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Everything posted by Rain

  1. cheers mate. Credit to the lads that have them. They all look tip top.
  2. my bitch outa pip has got the exact same grey grizzle on her back as your pup, and it got thicker as she got oldermy bitch got that grizzle aswel mate. It's a strange colour for sure.
  3. White and black one out of my litter.
  4. got a picture of one of them to put up. She very nice and the lad loves her.
  5. That white dog is stunning mate, i will be happy if mine turns out as smart!cheers mate. ?
  6. They all look cracking I'm glad everyone happy with them. That bitch is a cracker aswel. Very strong. Hope she runs well for you this season topsy.
  7. yh mate they all look a similar stamp. My dog pup is nearly as wide as the dam already. A tank.
  8. cheers pal. Aslong as they start doin there job this time next year.
  9. Fat lad that brindle one a cracker mate. Keep me updated lads.
  10. Looking very well mate. I will get some pictures of mine later.
  11. I'm gutted to here this my friend. I will keep my ears open for you.
  12. i seen that a very nice dog. And also have seen the pure saluki gc has. My mate has 2 pups from a repeat mating of that red dog ya on about fred bought a couple aswell how old they nowthey gotta be 4.5 months old now. A red pup that will go like that red dog and a cracking brindle dog.
  13. i seen that a very nice dog. And also have seen the pure saluki gc has. My mate has 2 pups from a repeat mating of that red dog ya on about
  14. These 2 might be lucky enough to get a run at the end of the season if they are ready
  15. like him alot. Ya not get the young bitch out aswel mate. yesterday looks like the old girl that. ATB with them.
  16. Looking well mate. Snoop got a bit of a nasty eye about him. Like that alot.
  17. like him alot. Ya not get the young bitch out aswel mate.
  18. hope the pup does well for you. They all shaping up nicely now out of my bitch.
  19. he did sell for that yes but what age are the pups.
  20. Didn't you have a bitch similar bred before mate
  21. That pups had cracking feet when he left me. Hope he comes back right for you mate.
  22. The cream one for me mate. Send it down tomorrow if you want. Cracking pair but cream one just tips it for me
  23. yeah defiantly rain got high hopes for this bitch and pup that you bred.yh mate my pups comin on well and doing well with the training for 11 week old pups. You still got that other dog aswel mate?
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