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Everything posted by CUPCAKE118

  1. Very true but the post about the shot sentences now is right why not bring back the chain gangs get some of the roads sorted or have a cannon fodder squad save some of the real soldiers getting killed!!!!!!!!!
  2. Sad for the case!! if it happens again put up a post and ask for help someone might have it off ya or give you advice on self care if the bones aint shifted you could set your self. shame that but hindsight is a wonderful thing!!
  3. Thanks for that will wait for more confirmation first dont want to drop a ball my SAC is being processed
  4. Have just posted my air rifle for sale and have put collection only but is it legal to post them?????
  5. Had been checking up on thing ready for season but am glad that its sorted!!!!! the licence was only £6 any how i think !!!!
  6. Thats what i had read in a web site but just wanted to check nice one
  7. Do a bit of rough shooting but do you still need a game licence to shoot game? i have been told that the Game licence is no more is this right?
  8. had a little look but not much Logun stuff! cheers its a good site to know
  9. Have noticed the other day that the barrel moves when i put the silencer on! Is this normal? because i think it isn't!!! have part stripped and rebuilt to have a look but i am a little stumped, when you remove the fore grip it looks like the bolt holds the barrel into place but does not have a location like you would expect for a retaining bolt. how do you fully remove the barrel as couldn't remove it fully because the breach and pin are connected with the mag mechanism? would be able to sus it out but thought that someone may have already done it and might be able to help! ma
  10. I just near flattened a JRT the other week was going to keep it myself but my guilt got the better of me took it the local vet no tag no ID waiting to see if its collected!
  11. to add to this comment in support! I think you will find that any target shooting at Olympic level will have a standard and Olympic committee recomendation! have you any info to back up your claims that all pellets for the Olympic games were provided by 'MY COMPANY' Thought not I wonder how china won all them medals
  12. My rifle is a Single shot .177 AA s200 but would have had time to reload if i had not of gone straight over! have just picked up an s-16 .22 and am keen to give that a go!
  13. not had it on the chrono but it staples 10mm marine ply at 50ft!! and the shot i took was closer. i am going to change that and say it was around 50-60ft judging it by the machinery i was standing by. .177 AA s200
  14. Not sure with an air rifle but i have used shot gun along a hedge row and walked back over it 30-40 min later and shot again!! depends what they are used to!
  15. Any one else have any thoughts on the matter?
  16. Thanks for the help i was told that a wallnut was pritty close to the size of a rabbit brain will have to do some more target work!!
  17. will check my scope again try various ranges to give me a better idea of the shot performance! the shot was to the rear of the head is the skull thicker?
  18. Went out on the lamp with a friend saturday night. The first rabbit we held on the lamp aimed with a standing shot changed my mind and quickly sat down cross legged aimed and got off a good head shot, crack as it hit the skull the rabbit jumped 1.5ft in the air and hit the ground like a stone with a little bit of kicking. Now this is when my experience let me down i think as i moved quickly over to collect/despatch the rabbit as i got to 10ft away it suddenly found its feet and shot into the nettles about 6ft away . I spotted the area and scanned it for ages but not an ounce of move ment or si
  19. well the cat flap is very popular
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