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Everything posted by Alycidon

  1. 6PPC, 20BR,17AH,22LR. They cover most things I am involved with. A
  2. Yes, you do some research on it. An awful lot of shoots particularly commercial guns peg guns far to close, at 50 yards apart which is a long way then 25 yards is as far as you should be shooting unless clearing something up behind another gun. I have been on a lot of shoots where pegs are 35-40 yards apart, on one the team I was with were very experienced, we agreed to only shoot birds going to and past our neighbours and not our own. We still shot 250 and could easily have shot far more. When I lay my pegs out they are a minimum of 50 yards apart and most are 60 yards. Then you
  3. Enjoyment is where you find it, it can be found in a good retrieve or flush from your dog, a well beaten drive, finding an elusive runner, a good shot, a bad miss with mega leg pull to follow !!, a tricky fox accounted for one night. All these things make a great day with friends even of that friend is just your dog. A
  4. I ban shooting all partridges. We have a large stock of avian raptors, until we are allowed to control them its a waste of time trying to reintroduce them IMHO but it has been done by some estates operating under Higher Level Stewardship schemes. In the past we have released up to 500 a year, shot them with the pheasants when we saw them, returns were about 20-25 a year, the rest had been had by the sparrow hawks. A
  5. Try 50 or 100 ex layers next summer, they can be released straight into the wild with no need for pens etc. Before that you must nail any fox that sticks his nose onto your patch, have a sustained go at Magpies, ( I have been using 2 Larsens since Feb, 67 to date on a beat of about 250 acres, still trapping the boundaries for incomers, had 3 this week but none for 3 weeks before that.) and crows. Create some cover for them to hide in with food and water close by. ( put feeders and drinkers out). If you dont own a centerfire rifle for the foxes then get a mate in who has one and a
  6. I pull the leg of a friend here who's normal Roe round is a .270 propelled from his legendary old Mannlicher. I can certainly testify they dont want another and there was not a lot of damage to the one I necked with the old smokepole. A 375HH is though a whole new ball game on Roe especially at 60 yards, what was the front shoulder damage like?. With a stag still standing after 5 minutes why did you not give it another one, I would have done pretty quick. A
  7. 'Average' height driven birds we are advised by our shooting organisations are usually shot under 25 yards. I peg my guns 50-60 yards apart, I have high banks and most of my guns are around 150 -200 yards from the flushing points. As those of you that have shot here will testify during a 120 or so bird day I will perhaps see no more than half a dozen 45 yard birds over or past me. On a 'flat' shoot then make that one a day. On close pegged flat shoots (that I avoid like the plague) then you never see a good bird unless perhaps you are a sole back gun or something. They are though good fo
  8. Just shove a lampforce 170 on it, tried and tested. Electrics can go a bit shaky after a few years but pretty decent bit of kit. I shot a fox at almost 250 yards with one the other night and that was with an orange lens on it. Just a bit clumsy but a well thought out lamp and scope fitting. A
  9. I have shot one a few years ago, good solid gun. Not aware of any problems. A
  10. We need a STRONG combined shooting/fishing/hunting organisation. It needs to be big to be able to support the worthy long term goals such as those you suggest. Getting elected to Parliament as an independent is pretty rare these days, last one I can remember was the TV journalist news reporter that wore white suits (Martin Lewis ??). And you almost never get re elected, so there has to be a way out financially for the prospective member 5 years or less after election. We tend to admire the US NRA but there are major issues there so I understand but I cannot see how our multiple shoot
  11. I had a very pissed off dog fox in a larsen this year, no way would I have even considered getting hold of it even if it was in a snare, I have heard of a well known local keeper collering a snared one by the tail, pulling it tight against the snare and walloping it with a big ali torch between the ears, one wack was enough and the torch still worked !!.. Me, I shoot them every time. A
  12. In my view for 90% of what we do 25mm is sufficient. Sporting shots rarely need more than 3 or 4 minuets of drop, if you do you are to far away !!. Surely scope height in limited by the diameter if the objective bell, mounts can usually be found to get popular scopes objective lenses as low as possible. In my stable my 25mm tube Ziess's comfortably outperform my 30mm tubed Swaro and NSX in ultra low light. A
  13. Just went to sign it, it expired on 8th Aug,. Tried to sign it anyway, Looks like i have already signed it elsewhere as my e mail address was advised as already having signed it, getting old and forgetful. A
  14. 3 + a miss on the easiest one. Had several 3s but never a 4. Last four trips out have revealed two sets of eyes in total, one was his nibs, the other was to far to tell, we have a lot of hares about. My gut feeling is that is was a fox. So I dont have a lot on the ground. Mate of mine shot 11 the other night and saw 19 on an estate a few miles away. A
  15. I agree with Harry, no chance at all, well not in the current climate anyway. 57,000 pistol licence holders, say you had another 500,000 people like us who would support having the ban lifted if there was a free vote. These would be current FAC holders in the main, We have a population of nearly 60 million it only wants 1% of the public to vote against it and thats a majority no vote. A
  16. 30gr of 5s should be good for anything up to 45 yards. Sounds like they are a different speed to your other carts, you will just have to persevere with them until you 'find' where you are by trial and error. That assumes you are a tidy shot, if not then the fault is likely to be with you. I had a similar problem with some 6s I bought ( I usually use 5s but end of season and shop only had these 6s in felt wads). Never did hit much with them and i am usually just over 2-1 on driven pheasants. A
  17. Automotive batteries are designed to be charged from the vechicles alternator and discharged at the same time, draining them right down will damage them. I assume you are talking about gel batteries for shooting lights etc, these are also used as standby power in burglar alarms. I am aware the the general view is to fully discharge then recharge, personally I recharge after every use without discharging fully. My current set of batteries I have had for maybe 5 years. A
  18. Assuming you are talking about driven birds the average distance these are taken at is 20/25 yards so it does not matter much what you use. If you are using a light side by side then Eley Impax/Hull Imperial are as good as it gets, smooth shooting and excellent patterns. If an O/U then Eley Grand Prix, Grand Prix High Pheasant, Hull High Pheasant, are 3 cartridges I have used for most of the last 45 years driven shooting when shooting my O/Us. For the last 10 years or so I have used 30gr of 5 shot in the O/Us, anything hit is usually dead in the air and the occasional bird that flies
  19. Agreed I am assuming that. With a box full of those calibers why buy suplus bullets that may be unsuited for what the guy has in mind, they would mostly need to be F to F anyway. As for old powder, I may buy some powder from a mate who knows what he is about reloading wise, ie it has not been subjected to high temps, damp or been mixed but not from a complete stranger. The request just did not ring right with me in fact it rang alarm bells but on checking the guy has nearly 100 posts so must be a sporting shooter. A
  20. Felt recoil depends on two things, one the weight of the gun and two the weight ( and speed) of shot that is being fired. Put 30gr loads through a light 20 and its going to be unpleasant for most people if they are going through a few. For general shooting using a light or medium weight o/u 12 bore then 30gr of shot is ideal, I have used most loads down to 24gr on driven partridges one day. All kill well given good placement. With a 20 then 24/26gr loads would be better suited. Do not make the common novices mistake of thinking the more lead I can put up there the more likely that s
  21. Many years ago we had an outbreak, treated with Emtryl. Now thats banned you will have to find an alternative, you local vet will advise. A
  22. A mains fencer is the way to go. A friend of mine has one round a pen about 150 yards from his house, if a fox ever get walloped by it he hears it holler from his bed !! I have found the new Gallagers seem to pack less of a wallop than the 20 year old ones that have dies recently. The crack on a short is only audable from close up instead of 50 yards away. Both are 12V types. A
  23. So here you all are !!!. Well no one will nick Caprelous's towers for sure, well not unless they have a Chinook !!. A
  24. Are you aware of the legality of what you are seeming to suggest. You can be jailed for 5 years if you are found in possession of a bullet that you are not authorised to hold. If you are an RFD then it might be as well to state that. A
  25. Not used them myself but spoken to two people who have, both report poor accuracy. A
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