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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Father is pip. Buddy x Kim. Bitch is pure saluki x bitch outta lucky x beddi whippet.
  2. Well bitch finally gave birth today 5 on the scan at 6 weeks. 6 days late and a c section after the 3 pup. Ended up with 9 little beauty's.
  3. Think the lad bred them him self so he should no lol
  4. My bitch due Monday so let's hope we both have a good one.
  5. I've seen it bout half a field away froze in me boots. And no other people well enough to believe them that they have seen it.
  6. I no a dog that's out of lucky to a bitch called rose. The dog is litter brother to spinner. Think its 14 now.
  7. dam to spinner on right Litter sister to spinner
  8. Rain


    fly is out of buddy I think
  9. Good pics kc. Pups look in fine fettle. Tht young bitch will be the spitting image of Tilly.
  10. Aye that's him john,still as keen as mustard...thanks there was a litter outta him when he was younger am I correct. Did any of them turn out good des
  11. Who are the lads. I feel like personally goin and givin the c**ts a pasting myself. What a f****n state.
  12. Who are the lads. I feel like personally goin and givin the c**ts a pasting myself. What a f****n state.
  13. Them pictures make her look slim lol she is one of the strongest saluki typs iv seen and she has a very good style even if you do make hard work for her lol she is. A very strong bitch mate. Similar shape to her granddam on her dam side
  14. Hopefully the fen king doesn't mind me putting this up. Pip Litter brother to belle and razor and the dog I lined my bitch with 2 weeks ago.
  15. similar lookin to a bitch I used to have mate. How's it bred. Cracking looking animal
  16. Looks like a coursing bred dog I had a few years bk out of benji and barney lines. I wouldn't be disappointed. More pictures would be great. Like the look of him
  17. nice animal looks like my bitch how old?
  18. Yh we hope so mate. Let's hope they keep goin like they are now
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