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Everything posted by Rain

  1. You got some ammo for next year. Looking forward to seeing her go
  2. Great price for spaniels. Even family pet spaniels that are good for f**k all are 400. Great price
  3. yeah definatly mate were have to sort a day out
  4. Look forward to seeing him go this season mate.
  5. Like that look of the pure white pup. Bitch looks well aswel
  6. the white an brindle dog jumped in river other day after the others. And just started swimming like he had done it all his life. Never had pups like it.
  7. Rain a pure saluki x saluki whippet grey x beddi whippet grey.
  8. no mate afraid one has to go. Just dunno which one :-sbrindle in them pups must come from father to your bitch kid. And he can run see it run alot.yh I was thinkin the same.
  9. no mate afraid one has to go. Just dunno which one :-s
  10. Nice pups I don't wanna let any of them go. Lol
  11. Mum to pups. Bitch pup 1 Bitch pup 2 Dog pup. Dinner time.
  12. Nice pups pal. Shame about the c section. Was it a Sunday that it happened and did the vet rob you. He did me :-(. All the bet with pups well bred.
  13. Won't let me pm you pal. See if you can me.

  14. f**k it then mite go get mine done early aswel then haha
  15. There not 8 weeks for another week and 2 days pal.
  16. some vets do it different I think mate. I'm not sure though.
  17. looks spot on mate. There bit young for needles yet though aren't they.
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