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Mr Jones

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Everything posted by Mr Jones

  1. Jills all the way if you are using nets, if you are using guns or dogs then hobs are just as good, downside with hobs is that they are heavier so have more tendancies to make a kill and lie up for a few hours kip, not a good idea to enter them hungry, although don't feed them too much before working them or they will be less effective, they still need some food in their system for enery while working. Hobs are also excellent for ratting when you are ratting in sheds where hole size is not an issue.
  2. I'd completly agree with this, very difficult to get GOOD homes for ferrets, especially Hobs. Ferret Rescue centres are very busy and I take my hat of to the people that run these. When your bitch comes in to season I would locate a hob that has been neatured and cover your gill with that. ATB
  3. Not sure how much you've been out so forgive me if I'm saying stuff you already know.... RABBITS - In my opinion you could start them off working on easy holes (small warren network) from 4-6 months, don't expect them to work all day at this age though a couple of hours should be suffice, then just see how they go and increase time and size of warrens gradually. That might be a bit early in other peoples opinions but if you don't have any older ferrets and are eager to get them started then it will do no harm, never heard of a ferret being put of rabbits for starting it too early. Howeve
  4. What breeding is the brindle bitch mate? Shes a 3/4 bred bull/grey Mr Jones. Cheers Tassa, the reason I asked was that I have 10 week old 3/4 Greyhound 1/4 bull brindle bitch. I thought that's what the breeding was....hopefully mines will not be too dislike yours once it's done a bit growing....thanks again...
  5. What breeding is the brindle bitch mate?
  6. Remember to let us all know what you end up calling it.....hope there is a prize in it!
  7. "Colt"......fast on the draw!
  8. The expression on the one on the left is something else!
  9. Hi - It's a 1/4 Bull 3/4 Grey....doing well...will put some photo's up soon! Thanks everyone, some really helpful comments there.
  10. Hi - It's a 1/4 Bull 3/4 Grey....doing well...will put some photo's up soon!
  11. Hi guys, Just purchased a new lurcher pup and was wandering what people's opinion was on the best puppy food (pup 6 weeks old). Obviously looking for high growth nutritional varierty....! Cheers.
  12. The crows a pretty clever!! Maybe it was trying to tell you something.....
  13. Does anyone have any pictures of 3/4 Greyhound, 1/4 Saluki.........
  14. Hi, I am looking for someone that currently has lurcher Pups. Specifically I am looking for a very big smooth coated Greyhoudy type lurcher. 1/2-3/4 Greyhound preferably a bit more towards 3/4 the rest being preferably a mix of Deerhound or Saluki and [Collie or Whippet (not more than 1/8)] Not looking for a first cross. Looking for 28"- 32" size. If anyone knows of pups going that are of the type above please let me know. I am from Edinburgh but willing to travel. Thanks.
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