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Everything posted by Hunter4ever

  1. I gave it something new because there is corn everywhere in our garden, so why would it go for the stuff in our trap? That'd only attract birds.
  2. And how I am I likely to become a Hunter 4 not very long?
  3. Really? Hmm... I'll try someemore smelly stuff, see if I can get more sardine stuff, and peanut butter That will be mine eventually.
  4. What cage are you using? Did you buy it of the internet, and if so, care to provide a link?
  5. No idea why it's not taking the peanut butter. We spotted 'em months ago, so maybe their dead or gone.
  6. Bugger off, that the f**k do you know? No, It's not, and no, he didn't.
  7. I would, but I have cats, and don't want to snare them by accident
  8. I reckon BBB is right. Those little buggers should be splatttered to a wall/
  9. I haven't seen it in a tunnel, and baiting trap increases chance of capture. I've put some more egg in, and a bit of sardine, as well as drizzling juice all over it. Hopefully gettim Post results tommorow.
  10. I have put egg in it 3 hours ago actually, and I'll put some sardine in there.
  11. it's small and stuff, but I want something cheap, no more than £50.
  12. gt permisson, get your gun and go back there, hopefully you'll get a shot at the vixen or cubs, maybe even a rabbit.
  13. I'm wanting to buy a fox trap that killed 10 of my chickens a few weeks ago (Dad hasn't done anything about it, the lay bugger, so today I'm putting my foot down.) I will be shooting the bugger through the cage, so anyone got any ideas? It has to be in england. Here is something I'm hoping for, is it good enough? http://www.foxtrap.co.uk/ourshop/prod_7919...L-FOX-TRAP.html Thank you. I suspect it's a vixen with cubs, so if I catch her, I may go after 'em. Not likely though.
  14. Tht's not the same trap. I have a large steel live trap, which the sparrow only got in because it's small. Any advice on bait? I've heard about: Burnt toast cheese chocolate goldeballs cereal apple marshmellow corn peanut butter dead mice & rats and have tried apple and corn. Will do peanut butter, but has anyone got other suggestions, or if some of these suggestions wrong?
  15. Hmm.. I can understand not being able to hunt with a rifle... and a spear is absolutely out of the question. Meh, I'll stick to foxes, rats and pigeons. What exactly do you mean? If you are trying to insult me, then your words turn on yourself.
  16. I don't think breaking it's neck with your hands is stupid, but I'd settle for knifing it, or shooting it.
  17. I'm considering it, where do you live?
  18. I have attempted to catch some rats spotted by my chook pen for the past week, no avail. I use apple, corn and some seeds, although I'll put peanut butte down soon. Earlier today after I came home from school my mother said to me "Keep calm, and go down to your Rat trap." Naturally I was exited, hopefully I had caught the evasive bugger, yet when I got there I found a sparrow. I put peanut butter in there. no rat. Dunno wnhat to do.
  19. If you have not got a useful answer, please do no post. Thank you.
  20. Peasmarsh is not availible for hunting on. Any real and useful answers appreciated
  21. Hello, I would like to knwo if there is a place where I can hunt wild boar with my dad in england. I have heard Dorset, which is great because I live there, but no signs have actually come from there. I do not have a dog, primarily because I keep chickens, cats, a hamster and a ferret, as well as aviary birds, and as i've had experiances with my murderous next-door neighbours dogs, that it wouldn't be good to have one. I also dislike them for personal reasons. So, any good answers would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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