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Everything posted by pen

  1. hi mate were are u intrested in the dog im in cheshire my number is 07867765804 thanks
  2. i no the breeding of this dog and its wippet saluki as now jacked 3 times of me seeing it run
  3. beware every 1 seen this dog jack on hares before the only hares thats the dog has cout is on his ass
  4. hi mate just got my dole money would u take £3.25p for the bird so i can eat it thanks for dealing with me
  5. not that bad of a cross relly butt i think the mouse hound breed is good to put in to that sort of cross than the wippet
  6. how nows cud of been some tramp of yer astate always going on about us gipsys butt not your salfs arasists bunch of prixxs
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