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Everything posted by cottswood

  1. I think it was Charlton Heston who first made that quote but I'm sure he'll let you use it. On a couple of other forums I'm quite outspoken about fox hunting and the right of people to do it. I've never rode to hounds but will defend anyones right to do it. Many shooters especially those who shoot only airgun were/are against fox hunting and were of the opinion that they should distance themselves from it in an attempt to protect their sport. For years I've appealed for unity amongst those that are involved in fieldsports, that means airgunners defending the rights of foxhunters and foxhunters
  2. nice read ,looks like you got some cracking hunting grounds there .well done man ,worth the early start
  3. when we shoot them under spud boxes you cant get to them but when you look half hour later theyre gone must be little rat angels ,taking them to ratty heaven
  4. ah its all right ill get the misses to slip em back in her draw you can just imagine the look on her face when she sees her toes poking out the pellet holes when she puts em on
  5. theres a farm i shot at till recently as the farmer has left and im waiting for a call off the new owners that has a good head of rats ,me and my mate would pull up at the gate and you would allways take a couple out before opening the gate ,as you walk up to the barn you are surrounded by potatoe boxes about 6 high and in the barn it was the same ,full with boxes with rats in that were very quick once they new you were aproaching ,there was also a pile of corn which had been damaged in all the bad weather with a sheet onit ,at first we would sit there waiing for ratty to appear ,but this w
  6. Thank you Cottswood, you hit the nail on the head there. There does seem to be a little "click" or club that you only seem to be in if you live on the forum. I tried to apologize and clarify the question, I thought there may be some people that have had the privilege to own a gun in both calibers and if they had a preference to one and why. I don't have ton's of money and want to get the right gun for me hopefully second time. I shoot really well with my Logun Axsor but it doesn't seem to be quite right, I can't seem to settle with it. I am lucky enough to have lots of permissions in Cor
  7. i appreciate what your saying but the reason i joined the forum was for a live disscusion with people around the country ,not old archives as how could i get invoved in that as its been and gone, i have just joined and enjoy reading the here and now postings .,i dont want to rock the boat ,just my thoughts on the matter
  8. i am with fast hands on this one ,ok the question might not have been to clear but i am to a newbie , and it seems to me the so call old dogs of this forum just stick useless replies about how its all been said and done before ,maybe some of us newbies would like a chat a bout these topics ,i thought that joining would be a good way to talk about the sport we all love ,but for fear of posting an old hat question i feel it now it aint worth it ,i totally appreciate some have been posting on here for donkeys years but give the youngsters some good advice insteading of shooting down some ones pos
  9. aucupells for my for my 177 s 410 seem to do the business for all my hunting ,a very accurate pellet
  10. cracking looking gun you got there , that was like a special edition gun/paint job wasnt it the same paint job as that bloke from air gunner magazine john darling used a few years ago wasnt it ,what calibre is it as my mate is after an air arms pcp
  11. i used to work for a building company and we were working by the river arrow ,there was a chippy on there who said he could tickle trout which we thought was an old wives tail so at bait time 6 of us went down to watch him ,it wasnt very deep but cus he was crouched down with his arm under the bank but the water was up to his neck when all of a sudden he lifted out a trout we couldnt believe it ,he then moved down stream and lifted his leg over an electric fence where the cattle drink and ZAP it got him [bANNED TEXT] in the nuts its still makes me laugh now .. ..
  12. a mate of mine is going to ireland and mite pack the rods ,he is going to be near the river shannon .is it any good
  13. a mate of mine is going to ireland and mite pack the rods ,he is going to be near the river shannon .is it any good
  14. i better pull me finger out and get me club card sorted .ill be on the river wye after the barbel to start with ,me mates lad got hooked last season and he cant wait either ,good luck all for the new season
  15. these places that do air for the pubs have like a big air generator with about half a dozen of them cylinders about 5 ft high conected to it ,they just connect the bottle up and after about 5 miutes job done ,the gauge on my bottle gos up to 4600 psi or 315 bar and last ages
  16. i get my bottle charged at cellar gas a company that charge the big bottles for pubs etc ,i spose you could ask the local landlord where they get there compresed air cylinders filled up ,it usually cost about a fiver they might have some contacts
  17. WHAT!!! less the few that shook their heads and ran off ..you mean you missed
  18. i spose its like whos better beatles or rolling stones or blur oasis ,summet like that ,itll go on forever !!!
  19. 177 feathers or .22 fur that saying has been around since the only guns around were springers with block sights .if its corect does it really meen you shouldnt shoot a rabbit with a .177 . with the quality of guns these days either are good enough to kill fur or feather with both calibres , both will kill its the hunter on the end of it that is going to hopefully make the right responsible decision to pull or not pull the trigger with the weapon he or she is happy using to dispach there quarry in the most humane way possible ..22 or 177 head or body you make the choice ..results speak l
  20. just remember if you spend between 500 and £1000 on gun scope and charging bottle you want something that is versatile and can do the job at all ranges and for all the quarry you come across they arent always at the range you zeroed your sights at . ..if you see a pigeon,magpie or anything with a small kill zone side on if you shoot at biggest part you will more than likely hit the wing and wound it which is not good so again the head shot is best .this piece of kit isnt just for rabbits .shooting is about being cofident with your kit and not taking pot shots at areas of the body which
  21. i used a .22 for a bout 20 years and about 5 years ago got my self s410 in .177 ,it was the best decision ever ,acuracy is the key to succsesful clean kils in my opinion and all this hold under hold over just aint the same as just putting that cross hair on the kill zone and being confident that with well set sights checked regularly that good quick clean kills is what you get with 177 . i used to get about 25 rats anight in farm bulidings at all distances ,again all head shots and ther aint alot to aim at ,i had 7 rabbits this morning in open fields (head shots ) .i always use accup
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