, an hoor ago yees were coming to do me says it all to me
  3. CH knows his stuff of that i am of no doubt,his name isnt in question but theres a few on here that are not what they claim to be mate! Eh Dotty if ye been so sure of it for aslong as ye say, why not take me up on the day/nite oot thread that been up for a year lol prove me to be the fake ye say i am ye see thats the funny thing aboot the web, i have offered loads oot an loads have come oot an yet the only folk the slate me on the site are folk that not only have never been oot way me, but folk by there own admiddions know fook all aboot me,,,,,, funny that eh chris oh ay
  4. CH knows his stuff of that i am of no doubt,his name isnt in question but theres a few on here that are not what they claim to be mate! Eh Dotty if ye been so sure of it for aslong as ye say, why not take me up on the day/nite oot thread that been up for a year lol prove me to be the fake ye say i am ye see thats the funny thing aboot the web, i have offered loads oot an loads have come oot an yet the only folk the slate me on the site are folk that not only have never been oot way me, but folk by there own admiddions know fook all aboot me,,,,,, funny that eh chris oh ay
  5. i never slagged yer dogs.. If you didnt i wouldnt be sat here typing like a dick and neither would he!! You called him a lier and now you have realised what i have been telling you! You KNOW nothing about ANYTHING piss off and do the site a favour calling him a lair dont mean i said nowt aboot his dogs, are you for real
  6. the 1 that was sold as a fox dog, but turned oot not to be lol tut tut rehomed as a pet noo mate What another jacker! hey dotty if i counted the money i spent on jackers maybe i could buy your house back and you wouldnt have to live with friends across the road and stare out the window you ugly kent!! see there ye go again spouting shite on the net lollol if ye knew anything yeed know i dont live wae friends It was a figure of speech you half wit,an educated guess tells me you dont have many friends! Think hard before you reply,am i right or wrong???? Cos you spe
  7. sorry i dont believe you Byker,Dotty poo knows everything? he loves giving advise on a forum to unsuspecting folk about his vaste knowledge of hunting with dogs! He even arse licked Fcuktheban till she got outed and then pretended he knew all the time?? the man is a living legend?? Sxxt Dotty there i go again,sorry ill let you uphold your name on here because from what ive seen its about the only thing you got going on for yourself!!
  8. i aint said i was unhappy way the dog chis, i neve have, she has done what i asked of her, so far however i was last to find oot that the breeding to tyler was a farce, was i not???? an ye think im being unreasonable
  9. i know ye sold it at edrd as a fox dog an it wasnt, an i know it went to a pet home maybe ye shoulda culled it instead a seling it on for money, poor mutt sounds as tho its been passed fae pilar to post
  10. the 1 that was sold as a fox dog, but turned oot not to be lol tut tut rehomed as a pet noo mate What another jacker! hey dotty if i counted the money i spent on jackers maybe i could buy your house back and you wouldnt have to live with friends across the road and stare out the window you ugly kent!! see there ye go again spouting shite on the net lollol if ye knew anything yeed know i dont live wae friends
  11. fae where i am sitting chris you did lie to me, you told me i was getting a pup bred 1 way... you then found out an still never told me, untill 1 a the young lads that had the smooth choc pup told me on here in pm that you were noo saying it was a bullx i will gee yer due, as soon as i asked ye told me that ye thoyght tanya was full a shite, an i agree, ye dont get choc kerryx's ffs thats just daft, if she lied to you then so be it, but you passed the lie on, an i had to ask a few month later before i was told the truth...
  12. the 1 that was sold as a fox dog, but turned oot not to be lol tut tut rehomed as a pet noo mate
  13. 1 bitch pts 1 bitch terrier here aged 6 been here since pup 1 bitch here off chris 1 deergrey here i had from a pup off another member on this site 1 lurcher dog gifted to friend any dog i have passed on has been FREE all dogs i have had come here as pups, ask fazza what happend to the mishaw/bullx's he forgot to mention, oh aye an the rest a them
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