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Everything posted by hector

  1. a bitch in season puts on weight she gathers fat around intestinal area including heart which make have less stamina not make her slower in season should have 10 or 11 weeks off work as she will not be at her best but not make her a bad dog just less puff
  2. mines only moans if i go out drinking which is not often but she never moans about dogs and i work my dogs all over country she actually pai for my flight to serbia at the end of the month gone for three days she come with me go see belgrade i go and see some dogs work excellent c**t when i go drinking lol
  3. well said moo i totally agree with you mate its all about the type you want if they not good enough the right thing should be done
  4. your spot there blackpack jinky i think i met you work on viewpark was drivin blak warior jeep you had black lurchers one old one pup last year mate
  5. Cheers mate. Its go to know they are some people out there that know the score. Catcher 1 not bein cheeky mate but can 99% of the time tell if a dog will make ghe grade or not by 2 yrs sometimes even earlier but it depend how high your standard is of a workin terrier and exactly what you want it to do mine must kill or t least try to kill below or i would not keep them but that imo atb hector
  6. recently new myself so welcome to thl mate atb hector
  7. dog imo is in great condition and if u got a dog in that nick then its a credit to u as a dog man as u truely know ur animals done some conditioning myself and give great respect to guy who done that dog yis hector keep scratchin who ever u are atb
  8. cheers lukey pop over anytime mate felltool knows where i stay atb mate
  9. Bet that put you in good with the neighbours lol Catcher 1 neighbours into fishing ferreting now asking me to take him out so hopefully no probs there mate atb
  10. had a pair tied together in my garden this year they come most nights now pass thruogh with 5 cubs dog looks very scarred on muzzle this week dont knoe if it the vixen or cubs or some dog got it ps new house and start building kennel this week hope they dont come back when dogs are here lol
  11. no mte wont start till september but have some farmers on my case also golf courses that want me to get rid of pests it is my job mate so have to do it
  12. pick up new bitch next week and will be looking for some near glasgow to go lamping with as at this moment in time have no transport
  14. ift in owner wants protection dog tell her to get in touch with me i can get her a really good dog very big but very friendly atb
  15. pick up my new lurcher bitch on wednesday she is 3/8 5/8 bull ghound 16mths old so i will be looking for a second hand lamp and battery pack if anyone is selling one
  16. my ultimate pack would have to be firstx bullxgrey and a firstx collie grey and a hard choc patterdale thats the stuff for me
  17. no such thing as an alaunt mate they are just cross bred bull terrier types and mastiff types passed off as a breed that died out years ago
  18. sorry mate but dont think sore wrists would stop a dog from mouthing a rabbit to go on and chase if the bitch had knocked a wrist after so many runs she would come back lame as for the tighter beam i agree but if bitch chase one rabbit then another its not her wrists maybe even a neck or back problem where she cant get down to mouth it so wheels off it to chase another atb with ur bitch mate
  19. imo mate slat mill is better for dog as human one is to slow slatmill is better for dog to run at his own pace will make u one for about £550 can also show how to work dog on sslatmill for maximum results have done my own dogs for a number of yrs if interested pm me mate
  20. just watched that video the dog brute is never a 100 lb dog 55 if he lucky seen more effort from a cat mate stick a proper bull on the mill lets see the difference treadmill shpuld be run to maximum stress then the dog walked to cool him down then run again that brute never even hit full pace atb mate
  21. bitch would have been about same age and similar cross she was beddyxwippet male bred to beddyxghound bitch friend bred her only two ohter pups in litter they were fine if i remember corectly it was some type of infection in her iris that had damaged it atb mate
  22. alright ferret men had a bitch do the exact same thing mate about ten yrs ago turned out it was her eyesight mate close up to her was all a blur but at a distance she could see fine vet say something wrong with her iris in both eyes bitch went to a pet home mate atb
  23. have some ratting permission not far from me in glasgow pm me ur name and number i get u a day out
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