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Everything posted by mjr88

  1. Hi all I am thinking of replacing my standard HW100s cylinder for the A & M version for the extra shot count. But as I have no experience with after market bottles, I was just wondering If any of you guys could tell me how many more shots you actually get with the A & M full size cylinder when fitted to a legal limit rifle. Also, are these A & M cylinders good quality, reliable, and basically worth the extra money, John ? http://www.amcustomgunsmiths.com/Home.aspx
  2. Thanks for the replies lads. Alsone, I'm just thinking about selling at the moment because the permission I had to use the shotgun has been sold on and I have nowhere else to use It at present. And If I do sell the SX3 I will probably use the money and buy an FAC air rifle for that bit of extra range down at my stables permission, John ?
  3. Hi all. I was just wondering If any of you guys could give me a rough estimation on how much my Winchester 12G SX3 3.5'' Composite Shotgun could be worth. I bought the gun from new a few years ago and It has only been used a few times. In fact, It's spent the last 2 years In the gun cabinet. It's basically as new. Regards, John ?
  4. My favourite angler of all time, RIP John
  5. Hi all I was just wondering If there Is any efficient method to remove a moderator from an air rifle that has been screwed and stuck on with loctite, John ?
  6. Hi all. At present I have 3 different shooting permissions for my Airguns and each year at Christmas time I buy each of the landowners a bottle of Whiskey, Gin, Vodka etc just as a thank you for letting me shoot on their land. However, a few months ago one of the landowners retired and has passed on the running of the business to his son. My question Is, do you guys think I should now buy just the new boss an Xmas gift or should I also buy the original landowner one too. Just thought I'd ask you guys your opinions, Atb, John ?
  7. Thanks for the advice lads. It seems the general opinion that these levels are crap, so I don't think I'll bother, John ?
  8. Yes, It's a quick fill version and will probably be rifle only should I sell
  9. Hi all ? I am thinking of adding the Hawke bubble level to the dovetails of my new HW99s Imp and I was just wondering If any of you guys use or have used a level like this? I have seen many cheaper versions like this Hawke bubble level on the bay of thieves, but have also read some reviews that these cheaper ones do not sit straight on the rails and are therefore useless. Any Info will be greatly appreciated lads, John ?
  10. Thanks for the replies lads ?
  11. Hi all ? I'm thinking about selling my .177 HW100s (legal limit) and was just wondering how much It could be worth. I purchased the gun brand new back In 2013 and the gun has never been tampered with or has hardly been used either. In fact I reckon there's been no more than about 2 tins of pellets through It. Also I have never had any Issues with the rifle and the bottle and the stock have never been removed either. I'm just looking for some Idea what this tac driver could be worth, thanks lads ?
  12. Hi, has this happened to you before then with a Hawke scope? I've spoken to a couple of people earlier who both have a lot of experience with shooting and both reckon that the scope Is faulty because they have never heard that rotating a scope can fix zeroing and adjustment Issues, Opinions please ?
  13. Hi bud ? Problem sorted. Somebody from another forum suggested (just like you) to move the scope to a different position. When I was having the problem, the up/down adjuster was on the left hand side and the right/left was on top. So this morning I remounted the scope the other way around. The up/down adjuster Is now on top and the left/right adjuster on the left hand side. It was quite evident from the first shot In my small 10 yard back garden that this had sorted the problem. Where as before the shots were all going about 4-5'' to the left, now the shots were only going about 2'' to th
  14. That would probably explain then why the POI was moving upwards when I was adjusting for left/right. Think I'll set up again and move the up/down adjuster and see If the POI will be Left/right
  15. Thanks for the swift reply Si. So are you thinking that the turrets are actually the wrong way around and could be marked up wrong.
  16. Hi all. Can anybody please shed any light on this problem that I am getting with my new Hawke 2-7x32AO Scope. Basically, I've recently bought a new tuned HW99s Imp, and at the same time from a different shop I also bought the Hawke scope. The problem Is that the Hawke just will not group or adjust when fitted to my new rifle. To start with the rifle always seems to shoot about 4-5'' to the left. And when I adjust the left/right adjuster, the point of Impact actually starts to move up as If I'm adjusting the up/down adjuster. It doesn't seem to move right at all. I am using a new set of 2
  17. Can't complain about my camera at all. It does what It says on the tin and that's good enough for me
  18. Thanks for the swift reply. The only videos I could find on the tube were reviews on the camera and all of them were good. One chap who did a review I believe used to be a member of this forum but for some reason left, his name was Si Pittaway, Atb, John ?
  19. Hi all. Although I never got any replies regarding the above query, I just want to let you all know that I have sorted the Issue and the Time/Day and Date are now working on my camera. It worked when I followed the Instructions on my desktop pc. All the other times I had tried and failed were on my mobile phone, so who knows why It didn't work, Atb, John ?
  20. Thanks Jimmy. This was the first and only stock refurb I have ever done on a rifle. I am however thinking of doing my CZ .22 Rimfire next, as that has also picked up quite a few digs and scratches over the years, John ?
  21. Gun looks great Jimmy. It was definitely worth all the hard work. It reminds me when I did a refurb on my fathers 1977 HW35 a few years ago. When I took possession of the rifle It was a bit tatty, so I stripped off the old varnish and wood stain and finished off the job with boiled linseed oil and finishing wax. I didn't do any polishing like you did but I think the finished result Isn't that bad. Here's a couple of photo's of before and after the refurb should you all be Interested. Atb, John ?
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