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Everything posted by Rain

  1. which dog is which. From that I would say pip is on the right.
  2. cheers mate. Wish you could make the room ;-)
  3. dont start that one kc lol only one way to find out but I'm gonna pick pip ;-)
  4. cheers mate. I'm hoping the same about them. Hope they get brought on right and looked after.Cheers snoop your a gent. no probs mate.you have done your job putting what you think is the right dog to your bitch to improve on the breeding.they are in the lads hands who get them now.when i had pip i could see real potenical in him .i would have kept him if he and razor had of got on ..i think you have choose well with your stud dog..iam not only saying that because hes razors litter brother.iam saying it because i fetched that dog on and got it going round york and ripon thirsk before i took
  5. the second picture down and the bitch I've not put same picture up twice of. The white and black one is a cracker.
  6. cheers mate. I'm hoping the same about them. Hope they get brought on right and looked after.Cheers snoop your a gent.
  7. cheers mate. Mine won't become quite the celebrity yours have on here. May put the odd photos up :-p
  8. I wouldn't pick a brindle ever. But these 2 pups are crackers. Big strong dogs.
  9. cheers mate I'm sure we will have a day out soon enough and have a catch up with pup.
  10. cheers mate. I heard you were the lads mate. I will get some good pictures of the dogs left.
  11. They never stayed that colour snoop. It's these
  12. no worries boys pleasure meeting you. Sorry for the short stay catch up another time.
  13. Send her here mate if she getting on ya tits pal that will settle it lol
  14. Looks a nice place and fair play for gettin kids involved. Is that bitch moving her left front better yet. Can't believe what she was to now.
  15. where abouts did you fish the Trent. Where I fished things had changed aswel.
  16. Started fishing my local the river soar for a few carp ended up with one little skimmer in middle of the night so pretty pissed that woke me up lol So I got all me gear together and drove 20mins to fish the Trent. Had a 5lb 2oz chub first chuck and then about 2hrs later bent into my first barbel of the season 10lb 6oz so well chuffed I decided to up sticks and try this river instead.
  17. let me guess who tried buyin that lol
  18. go see robbie and craig then. could make your dreams come true put me down for a pup aswell and me plzand me. Some quality breeding there.
  19. There all crackers mate. I will get you some more pics sorted at end of the week.
  20. cant wait to get my pup out litter, i like the white/cream ones. my first running dog was a white bitch called lucky, she set the seed for me.i can't wait to get rid of em mate lol eating me outta house and home.
  21. Cheers mate 3 weeks old in photo. All pups are comin in great.
  22. Mine for the season coming. And hopefully have a go at end of season with this one but she will be the next season.
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