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Everything posted by EskdaleHawks

  1. As Said! it is natural. More so if the pup has been bullied for food by siblings. This makes them bolt their food down to make sure that the others don't get any. I have a dog that had that done by his older brother and even now at four he still does it and his brother is no longer with us? So don't worry about it!!
  2. EskdaleHawks


    SPOT ON! Mick. All my birds are kept on short leashes and min 3 knots in each one finished with a safty knot!
  3. Thanks! Barry, Can you please PM me. Have tried to PM you but can't seem to get it to work? Thanks! Rod.
  4. Size is un-important! A male can and will take everything that a female can upto but excluding a hare! Males are more agile, appear to be quicker off the fist and will invariably size for size out fly a female every time! They also tend to be less tempramental than the females as they reach maturity. It is essential that you have ALL your equipment and EVERYTHING! in place BEFORE the bird arrives. You must also preferably have a good mentor to guide you through training process. This mentor will have already shown you how to man a bird and train it from scratch ie: fresh out of the aviery, to
  5. Dumfries and Galloway No probs at all. Fast and efficient! A pleasure to deal with, even did a variation same day while I waited!!!! Just moved to Northumberland! Complete nightmare! Supposed to be straight forward change of address? 4wk for FULL inspection? Made me more or less Re-apply?? 4wk after inspection- LAND CHECK on one of my permissions??? Still no tickets back???? COME ON NORTHUMBRIA PLEASE GET A MOVE ON!!! PLEASE![/u] Begining to wish we hadn't moved HERE! No need for the delay!
  6. Thanks! Fidg! Been on dbs website. my pc won't allow me to read it even though I've installed acrobat 9?
  7. Hi! Dave, Yes they do look very like a GWP but they end up being slightly heavier in build. This is a spin traite.They do work like an HPR. They will work close in or you can cast them out to range. I have found when ranging that they work better on a stiff breeze. Although they are just as at home hunting through a wood. I have shown these dogs to a well known HPR fieldtrial judge after we had been up on the moor at a working test. I put them through their paces for them and then ask the question "would these dogs have let me down if I had run them in the test today"? Answer- "Not at all! The
  8. Hi! All, What is the Muntjac situation like North of the Humber, North Yorks, Cumbria, Northumberland and into Scotland?. Any Sightings - Numbers Etc.....?
  9. Thankyou! Glad you like them.Yes! Dave, I did use the Choc lab deliberately but not so I would get Choc Whirehairs. The Choc lab that I used for picking up was bred by myself. He also pointed. I used a Choc. Because it does not carry a black gene and therefore will not interfere to much with the colour gene of the spin.(no black in spins)The wire coat obviously comes from the Spin. The answer to you last question is No! Don't particularly like the thought of a black one? Personal choice I suppose! I dare say that they would be ok! though. I would definately have another one or use this cross o
  10. No! Not at all. They are no bigger than any of my labs were. you do get some big ones and some small one but you just have to go with your instinct and pick what you like. out of the four that I kept back ALL wre roughly the same sort of size. Bitches tending to be slightly smaller but not much. Yes they are Choc lab x Spinone. And it must be Cholate otherwise you will affect the colour genetics. The Choc lab cannot carry a black gene! only Choc and Yellow.
  11. Am good mate and you? been out wae the ferrets yet?? Not had chance, Been busy with the birds, squirrels and moles. going out soon though been asked to do some land just up the road that can't be shot. awaiting confirmation. What a job I'm having with Northumbria police Firearms dept. They've had my certs for nearly 3wks now and have just done a land check on one of my new permissions? ONLY supposed to be a staight forward address change? Very frustrating. Need to be putting charlie to bed!!! If youknow what I mean????
  12. Good to see some light hearted banter for once! Personally if I wanted to know where the farm was I'd just google it! to hell with the SSS! How's it going LINDSEY?
  13. I have one pic on my pc that will give a better view from the front. as soon as I can figure out how to change the size without ruining the photo I will. if I make it to small I wont be able to blow it back to its original format without it going blurred! Hope this has worked! BINGO!! That's about the best shot I've got of those. The darker dog whent up to a falconer in Anwick and the Lighter dog is still with me. They will do everything, Fur, Feather and Deer.
  14. I have one pic on my pc that will give a better view from the front. as soon as I can figure out how to change the size without ruining the photo I will. if I make it to small I wont be able to blow it back to its original format without it going blurred! Hope this has worked!
  15. I have one pic on my pc that will give a better view from the front. as soon as I can figure out how to change the size without ruining the photo I will. if I make it to small I wont be able to blow it back to its original format without it going blurred!
  16. Is this the sort of thing that you are thinking of? These are two brothers 2yrs apart. They are Choc lab x Italian Spinone. I bred the first litter for my own use after first doing some research into the colour genetics of both breeds. I was very pleased with the results. The darker dog in the photo is out of the first litter. I was asked if i would consider a repeat mating which I did and the result was very similar. Both dogs in the photo are on point at a cock pheasant. Hope this helps? ps: The reason why I did the cross in the first place is, I liked the working ability of the Spinone bu
  17. The hell with street morality. Grass the b*staard. Tell the permission owner, FEO, Wildlife Conservancy. Just imagine the suffering of a wounded animal taking days or weeks to die of gangrene. And what a weapon for the antis! FFS the legal minimum for CWD is 22CF, >1000ft.lbs. HMR is barely a quarter of that and a red 10 times the weight of a CWD. Shop him without a second thought. Ric Seconded! The only Deer that can be taken with a .22 CF are CWD - Muntjac and Roe in Scotland everything else must be .243 or above
  18. As Already said, Not a good idea to kennel the dog with the bird. kennel the dog seperatly in view of the bird. When ever you take the bird out for a walk on the fist, take the dog as well. This way way the bird will get used to seeing the dog all the time and come to regard it as a member of the team. I would advise that you go for either a German wirehaired pointer or a Wirehaired Hungarian visla. They are not as 'hot headed' as a weimaraner. If you have never trained a gundog or an hpr I strongly recomend that you go and get proper instruction in training one.Hope this helps!
  19. If you are talking about placing a cable tie direct to the feather shaft I wouldn't! the shaft will become weak at that point. It is best to use a small piece of leather super glued to the top of the feather shaft with a hole punched through and a small eyelette attached then cable tie the tail bell to this. This will keep the bell clear of the deck feathers and it rings loud and clear. Leg bells should be attached with traditional bewitts. Hope this helps!
  20. That type of trapping ain't allowed in my part of the world. Got reds here as well!
  21. I'd heared about this. It is disgraceful that to so-called "professional" bodies get things so badly wrong. The bird would have faired better had Mr. Lupton been allowed to release as planned. I follow Mr. Luptons exploits with his birds on FILEDSPORTS BRITAIN! most enjoyable. and very knowlagable a credit to the Falconry world.
  22. EskdaleHawks


    YES! Some drink and bathe often at the same time, some don't! but they do drink.
  23. Yes! I have been very fortunate to have learned my Falconry from a very well known old school master Falconer. I am not P****D off at the fact that you have entered falconry, rather the way in which you appear to have done it. I am not against young people entering falconry if it is done in a responsable manner. I am not up my arse as you say! It does not give me a buzz that I can afford a falcon, the flying is what gives me the buzz, trained bird or wild it doesn't matter. I also breed, train and fly Harris' Hawks, AND You have still not answered my last question! Which was:- What experience
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