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Everything posted by Casso

  1. At the base root of Dog , is social that’s the very root, Thats where I start with the knowledge that if I don’t ever do a god damn thing with the mutt he going to be social with me so I build on that , I don’t snatch anything from him , I don’t confront for preymaking , I just don’t let the little f****r get himself into that sort of bother , I kennel him and I take him out. I get bits of behavior for food , I don’t Socialise (latest bullshit trend)around gobshites and their dogs, busy roads , wankers or three card trick players, we walk in rural quiet areas , where his tempermen
  2. It’s more than likely , the large man in the speedos bit, that did it for ya the more you confront , the more interested the pup is in bullshit stuff, pup spends months tuning into preyfull aspects of its environment , trouser legs , woolly jumpers , other dogs , cushions, any ripable, its only a phase if your still the good guy and can manage and distract , if you keep disciplining / confronting, the dog will be drawn to that behavior as a resolution to its preyfull energy pup is programmed to tune in, you become too confrontational and your going to get a half assed
  3. Once the pup equates the lamp with the movement of prey your on the pigs back movement is the key, its the rabbit that educates the dog to the lamp , not the owner dont let your frustration for educating the pup effect the relationship , it shouldnt feel any resistance from you espically when you want it carrying a highly prized item such as a rabbit into your space , best of luck
  4. What should be worked on is how he relates to you, will he sustain physical contact facing you with he front legs on your chest ? Or does he jump on and off , can he eat out of one hand while you rub him down or push him round , with the other or does it bother him will he walk beside you with a training dummy without chewing the f**k out of it , will he make physical contact on command , not just coming when called Can you engage his drive with a tug item and has he terrier blood in him
  5. puncture of the oesophagus can result in some of the symptoms described , every time there’s ingestion it can feel like the f***ing dog is drowning
  6. Well tuned into her quarry that bitch, tidy on the chase, never ceases to amaze me how much distance a rabbit can put on a dog from a sitting start, squatters look handy until they explode for home well done
  7. What age is it ? And how’s It bred , has it seen much work ?
  8. All animals work off an energy expenditure ratio , output must equal input animals weight up the resistance value of pursuing prey , how much distance between us , how much energy to take it down, if it doesn’t equate in favour of calories earned Or resistance overcome, it’s not over stimulating dogs are different , the drive in dogs far exceed anything in nature, animal in the wild won’t run themselves to dire exhaustion like a dog, but that doesn’t mean nature doesn’t apply to dogs , dogs eventually figure it out another aspect of the sheepdog is the ability to keep the
  9. Well shot , articulate individuals and a calm engaging pup, , well done sir
  10. You gotta ask yourself what bonding is and what the process is ? until sexuality your pup should be hunger driven / gut driven , after that he becomes more tactile and needs more physical contact in whatever form you chose, at that age use food to overcome fear, when pups venture into unknown wide open spaces , instinct kicks in , why wouldn’t it , it’s s tiny f***ing pup , in a world where it’s has no understanding of shit and it feels very Prey-like, it doesnt know there’s isn’t a bear through the next gate, f***ing dogs evolved in a world where eagles ate pups , ya get me t
  11. The issue for a lot of newcomers like yourself to the working dog world is that dog takes on human like qualities, my first job when I came home from school was to take the dogs out for the auld lad , for an hour at most sometimes less, they were kept in a run and such was the life of most working dogs back then, rarely in the house and we didn’t sit and whisper kind words crates are a useful tool for management of pups, it prevents us from having to confront then for displaying preydrive iand as you’ve recently discovered confronting a pup and trying to teach it right from wrong
  12. An hours training is plenty for pups if you know what your doing ? the rest of the time their in runs, no crate If you know what your doing , you can watch development from one day to next, a pup settled in his run can digest what it’s has just encountered, a pup put back into a stimulated environment can’t , stick round here long enough an you might learn a bit sucks
  13. Good to see your taking things on board ,
  14. it comes down to a hierarchy of Wants , two or three pups become a half or a third of the whole , they will separate themselves according to temperament what I want from raising a pup is uncompromising want for everything , so if a pup with a bigger temperament wants to hang round me more a lesser tempered one will have to give in that aspect and so it goes on , what one wants the other has to disregard , they separate into equal but opposite desires, one pup becomes a more rounded animal in all aspects , it’s far easier to develop desire for anything with an uncompromising pu
  15. Fair play to the yanks , took an ancient Gaelic festival imported by Irish immigrants to the US , used the pumpkin instead of the turnip , ham it up to the 9’s and sold the idea round the world all the kids celebrating an ancient Irish festival , f***ing class ?
  16. Had a first cross many years ago, great bitch , lacked a little top speed but learnt to use the hedge to her advantage, as for headstrong, breeds that were originally bred to kill on there own , terriers saluki etc are less inclined to respond to instruction when stimulated as say collie crosses , collies arnt bred to kill, the very act of working with its owner is feedback enough as in any breed what we love about them and what we f***ing hate about them is always closely linked , we love the drive determination and single mindfulness , we hate the stubbornness , aggression when
  17. To be honest about it I always found it a lot less hassle to start a lamping dog on the lamp your working with a blank canvas to mold how the pup interprets it’s enviroment, its olfactory system is connected to its motor cortex so a dog is strung into action through scent quicker than sight , and the history of hunting by scent is in direct contrast to running purely by sight whereas information by sight is based on form , a dogs first reaction when it spots something is to classify that form and that takes fractions of a second longer than any scent driven interest,
  18. Sometimes there’s a couple of issues involved this one is learnt behavior if a dog feels the best use of its energy is booting round a field regardless of owner, that’s what he’ll do, though entering if he feels his movement causes rabbits to appear, that exactly what’s going to happen One dog one owner, nice and fuckjng quiet, I don’t give a shit if he don’t catch as long as he feels I had something to do with a rabbit appearing, on a slip beside me give him a heads up you’ve spotted a rabbit , walk nice and calm slip when seen , Theres no f***ing secret in lamping, w
  19. It’s about personal space and the effect it has on dogs we all have a space around us which we deem as our own , face to face is where we feel it most , some f****r gets up in yer face , you feel it emotionally , exact same for the dog , for the dog to have to open it’s mouth it has to change its mindset
  20. At what point are they getting away bud, is she catching and letting go , or is she reluctant to mouth or is she bringing them back and dropping them ?
  21. Are we dealing with a pack mindset or do you have any handle on either of them two of them are young fresh dogs and plenty of running in them, they don’t usually need much of a trigger if your serious about it , only feed out of the van when you get back , you need to work with hunger , make that the routine, only feed for commands and behavior don’t bowl feed if your too confrontational with them they’ll withdraw into pack instinct whatever attracts the leader , work with it ball food tug item Any thing that makes you attractive to the dogs stimulated mind
  22. I would believe that one is f***ing off and one is following, forget about any training at home it’s a totally different mindset , it’s the energised mind set of the lead dog you need to work with, you don’t say how long those two have been together or what vintage ?
  23. Burn a bit of steam off earlier on in the day if you know your going out at night teach the pup to bark on command as a stationary behavior , as Bird mentioned earlier a dog can contrast between expressing a behavior in a certain environment or not, but try your bollox off not to over match, had a bitch who would only make a sound when she knew she was over matched and straighlined never when knocking a few turns out
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