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Everything posted by Rain

  1. My mate has a benji pup 10 half month old bitch that he was on about selling the other day mate a 3/4 saluki lurcher out of a top class fen bitch out of bingo smith the 10grand dog 'the white man' its is full litter sister to moggie pup on here has had a few big ones he just cant gel with the bitch
  2. was this a repeat mating? nearly mate he has two other bitchs that are 2 years older and are quality machines benji was used on both bitches but dams are different but they are litter sisters so same breeding basically ahh ok mate, i have a bitch out of the first mating just over two. atb with the sale, tempted myself oh is yours the bitch thats done its ligaments atb with the recovery mate this is a very tidy bitch if i didnt have my bitch now and a pup on the way i would of had her she is lovely natured very well put together bitch
  3. was this a repeat mating? nearly mate he has two other bitchs that are 2 years older and are quality machines benji was used on both bitches but dams are different but they are litter sisters so same breeding basically
  4. RIP blondie a great bitch
  5. My mate has a benji pup 10 half month old bitch that he was on about selling the other day mate out of a top class fen bitch out of bingo smith the 10grand dog 'the white man' its is full litter sister to moggie pup on here has had a few big ones he just cant gel with the bitch
  6. what breeding is ya dog mate similar to mine what age
  7. ` What breeding is that dog mine is very like him ? 4/8 grey 2/8bull 1/8collie 1/8saluki a think lol.they do look similar it looks similar to maine aswel mate do ya no where ya got him from trying to c if any litter mates are on here nice dogs bring on the season atb rain
  8. i originally lived in shilton and regularly fished the canal at anstey, we used to catch plenty of ronnie an reggies from the cut and that was 30 yrs ago so i cant imagine they'v disappeared since then lol. happy craying
  9. my bitch has started mate given her a bit at a time bt she was doin well at bout 8 months just little at a time she comin on very well now really notice a differnce in the last 2 month probs had 20 she only 10 and half month old the dog wil no [bANNED TEXT] its ready mate. give him a go on somethigs easy and see what happens if he struggles just hold him bk a bit longer no runs or anything and the give him ago then he will surprise you one day and then thats it the fun starts atb rain.
  10. how old is your dog got one that looks very simlar what breed is it atb rain
  11. how old is this dog mate and where ya get it from looks simular to mine and was wounderin weather if [NO TEXT TALK] on here had 1 of the same litter cheers rain
  12. Serious looking dog......very impressive Coat seems quite thicker on the tail than the body, is this the case or just the picture? This is a looker.....bet she turns heads walking into the field yh her coat is thinner on her body dont no y and dont really go were many people walk so not many people have seen her
  13. cheers mate mainly daytime bt i wil do a bit off lamping just to keep her fit
  14. this is my salukixgrey put to a beddixwhippet nearly 8month old and going strong
  15. nice looking animal have ya got ant better pics how big does she stand mate atb with the sale rain
  16. salukix for me best workers always come back with something and can go all day
  17. lovely dogs mate ope they do ya well how old the saluki x atb rain
  18. do ya mean its had 10 hares in its life lol what is the sire atb with the sale rain
  19. what cross are the dogs mate very nice atb rain
  20. border collie at year old first hunting dog middle last year saluki cross
  21. Rain


    bout 23 tts mate cheers she has done me proud so far so lets hope she progresses atb rain
  22. true but ive seen some better courses at nite that in day
  23. lamping hare aint easy were i am the hares no the score lucky to get one in a night 4-5 minute runs and the hare is stil going strong but ya do get the odd one that is shit but mostly good runs never heard so much sh*t lamping hare easy haha atb rain
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