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Everything posted by seffa

  1. got your message i,not working wednesday ill pick it up my number is 07930149427 or post yours and ill ring you and sort time pal HI,my pc gose in shop wednesday morning to be looked at so if you still want gun and we dont sort a time for pick up today this is a number you can get me on ,,07873974351,, THANKS been trying to ring u pal i will be there for 12 thursday but i will need directions so if u get this post will u ring me to confirm thanks
  2. got your message i,not working wednesday ill pick it up my number is 07930149427 or post yours and ill ring you and sort time pal
  3. is the gun still for sale mate
  4. cheers to everyone for advice i dragged a hare for her this week let her feed up went out this morning and put up a brown hare it jinxed a few times and she nailed it she had a rumble with it but had it sorted before i got there. i let her feed up i'm made up .so ill keep her on rabbits for a few week or so drag some more hares and then finish her for this season cant wait for next season .ill post the pictures soon as . seffa oh she weighed 2.3 half
  5. will u take 100 pal if so ill pick up friday [bANNED TEXT] paid
  6. its seffa here again ,youve probly read my hawk posts ive been out with her since august non stop but i have 2 lurchers aswell that im not working asmuch . ihave a 5 year old bitch and a 2an half year old dog and a hunting mongrel but im after a good working home for one of the lurchers do any of u falconers know anyone thease are top class hunters and have caught alot of everything thanks seffa
  7. yeah theres a few said same thing am gonna give it a go see what happens cheers [bANNED TEXT] since last post shes had another 8 rabbits ,and took a moorhen off top of water on sunday mornin smart kill
  8. cheers kev ill keep that in mind by the way i nipped out before at last light and she nailed arabbit made up
  9. cheers foxy that sounds about right pal
  10. hi every one new to forum, studied harris for a year i paid deposite for female harris last year and picked up my female in augustthis year from a reputable breeder sorted . manned her , trained her entered her on rabbits ,since then shes had 25 rabbits 2 blue hares 2 hen phesants ,5moorhens ,and a squrrel . she caught squrril and moorhen this morning now heres wer i need advice . im originally into hares with lurchers and i got the hawk for catching brown hares ,she had caught around fifteen rabbits before the 2 blue hares and then seemed to shy off rabbits for awhile but then i brough
  11. how much do you want for them pal
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