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Everything posted by seffa

  1. has any one got a decent saluki grey x collie grey i can put to my bitch shes ready now i will travel and pay for line thanks seffa
  2. cheers pal but ive tryed his number and it just says rejected im gutted for i liked the look of his dog ill have to find another to line with thanks anyway seffa
  3. hi can anyone get in touch with this bloke or does anyone know him im after lining my bitch with the dog he had for stud in stud section a while back i havent got long maybe 5 or 6 days left to line cheers seffa
  4. i might be into it pal were abouts are you and could i have look cheers seffa
  5. ah you messed it up camokid iwas gonna let them sweat for a bit first he he
  6. i have an owl in garden every day now, my neighbour said it one of the most commonist owl but dosent know wat type, it is like an browney light coulour does anyone know what type it could be thanks seffa
  7. seffa

    Jeross Telemetry

    there absalout crap pal dont bother
  8. can u put up a picture mate
  9. good pictures martin tell us some more stories of hare hawking i love it seffa
  10. seffa

    josh with gos

    alright mate hows it going with the gos mate is she nailing hares yet or are u still taking it steady [bANNED TEXT] last spoke you said u was going to nail rabbits abit more . i had agood week last week she ,harris . caught 3 white hares ,1 brown hare this was after nailing rabbits for about 4 weeks or so but now seems to be pulling off again so i think its back on rabbits for a while anyway let us know how its going on im thinkin of gettin one next year cheers seffa
  11. what milage is it pal i cant make it out
  12. yep your probably right i dragged a hare for her last night and ive just dragged another before she wont hit it. she hit a proper one when i was out last week but by the back end and had real rumble an tumble think its put her off .every one that she stopped last year was by the front end but that was out of about 20 that she did hit awell never mind il just keep taking her out but a big female gos is nigling the back of my head cheers seffa
  13. hi josh seffa here when you say not experenced enough on hare what do you mean my harris caught hares for me last year but cant seem to get her to hit them this year she will take anything else ive been thinking about getting a gos for about ayear now do you think your bird will take them later on. thanks seffa
  14. how much are they and what else can u get mate im working in bolton cheers seffa
  15. seffa


    can you put up a picture mate
  16. seffa


    feild sportsman i need to sell them all as one im tryin to raise cash to buy the telemetry set on page 2 pal
  17. seffa


    im in heywood near rochdale im after them all going together lads
  18. seffa


    The New Complete Lurcher: D.Brian Plummer The Big Shots, Edwardian Shooting Paries: Jonathan Ruffer Best Loved Tales of the Countryside: Collected Memories of a Bygone Era Handbook of Shooting, The Sporting Shotgun: BASC A Gamekeeper's Notebook: John Humphreys The Sporting Shotgun, A Users Handbook 2nd Edition: Robin Marshall-Ball The Art Of Lure Fishing: Charlie Bettell Poachers' Tales: John Humphreys The Poacher's Handbook: Ian Niall The Leaping Hare: George Ewart Evans & David Thomson How To Trap & Snare: William Garnegie (" Moorman ") Food for Free: Richard Mabey The
  19. can u put up a picture of it pal and the transmitter im after one neva took piks of the box or cary case but can if you require whats the least youll take for it lamping lad you can pm me if prefered
  20. can u put up a picture of it pal and the transmitter im after one
  21. im ment to be going heysham power plant for bass on satday night has any one been lately and has anyone catchin mackerel on anglsey yet cheers seffa
  22. seffa


    cheers pal i cut a tree down at back of avery last nite so i think she will get atouch more now
  23. seffa


    hi seffa here again could anyone tell me or advise me . my hawk is moulting at the moment and is left free in avery i have timed where the sun hits the inside of the avery she gets the sun from around 7.30 till about 11.30 in morning thats only 4 hours direct sunlight per day if the suns out is this enough hours per day for a healthy bird thanks seffa
  24. seffa

    harris hawks

    ive asked this question before and got some good responce but just to see if theres anyone who knows or knows someone who has and or can you put two harris females together in the same mews because id like to fly two females for hares
  25. will u put up apicture of it pal
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