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ian 1

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Everything posted by ian 1

  1. bouremouth go there in the summer they dont ware clothes
  2. i have heard that some match dogs were given steriods and other stuff ,but i dont know how true it is .a few years ago someone paid good money for a dog they seen it run the week before ,then after they brought it never ran any good ,last year someone paid alot of money for a dog that was doing its job and when they got it same thing did nt hardly run any good . now i dont know if theese dogs were drugged up ,[which was said at the time] or the the dogs were just having off days or just would nt run for there new owners ,but the owners before aint going to own up to it
  3. i always say you have a dog for what you run and the ground that you run
  4. i will go anywhere to buy the right dog and have done many a time ,
  5. ive got a saluki whippet greyhound that i would say is to fast for rabbits ,but i would say that is my fault as i dont run her on them very much if i ran her on them all the time she would hope fully learn to slow down abit and not over run them
  6. i had a dog like that years ago it never done nothing i gave it away in the end , now i allways try to get some ferreted rabbits and tease the dog with it but just hold the dog back abit and dont let the dog touch it , then go and find a field get the rabbit show the dog then let them go
  7. i would think about what i wanted to run before i bred and what my dogs could do then think about what i could do to improve my catch rate where i ran , ive got saluki based lurchers some are used for the big fields and ive got a saluki greyhould whippet that does really good in both ,
  8. i took one out not long ago , they said it was a good dog ,it jacked on the first big ear then we gave it a rest run it again it done it again , it was really fast but could not turn , we took it home and the person who owned it said it could not walk for a week and that was a very fit dog ,so if i was you i would nt get one , get a lurcher pup she will soon fall in love with it if you play your cards right
  9. if you are goimg to keep the dog on rabbits all the time then slip the dog before ,it will learn ,as it wont learn nothing on the lead ,but if you are going to run other stuff be prepared for the dog to make mistakes as the dog will start to look up for other quarry
  10. ask for pick of the litter ,or you could ask for a fee when you know the bitch is in pup ,or when the first pup is sold for what ever price you have the money ,
  11. i think they must be ,i started seeing them in pairs a couple of weeks ago
  12. i dont know if im right but aint a poodle a french working dog,and if you shaved all the hair off of one there body shape is very like a lurcher, i have herd of the cross in the past and herd good things about them but how good they really are i wouldnt like to comment on as i have never seen one run
  13. i know some who had one about 15 years ago it was used just for the bigger stuff , it was a very good dog at his job killed many big game single handed
  14. i dont like smackheads but prison seems to be like a breeding ground for them ,and i myself know some good men who have turned to smack because its the thing to do in there ,i cant understand why anyone would want to do it knowing how it can feck you up ,they should build a prison just for them ,with closed visits and a drug treatment program that they got to do instead of just putting them in the system with access to smack so when they go out they just do it again
  15. well said i agree with you alot of people on here aint got a clue about what prision life ,they are quick to slag the so called scum ,but i expect most of them know someone who as been in and i dare say most of you have brought some thing off the back of a lorry , and as for life meaning life i wonder what you would say if say your son was with a group of mates and got into lets say a fight where there he had only threw one punch and killed the other person ,he get done for murder and gets a life sentence and while you are trying to get an appeal because you say he should not be in there , he
  16. ian 1

    Got Arrested

    go down to the court ask to see the proscuter tell them that you had moved and you didnt get the letter in time ask them to put you back in court , they should do it ,if not dont pay the fine they will then send you back to court ,then you can tell them about the letter and that you have been back to court to try to put things right , you might get your fine reduced but you will get a min of 6 points
  17. get a presa ,they look the part ,very loyal ,very train able ,you wont go wrong with one of theese
  18. thats a lovely looking dog you got there ,bring him down when hes ready
  19. how old is the saluki now
  20. i like a pup with alot of weight on it ,i let mine run like it to start with but not to many runs and then has they get fitter the weight will come off, and i find that most dogs that are run regular will find there own running weight and stay that way
  21. i think that they said they would put it up for a vote and if the vote goes for the ban then it stays ,but im not sure whats going to happen if it goes against the ban .
  22. all i stated was that buddy was niether proven nor has he produced proven stock you insulted me by changing my name and challenging me to name my stock . but we wasnt talking about my stock we was talking about the credibility of buddy can you please tell me with out insulting me where and when buddy has proven himself and also when we are on the subject what stock by him has proven itself . please put the names up no need to get upset if you can put up proven names i will be the first to apologise and while we are at it also put up what proven bitches hes covered and if you can put bitches n
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