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Everything posted by skany

  1. Hi guys Leupold Vx3 6.5-20x50 30mm tube target turrets butler creek flip up caps Mildot ret(but still very fine "cross"for the long stuff) very good conditoin with jsut a few light marks on the turret covers like u always get! boxed with all paper work sun shade ect £450 posted! (no stupid offers please guys!) cheers Andy
  2. sold to remmy pending payment! nice talking ot you mate:-) Andy
  3. Hi Guys Leica Rangemaster 1200crf-y (yard version) Only used a handfull of times & I have it here in my hands ready to post! looks like new boxed with all manuals & case these are tricky to get hold of at the mo as i spent last week ring every supplier i tried was out of stock so I bought one of another forum only to find my mates is for sale now! ahh well aint hindsight brilliant! £350 Plus P&P cheers Andy
  4. lol wonder who he could be talkig about Ray !!!!! another +1 for old parkerhales Andy
  5. cheers lads anyhow i could have got it with the first shot if id sused out vista movie maker:-P lol not realy rather keep it real! Andy
  6. cheers lads i shot a real small spud @ 700 & so did my mate with a 223 but i forgto to zoom out! doh! Andy
  7. lol you must ahve jumped right on the thread as i addded link about 20secs after posting it originaly lol cheers Andy
  8. ive bunged this on some other forums so u may have already seen it:-) got me a new camera so had to try it out! parker hale m84 .308 vs melon! cheers Andy
  9. SH sako 75 varmint is a great buy ! mate has one & it shoots 75g vmax into little bug holes which are a great fox splater & 100g bullets into sub 1/2" for deer! great mag trigger/stock/looks whts not to like:-) Andy
  10. 42.5g vit 150 gives a shade under 3700 fps with 65g vmax out of my 243ai whilst froming they dont like it up em:-P Andy
  11. I almost shit a brick when i drove to the target:-) i had two other forum memebrs with me when i did it so it was nice to have witneses!lol the small group is my current load with the larger load being half a grain hotter! this was the fird time id tried it at 400 & the worse group was about 1" like ray has said they me be un trendy but they will give a full custom jobby a run for there money on a good day! Andy
  12. Excellent shooting Hi thanks mate it was! Just a shame it wasent me behind the trigger really was a mate off uk varminting who convinced me i needed a PH (jamie aka silentsoleshoots308holes) this however was me @400yds the bigger group is about .8 cheers Andy
  13. Id say the howa over the remmy out of the two your looking at! dont hear many bad things about em but remmys can be a bit like the lottery! two of my shooting buddys DID use remmys & both were poor shooters so i gues they were fairly unlucky as some obviously shoot! the best shooting 308's ive seen have all been parker hales so i joined & got one myself & havent been disapointed! not me shooting it but another forum user cant say i like wood & blue much but i love this rifle! Andy
  14. I dont own one yet but 6mmbr sounds like a awsome little caliber! 3300fps with a 75g bullet for charlie ect then 100g+ for bigger/longer stuff mild recoil long barrel life sounds ideal! im fairl sure my 243Ai will end up as one cheers Andy
  15. Damn right ! i aint ever getting rid of that rifle! cheap as chips and shoots like a 3k jobby awsome! dave i take it by the way??:-) Andy
  16. only as they are jsut a couple of cz's they both shoot mind but my local rfd has a minty little finfire i may part ex the .22 style for:-0 Andy
  17. me too! welcome to the mad house by the way! cheers hyperion Ha cheers lads lol Andy
  18. Hi Guys First post so a big high to everyone that dosent already know me great looking forum chaps! anyways heres some pickys of the toys! 7.62/308 parker hale M84 ooooooold school & this is my rifle of choice at the moment & it never fails to amaze me with how well it shoots! its about 1984 & will shoot sub 1/4" & hold that to silly ranges heres a rifle i had built last year & has now taken a back seat to the 308 as thats wht comes out when its time to play during daylight hours on fur & feather(well on anything that looks like
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