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Everything posted by GSPDave

  1. The only time I've seen anything like that is after I've shot it Sorry.....no first I've heard of it.
  2. My lot are on concrete floor and their feet are fine, it has not been sealed with anything just std floor paint (the non slip type) but they tend not to pee in the run they wait till they go out.
  3. I think the Visla is the most sensative of all the HPR's, I would recommend working him with the gun that first Pheasant tastes so much better when it all comes together, makes all the years of training worth it, might be best to have someone else shoot and you just consentrate on the dog for the first season.
  4. Sorry but this one is 2yrs now and is still a pup, does depend on the dog my other one was trialing at 2yrs I think this one will be ready for that by the time he is 4yrs.
  5. I have a mate who works a couple of Spinonies and they are fine, they do seem to plod about but Im used to GSP's, I think they should be fine with the hawks cant see a problem.
  6. He was only about 5 months old then and had a habit of ignoring the turn whistle and just keep going, and going and going, made the wife panic so to keep her happy had to leave his tag on. But as its on a rope collar it silent, thankfully he does'nt now, yeh think he might be a white for pigeon shooting.
  7. I agree with the HPR everytime but I think the GSP is best and Im not biased in anyway
  8. You guess wrong.............Could have been worse, could have been a GSP Oi, now theres no need for that.......No thinking about it your right
  9. You say in your post that you use treats, that can cause a dog to drop the dummy as they get to you as they want the treat. But you seem to be making headway, if my dog delivers to hand he gets lots of praise, if he doesn't I dont say anything to him I just put the dummy back in the bag and walk off with him at heel. Try sitting him and let him hold it for a couple of mins then use dead (or what ever you say to him to give it up) then a bit of praise and give it back to him, if he thinks he is going to get it back he wont mind giving it up. I guess it is a Lab?
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